The year 3950 BBY was marked by the following significant occurrences.
- The Sith Civil War draws to a close. The scattered remnants of Darth Revan's Sith Empire are completely destroyed. The Galactic Republic then reclaims planets previously under Sith dominion since the Great Sith War, effectively bringing an end to the Old Sith Wars. [6]
- One Sith Lord remains as the only survivor of the Sith Civil War, and he selects an apprentice to ensure the continuation of the Sith Order's legacy.
- Meetra Surik sets off towards the Unknown Regions with the intention of locating Revan. [7]
- The Sith Emperor executes all members of his Dark Council and replaces them with new individuals who are more supportive of war. [7]
- The Jedi Masters Revan and Meetra Surik, aided by the Sith Lord Scourge, attempt to assassinate the Sith Emperor, but their plan fails due to Scourge's supposed betrayal. Meetra is killed during the attempt, while Revan is captured and placed in indefinite stasis. [7]
- Elsinoré den Tasia of Grizmallt ascends to the position of queen and begins a new era of space exploration. [8] This includes the sponsoring of fourteen colonies, one of which was Renatasia. [9]
- Meetra Surik [7]
- T3-M4 [7]
- Yarri [7]
- All twelve Dark Councillors along with their staff members [7] Darth Igrol[7] Darth Nyriss[7] Sechel[7] Murtog[7]