The Demagol trial transpired in 3963 BBY. During this period, Rohlan Dyre, a Mandalorian defector, was mistakenly identified as Demagol, the doctor and scientist. Consequently, Dyre faced trial for a multitude of offenses committed by the actual Demagol against the citizens of the Galactic Republic, even as Demagol himself remained at large.
Back in 3964 BBY, Zayne Carrick became a fugitive, pursued by both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, after being wrongly accused of masterminding the Padawan Massacre on Taris. While evading capture, he stumbled into the Mandalorian Wars, finding himself caught in the invasion of Vanquo. Following Jarael's abduction and subsequent confinement at Flashpoint Station, the Mandalorian renegade Rohlan Dyre proposed an alliance with Zayne and his comrades to liberate Jarael and the other captives from the clutches of the deranged scientist Demagol. Demagol was then occupied with scrutinizing and tormenting Jedi, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the Force.
The rescue mission achieved its objective, leading to Demagol's capture. However, the cunning scientist had secretly disabled Rohlan and swapped armor with him, intending to impersonate him and accompany Jarael. He recognized her as a former student from his old academy on Osadia. After the evacuation of Flashpoint, Demagol covertly boarded the Last Resort, joining Zayne and his companions on their various adventures. Meanwhile, Rohlan was held captive aboard the Jedi shuttle, en route to Coruscant to face trial for Demagol's transgressions. During the journey to Coruscant, he lapsed into a drug-induced coma, rendering him unable to awaken for the trial. Placed under guard, Rohlan remained comatose for several months before finally regaining consciousness.
Forced to don Demagol's armor, Rohlan was paraded under heavy guard through Coruscant's streets toward the Old Senate Chamber, amidst a hostile crowd of jeering citizens. Jedi Master Koa Delko and Jedi Knight Malak greeted the Mandalorian prisoner, unaware that the man they scorned was the very individual who had aided in rescuing Malak and the Jedi prisoners from Flashpoint some time ago.
Simultaneously, Zayne Carrick, accompanied by Marn Hierogryph and the Trandoshan Slyysk, visited Marn's newly established restaurant, Goodvalor's Little Bivoli, to reminisce about their shared experiences. During their conversation, T1-LB (affectionately known as "Elbee") revealed that "Rohlan" had experienced a weight loss of 17.4 kilograms since departing Flashpoint. Reflecting on these and other inconsistencies in Rohlan's behavior and speech throughout their journey, Zayne arrived at the unsettling realization that Demagol was still at large. Recognizing that the real Rohlan was being unjustly accused of the scientist's crimes, he and his two allies embarked on a mission to rescue the renegade Mandalorian.
The sham trial commenced within the Senate chamber, the same location where Exar Kun, the Sith Lord, had slew his former master Vodo-Siosk Baas during the Great Sith War a generation prior. Before a vast audience assembled throughout the chamber, Malak delivered a passionate testimony against "Demagol's" numerous offenses against the Jedi and Republic citizens, highlighting his "adventures in science" and the scientist's torturous acts that had permanently altered Malak's appearance. Incensed at being addressed by the mad doctor's name, Rohlan broke free from his restraints, only to be forcefully thrown back by Malak's use of the Force. Malak then publicly declared the Republic's and Jedi's readiness for war with the Mandalorians, vowing to safeguard the Republic and vanquish the invaders once and for all.
Held at blaster point by the security personnel, Rohlan rebuked Malak and his people for their inability to defeat their adversaries in a fair fight. Subsequently, the Mandalorian challenged the Jedi by questioning who would protect the Republic from Malak when he himself became the very evil he pledged to combat. At that moment, the audience grew increasingly unruly and aggressive, compelling the guards to escort "Demagol" out of the Senate building. Unbeknownst to the others, Zayne and Gryph arrived in a speeder disguised as guards and swiftly ushered the prisoner into their vehicle before speeding away. After escaping the Senate building, Rohlan removed his helmet, revealing his true identity. In response, Zayne and Gryph revealed their identities to Rohlan and enlisted his assistance in rescuing Jarael from Demagol once more.
Upon realizing that Demagol had never been returned to his prison, Malak, in a fit of anger, initiated a city-wide search for the Mandalorian doctor, only to find nothing. While concealed within Zayne's base for the Rogue Moon Project, Rohlan recounted the events leading to Demagol's rise and vowed to put an end to the mad scientist's reign once and for all. Zayne then mobilized the members of his organization to aid in locating Demagol's former base of operations on Osadia. Collaborating with Cassus Fett and Admiral Saul Karath, Zayne successfully apprehended Dace Golliard, the captain of the Crucible, who divulged the location of Osadia. Together with Rohlan, Gryph, and Slyssk, Zayne managed to rescue Jarael and permanently thwart Demagol and his daughter Chantique. As a fugitive, Rohlan resumed his missions in an effort to uncover the true motivations behind the Mandalorian Wars.