Qâzoi Kyantuska, which translates to Suppress Thought in Galactic Basic Standard (or control mind), represented a Sith magical power that granted its user the capability to effectively manipulate and govern the minds of chosen targets.
Those who employed Qâzoi Kyantuska could use the Force to exert telepathic control over either an individual's mind or the minds of numerous people concurrently. No specific incantations or hand movements seemed necessary; known practitioners simply needed to be in the vicinity of their targets. Those affected appeared to enter a trance-like state, becoming hypnotically immobilized and losing control of their mental capacities. At the caster's discretion, a victim could even be compelled to end their own life against their will. If the caster maintained direct physical contact, they could directly access the individual's thoughts and enforce any desired action.
Sith Acolyte Satal Keto demonstrated a demanding, yet functional command over mind control. Keto harnessed this power to telepathically command his Krath chaos fighters, transforming them into living weapons. Under Keto's hypnotic influence, these suicidal pilots met their ends by using their ships to crash into the opposing Republic forces.
Perhaps the most well-known instance of control mind was its use by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun. During the trial of fellow Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma, Kun disrupted the proceedings, mentally "freezing" the entire assembly, with the exception of Supreme Chancellor Sidrona and a select few others. Kun seized the Chancellor by the head, and as Kun's Sith amulet began to resonate with the dark side, the Chancellor uttered Kun's words—Kun was utilizing physical contact to exert his psychic command. Sidrona was compelled to disseminate Sith doctrine, and upon Kun releasing his hold, the Chancellor collapsed, lifeless, to the floor.
The Sith Emperor, also known as Tenebrae/Vitiate, stood out as a prominent figure with one of the most powerful displays of this ability. Vitiate employed Qâzoi Kyantuska to overwhelm the wills of influential people, coercing them to serve his dark side objectives.
The Devaronian Cartariun discovered a Sith Temple on the planet Malrev IV, where he remained isolated for a number of years, dedicating himself to mastering the dark side's power through Sith magic. Though he eventually succumbed to madness, he acquired sufficient knowledge of Sith magic to impose his will upon the native Irrukiine. However, he was ultimately murdered by Girov Dza'tey, who sought to claim his dark power for himself.
Millennia later, Joruus C'baoth replicated Keto's actions by seizing control of a ship's crew to attack an enemy that had struck his vessel. Later, during Thrawn's campaign, the deranged clone compelled Captain Pellaeon to obey him, and subsequently, in a fit of rage, briefly dominated the 37,000 individuals aboard the Chimaera (excluding those shielded within a Force-void).