Operation supernova

In the year of 3950 BBY, the clash that unfolded within a cave just outside Kaas City, situated on the planet of Dromund Kaas, was dubbed "Operation Supernova" by Jedi Knight Meetra Surik. Surik journeyed to Dromund Kaas with the purpose of liberating him: Jedi Master Revan, who she discovered had been taken captive by a member of the Sith species. Subsequently, Surik encountered Sechel, a Sith serving as an advisor to Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss. Learning that her target was a Sith Lord, she compensated Sechel with four thousand credits to arrange a rendezvous. Sechel informed Scourge—the Sith responsible for Revan's capture—about a woman seeking him out. Scourge directed Sechel to orchestrate the meeting, instructing him to have Murtog, Darth Nyriss' security chief, and his team present. Sechel later revealed Scourge's identity to Surik and instructed her to meet him at a cave located on the outskirts of Kaas City. There, she was ambushed by Murtog and three other soldiers, compelling her to kill them in self-defense. Shortly after this confrontation, Lord Scourge offered his assistance to Surik in rescuing Revan, contingent upon the Jedi's help in a plot to assassinate the Sith Emperor.


To rescue Revan, Jedi Master, Jedi Knight Meetra Surik and T3-M4, Revan's companion, made their way to Dromund Kaas in 3950 BBY. Dromund Kaas served as the capital of the Sith Empire. They had discovered that Revan was being held captive by a Sith on Nathema, a planet located in the Outer Rim. Upon her arrival at Kaas City's spaceport, Surik connected with Larvit, a local merchant, to trade diamonds in return for information, a meeting with Sechel, a Sith who served as an advisor to Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss, and over twelve thousand Imperial credits. Later on, Surik had a meeting with Sechel at the Nexus Room cantina where she showed him the holoimage of the Sith, recorded by T3, who was with Revan on Nathema at the time of Revan's capture. Surik discovered she was after a Sith Lord and gave Sechel four thousand credits to arrange a meeting. Sechel informed Scourge, the Sith responsible for Revan's capture on Nathema, that Surik possessed a holoimage of him and was searching for him. Scourge instructed Sechel to arrange a meeting and to ensure that Murtog, Darth Nyriss' security chief, along with his team, would be present. Sechel then informed Surik of the Sith's identity, Scourge, and told her to meet him at a cave outside of Kaas City. Before getting to the cave, she experienced several premonitions of a trap.

The skirmish

Upon reaching the cave, Surik entered, only to be ordered to surrender by one of the four soldiers, which included Murtog, a male soldier, and two female soldiers. Surik instructed T3 to maximize his headlight's output, which blinded the four soldiers who were equipped with night goggles. The soldiers opened fire on Surik, forcing her to evade the shots. Surik jumped and used her lightsaber to stab and kill a male soldier nearby. She then used the Force to hurl a female soldier against the far wall, killing her on impact. The other two soldiers ripped the goggles from their heads and opened fire on Surik. While the other male soldier was distracted, T3 used his flamethrower to set him ablaze. His shrieks distracted the surviving female soldier long enough for Surik to charge and use her lightsaber to cleave through the soldier's armor and body.


Lord Scourge, who had observed the entire battle, realized Surik's intention to rescue Revan and revealed that the Jedi was being held captive. After a brief conversation, Scourge agreed to escort Surik to Revan and assist in his rescue. The Sith Lord also informed her about the Sith Emperor, the ritual the Emperor used to achieve immortality, and the Emperor's plan to initiate another war against the Galactic Republic. Scourge agreed to provide proof of his claims when Surik indicated she needed more to go on that just his word.

Scourge later ambushed Sechel in his secret apartment. The Sith Lord then took the files that proved that Nyriss and the other Dark Councilors were conspiring against the Emperor and killed Sechel. Scourge returned to the cave, giving the files to Surik and allowing her three hours to look them over. T3 cracked the encryption and verified the data in half the time. Surik then agreed to accept the Sith's help.

Meanwhile, Scourge secretly enlisted the Emperor's help in rescuing Revan by giving him the files about the conspiracy being carried out by the Dark Council. After being verified, the Emperor purged the Dark Council at the same time Scourge and Surik rescued Revan. After rescuing Revan, Scourge revealed his reason for helping and talked the Jedi into attempting to assassinate the Emperor.

Behind the scenes

The novel The Old Republic: Revan, penned by Drew Karpyshyn in 2011, was the first appearance of Operation Supernova.

