During the Galactic Republic's conflict with the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, a Cathar male named Ferroh served as a Jedi Knight. He, along with other Revanchist Jedi under the leadership of Revan, participated in a scouting expedition to the Outer Rim in 3964 BBY. This mission took place as the Republic fought the Mandalorian invasion of their space. Prior to the Fourth battle of Suurja, Ferroh and his Jedi companions were ambushed by Mandalorians and subsequently imprisoned at Flashpoint Station. There, the Mandalorian scientist Demagol subjected them to torture. Eventually, they were liberated from their captivity by Zayne Carrick, a Jedi Padawan, Rohlan Dyre, a Mandalorian who had defected, and the rest of the crew of the Last Resort starship.
While on Cathar, his homeworld, with his fellow Revanchists, Ferroh and the other Jedi experienced the destruction of Serroco by the Mandalorians through the Force. Later, representatives of the Jedi High Council met with the Revanchists on Cathar, issuing an order for their permanent disbandment. However, everyone present experienced a shared vision depicting the murdering of the Cathar by the Mandalorians. Despite this, the Jedi Council did not fully endorse Revan's Jedi. Nevertheless, Ferroh and the Revanchists were able to join the war effort after Revan reorganized his followers under the Republic Mercy Corps banner.
Ferroh, a Cathar male, was born on the planet of Cathar in the era following the Great Sith War. Leaving his homeworld, he began his training with the Jedi Order. Upon his return to Cathar, he discovered that his people had vanished. Although the Galactic Republic believed that the Cathar had relocated because of disease, Ferroh learned from Cathar refugees that the Mandalorians, who harbored hatred for the Cathar species since the [Great Sith War](/article/great_sith_war-legends], had besieged their planet. Ferroh became convinced that the Mandalorians were responsible for the disappearance of his people.

As the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders initiated their assault on the Republic, thus beginning the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Knights Revan and Alek were eager to confront the invaders. However, the Jedi Council insisted on patience and forbade any action against the Mandalorians, believing that the true threat was yet to emerge. Revan, unconvinced, felt that the Order was too slow and cautious. Alek was the first to join Revan's movement, the Revanchists, with other Jedi, including Ferroh, following suit. In 3964 BBY, Ferroh joined a group of Jedi who sought a more active role in the war. Against the wishes of the Jedi Council, they participated in a scouting mission along the Outer Rim prior to the Mandalorian invasion of Republic space to investigate the Mandalorian threat.
While Revan investigated events on Onderon and its jungle moon, Dxun, Ferroh and the Revanchists remained on Suurja. Before the Fourth battle of Suurja, Ferroh and the other Jedi were caught in a Mandalorian ambush and taken to Flashpoint Station, a former Republic research station seized by the Mandalorians. There, the Mandalorian scientist Demagol tortured the Jedi in an attempt to understand the source and nature of their Force abilities. Following the Mandalorian attack on Vanquo, the station gained another prisoner, Jarael, a female Arkanian offshoot, to whom Ferroh explained their situation and capture. After Alek endured a torture session with Demagol, Ferroh and the other Jedi attempted to help him, but Alek insisted he was fine.

Eventually, Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Jedi Padawan, and the crew of the starship Last Resort arrived to rescue Jarael. Carrick, pretending to be captured by the rogue Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre, was taken to Demagol in Jarael's place. Dyre, actually Carrick in disguise, announced Carrick's death upon emerging with Demagol. Shortly afterward, the Snivvian con artist Marn Hierogryph, one of Carrick's companions, orchestrated a false "Republic attack" to trick the Mandalorians into abandoning the station. Before leaving with the incapacitated Demagol, Ferroh retrieved Carrick's lightsaber and returned it to the Padawan. However, Demagol awoke en route to the galactic capital and drugged Rohlan Dyre, switching armors with him to travel with Jarael, Carrick, and their allies. He then fell into a drug-induced coma and could not be awakened to stand trial for his crimes.
While on Cathar investigating the truth behind the massacre, Ferroh, Alek, Revan, and the other Jedi felt death in the Force when the Mandalorians launched a devastating nuclear attack on Serroco. Alek, now known as "Malak," returned from Coruscant after testifying against the secret Jedi Covenant on Zayne Carrick's behalf. Following Malak's return, a team of Jedi loyal to the Council, led by Jedi Master Vrook Lamar, met with Revan, Ferroh, Malak, and the Revanchists. They ordered the group to disband permanently, believing that the Mandalorians were not a threat and that the Jedi's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars was unwarranted. During the discussion, Revan found a Mandalorian mask beneath his feet and picked it up.

As the light struck the mask, all the Jedi experienced a vision of the past, revealing Mandalorians driving hordes of Cathar into the sea. A Mandalorian female, the mask's owner, tried to persuade Cassus Fett, the Mandalorian who led the attack, that the Cathar were defeated and did not need to be killed. However, Fett refused, stating that the Cathar had dishonored the Mando'ade and that he intended to cleanse that stain through genocide. Fett then ordered the devastation of the planet, killing both the Cathar and the Mandalorian female.
After the vision, Revan, enraged, declared that the Mandalorians' massacre of the defeated Cathar was unjustified. Recognizing that the Mandalorian female knew the genocide was wrong, Revan vowed to protect innocents from unnecessary destruction. As Ferroh, Malak, and the other Jedi watched, Revan donned the Mandalorian female's mask, promising not to remove it until the Mandalorians were defeated and justice was served. Despite knowing the truth of what had happened on Cathar, the Jedi did not fully support Revan. However, Revan's reorganization of the Revanchists under the Republic Mercy Corps allowed Revan, Malak, Ferroh, and their allies to participate in the Mandalorian Wars with the Jedi Council's permission.
Ferroh, along with Malak and Republic Captain Telettoh, traveled to Wor Tandell to find Zayne Carrick, who had been exonerated. They located Carrick in Gantra Lea, Wor Tandell's capital town, and Telettoh was introduced to the former Padawan. Carrick expressed his relief, assuming Ferroh was in the Captain's custody. When Carrick expressed disbelief at the Jedi's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, Ferroh recounted his past and the vision he and the Revanchists had experienced on Cathar. Ferroh, Carrick, and Telettoh then proceeded to Carrick's camp.

There, they found Malak fighting Demagol, whom both Jedi believed to be Rohlan Dyre, while attempting to persuade Jarael to join the Revanchists. Ferroh and Telettoh intervened when Malak defeated Demagol. After Malak spoke briefly with Jarael and Carrick, Ferroh, Malak, and Telettoh departed to continue fighting in the war.
Eventually, Rohlan Dyre, whom Malak, Ferroh, and the Republic still believed to be Demagol due to the armor switch, emerged from his drug-induced coma and faced trial on Coruscant for Demagol's crimes against the Republic. Sometime after the trial, Malak discovered that "Demagol" had escaped his holding cell, and Ferroh assisted Malak in searching for the scientist on Coruscant. Although Rohlan Dyre, Jarael, and Carrick defeated both the real Demagol and the Crucible slavery organization on Osadia, the Republic authorities did not call off the search for Demagol.
Ferroh, a Cathar male, wore brown Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber with a blue crystal. His return to Cathar, where refugees told him that the Mandalorians had harassed the planet, led him to suspect their involvement in the Cathar species' disappearance. In 3964 BBY, Ferroh was among the Jedi eager to defend the Republic against the Mandalorian attacks. He was willing to defy the Jedi Council's orders to support the Revanchists' cause by participating in a scouting mission for the Republic. After the Jedi Council sanctioned the Revanchists' involvement, he was excited to share the news with Zayne Carrick.
Ferroh was courteous, informing Jarael of her location upon her arrival at Flashpoint Station. He also attempted to assist Malak after his torture session with Demagol. He expressed gratitude to Carrick and his companions for rescuing him and the other captive Jedi from the Mandalorians. While searching for evidence of Mandalorian atrocities on Cathar, Ferroh and his fellow Jedi were persistent. Following Malak's defeat of Demagol, believed to be Rohlan Dyre, Ferroh disagreed with Malak's continued assault and restrained him with Telettoh.
Ferroh possessed Force sensitivity, making him suitable for Jedi training. On Cathar, he felt the Mandalorians' devastation of Serroco through the Force and later witnessed a vision of the Mandalorians' slaughter of the Cathar people.
John Jackson Miller, the writer of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, created Ferroh. He debuted in the second issue of the Flashpoint story arc and appeared in the third and final comic of the arc. Ferroh later appeared in the third issue of the Days of Fear story arc and was prominently featured in the standalone comic Masks, the series' forty-second issue. Additionally, he appeared in the second issue of the Demon story arc. Dustin Weaver drew him for the eighth, tenth, and fifteenth issues, while Ron Chan penciled him in the forty-second issue. Brian Ching drew Ferroh in the forty-eighth issue.
In Masks, Ferroh tells Zayne Carrick that he returned to Cathar "a dozen years" before 3963 BBY, the year in which the comic is set. John Jackson Miller stated in his production notes for the forty-second issue that this was two years after the date of the Battle of Cathar in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. Miller clarified that the more specific date in the campaign guide, 3973 BBY, is the correct one. The date Miller provides in his production notes for Masks, 3975 BBY, is actually two years prior to the Battle of Cathar.