Attack on the Sith Emperor

The attempted assassination of the Sith Emperor was a clandestine operation executed by the Jedi Knights Revan and Meetra Surik. They were assisted by the Sith Lord known as Scourge and the droid T3-M4. The mission's objective was the termination of the Sith Emperor, also known as the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the re-established Sith Empire.


In the year 3950 BBY, Meetra Surik journeyed to Dromund Kaas, the capital world of the reconstituted Sith Empire, in search of Revan. She discovered him as a captive of Darth Nyriss, a high-ranking member of the Dark Council. Furthermore, she encountered Scourge, a Sith Lord who developed a conviction that the Emperor's actions could potentially lead to the annihilation of the Sith species, and possibly the entire galaxy. Consequently, Scourge pledged his cooperation with Surik to secure Revan's freedom and halt the Emperor's schemes. Scourge then presented himself before the Sith Emperor, revealing Nyriss's acts of treason against him, which involved the participation of several other Council members. The Emperor responded to the conspiracy by massacring the entire Council, which ignited a series of widespread disturbances. Revan, Surik, and Scourge capitalized on the chaos caused by the riots to infiltrate the Imperial Citadel with the intention of assassinating the Dark Lord.

The battle

As the group neared the Citadel, they were confronted by a contingent of six Imperial Guardsmen; however, Scourge managed to convince them to grant the group entry and escort them to the immediate vicinity of the throne room. Just as the Guardsmen were about to unlock the doors leading into the room, Captain Yarri appeared, declaring that only Scourge was authorized to enter. When one of the Guardsmen attempted to pull Revan away from the doors, Yarri recognized his distinctive mask and realized his true identity. Revan swiftly incapacitated the soldier who seized him with a forceful kick, enabling his droid, T3-M4, to neutralize him with a blaster shot. Simultaneously, Surik engaged two of the Guardsmen in combat, while Scourge confronted Yarri. When one of the remaining soldiers triggered an alarm, Revan employed telekinesis to forcefully open the doors. As one of the Guardsmen attempted to prevent Revan from entering the throne room, he executed a leap and somersault over the soldier, then attempted to propel him backward with the Force, only to find him partially resistant due to the Emperor's power augmenting him. He then made a feint with a high chop, and when the Guard went to protect his legs, Revan slashed him across the throat.

Confrontation with the Emperor

Revan and T3-M4 gained entry to the room, while Surik and Scourge remained outside, battling the guards. As a further six Guards materialized, Revan utilized the Force to dislodge the stone archway above them, causing them to retreat, thereby allowing Revan and his companions to enter the throne room. T3-M4 then sealed the doors, while Revan engaged the Emperor in combat, and Surik and Scourge confronted Yarri and her Guards. Scourge dispatched one Guard with a lethal strike to the chest, followed by beheading Yarri, while Surik eliminated both of her adversaries. During this sequence of events, the Emperor employed a telekinetic push to send Revan hurtling backward. Subsequently, the Emperor attempted to once again bring Revan under his control; however, Revan embraced both the Light Side and Dark Side, and unleashed the Force energy in its purest form, which sent the Emperor flying backward. Revan advanced towards him; however, he unleashed a blast of Force lightning, which Revan intercepted with his lightsaber. The Emperor followed with three more bolts, the first of which Revan deflected, the second he evaded, and the third he redirected back towards the Emperor, striking him in the chest. Incensed, the Emperor unleashed a barrage of lightning, which Revan attempted to absorb and contain, but the Emperor's power proved overwhelming, resulting in Revan sustaining severe burns. T3-M4 intervened to aid Revan by deploying a jet of flame from its flamethrower, prompting the Emperor to cease his lightning assault on Revan in order to shield himself. The Emperor retaliated by obliterating the droid, much to Revan's dismay.

He then seized Revan's lightsaber with the intention of executing him with it; however, Surik intervened by hurling her own saber, dislodging it from the Emperor's grasp. Scourge then advanced to stand alongside the two Jedi. Suddenly, Scourge experienced a Force vision encompassing all the potential futures and outcomes of the conflict. In some, Revan emerged victorious, while in others, the Emperor triumphed. Scourge remained uncertain as to which future was most probable or how he could influence its realization. Abruptly, he envisioned the Emperor lying lifeless at the feet of a powerful Jedi, distinct from both Revan and Surik, and he became convinced that he understood the means to bring about that outcome. He then stabbed Surik in the back, shocking Revan with his betrayal and allowing the Emperor to hit him with another lightning blast, bringing him into submission.


When the Emperor demanded an explanation from Scourge, he fabricated a story, claiming that the two Jedi were conspiring with Nyriss. The Emperor then instructed Scourge to eliminate Revan. Scourge observed that Revan was gravely wounded, and presumed that he would inevitably succumb to his injuries, but as he prepared to strike the killing blow, the Emperor intervened, acknowledging that he had proven his loyalty. Subsequently, Revan was imprisoned and placed in a state of suspended animation, during which the Emperor continuously drained his energy and attempted to delve into his mind to extract information pertaining to the Jedi and the Republic. In recognition of his apparent loyalty to the Sith Emperor, Scourge was appointed as the first Emperor's Wrath and granted immortality through a Sith ritual. Surik refused to pass on to the Force; however, but stayed behind as a spirit and supported Revan with her own energy, giving Revan the strength to not only resist the Emperor's attempts to obtain his knowledge, but also influence the Sith Emperor's thoughts and exploit his fear of death to get him to postpone his invasion of the Republic as long as possible. Furthermore, Scourge pledged to leverage his immortality and position, by acquiring knowledge of the Emperor's strengths and vulnerabilities, so that when the future Jedi in his vision came along, he would be able to facilitate the Emperor's demise.

