Unidentified Mandalorian female

In the time period following the Great Sith War, a woman took on the lifestyle of a Mandalorian as the Mandalorian Wars began with initial conflicts. In the year 3973 BBY, she was involved in the devastating attack by the Mandalorians on the Outer Rim planet of Cathar. After the Cathar people were defeated by the Mandalorians, the female attempted to persuade Cassus Fett, the leader of the assault, to refrain from committing genocide against the Cathar. Fett, however, refused her plea, and the Mandalorian died alongside the Cathar when he ordered their mass execution. A decade later, the Jedi Knight known as Revan sought to uncover evidence of the battle that occurred on Cathar. Revan discovered the helmet belonging to the Mandalorian female and put it on, making a promise to keep it on until he and his Jedi group had completely defeated the Mandalorians.


Battle of Cathar

The Mandalorian female participated in the Battle of Cathar (pictured), but tried to stop the genocide of the Cathar species during it.

Following the conclusion of the Great Sith War, a woman embraced the life of a Mandalorian, a culture known for its warriors. In 3973 BBY, three years following the start of the Mandalorian Wars with their attacks on various planets within the Outer Rim Territories, this woman joined the forces led by Cassus Fett, the chief strategist of Mandalore the Ultimate, in an assault on the planet Cathar. During the Battle of Cathar, she assisted the Mandalorians in driving a significant number of the native Cathar species into the ocean. After the Cathar were successfully defeated, the woman, aware of Fett's intention to commit genocide against them, made a plea to Fett to spare their lives. However, Fett was determined to exact revenge on the Cathar for their involvement in the Mandalorians' defeat during the Great Sith War, informing the woman that she was welcome to stand with the Cathar as their protector if she so chose. The Mandalorians then launched missiles into the [water](/article/water-legends], resulting in the death of the woman and the annihilation of the Cathar.

In 3963 BBY, as the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were invading the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Knight Revan and his group of Jedi, known as the Revanchists, were present on Cathar, searching for proof of the Mandalorians' genocidal actions against the Cathar people. Eventually, a team of Jedi, led by Jedi Council member Vrook Lamar, arrived on Cathar and commanded the Revanchists to cease their efforts and permanently disband. However, Revan noticed the helmet of the Mandalorian woman beneath his feet and picked it up. As light struck the armor, all the Jedi present experienced a vision of the Mandalorians' destruction of the Cathar species, and they also witnessed the woman's role in the battle and her attempts to defend the Cathar people. After the vision ended, Revan put on the woman's mask, promising to wear it until he and his Jedi had successfully defeated the Mandalorians. The Jedi Knight continued to wear the Mandalorian woman's helmet until the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars. Revan also wore her helmet during his time as the Dark Lord of the Sith, before his capture during the Jedi Civil War.

The Jedi Knight Revan dons the Mandalorian female's helmet on Cathar and vows to defeat the Mandalorians.

The mask, which was previously believed to have been destroyed during Revan's capture, was actually kept by the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, who later became his wife. After Revan disappeared into the Unknown Regions, Shan gave the mask to the exiled Jedi Meetra Surik, who followed Revan's path to the resurgent Sith Empire. Surik returned the mask to Revan, triggering the return of all his memories, but it was later taken by the Sith after his failed attack on the Sith Emperor's. Approximately three centuries later, Revan reacquired the Mandalorian's mask after his liberation and wore it during the battle at the Foundry space station. He continued to wear it throughout the Revanite crisis until his death on Yavin 4 in 3637 BBY.

Personality and traits

During the assault on Cathar, the Mandalorian woman felt that the genocide of the Cathar species was unnecessary, believing that their defeat was sufficient. She attempted to persuade Cassus Fett that his plan was unnecessary, even at the cost of her own life.


The Mandalorian woman used a blaster during combat and wore gray and red Mandalorian armor equipped with a jetpack. After her death, Revan took her mask and wore it throughout his life.

Behind the scenes

The Mandalorian female made her first appearance in a vision to Revan within a flashback in the forty-second issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series, titled Masks. The issue was written by John Jackson Miller, pencilled by Ron Chan, and published by Dark Horse Comics on June 17, 2009.

