Dace Golliard

A male Human named Dace Golliard held the position of naval officer in the Galactic Republic during the time of the Great Sith War. Later in life, he joined The Crucible, a group known for their involvement in slavery. Golliard's rank within the Crucible was Fleet Captain aboard the vessel called the Gladiator.


Member of the Crucible

During the era of the Great Sith War, Dace Golliard, a male Human, was an officer within the Navy of the Galactic Republic. When Sith forces, commanded by the Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma, launched an assault on the shipyards located at the planet of Foerost, Golliard made his escape from the conflict. He was eventually apprehended and faced the prospect of a court-martial. However, before this could occur, Sith forces attacked the ship transporting Golliard, leaving him confined in the brig. Members of The Crucible, a slavery organization, enslaved the survivors of the Sith attack, including Golliard, and transported them to the Crucible's dueling arenas. Within these arenas, Golliard killed all of his former crewmates. He rose through the ranks of the Crucible, leading raids on different planets to capture more slaves. Ultimately, Golliard achieved the position of captain of the warship known as the Gladiator.

During his tenure with the Crucible, Golliard interacted with Antos Wyrick, the professor in charge of the New Generation Academy on Osadia. Wyrick negotiated with Golliard and the Crucible to acquire more Arkanian offshoot families for his experiments in biology. At one point, Wyrick offered his daughter, Chantique, to Golliard as a slave in exchange for a shipment of offshoot families. Golliard later orchestrated a raid on Wyrick's school, seizing his students while the professor was away. He captured the female Arkanian offshoot Edessa, who had attempted to escape Wyrick's academy during the assault.

Reunion with "Snow-Hair"

In the year 3963 BBY, Captain Golliard responded to a distress signal originating from Sariyah Budan, who was the leader of the Sungrazer cooperative. This cooperative, based in the Koornacht Cluster, was a client of the Crucible. Two individuals, Zayne Carrick and Jarael, had infiltrated the cooperative by impersonating Crucible agents. Their goal was to liberate the slave miners who were forced to work on the comets. Golliard immediately recognized Jarael as the young child he had captured years prior. He commanded his skyreaper drones to attack the Hot Prospect, the mining vessel used to transport the slaves. As Golliard prepared a boarding party to assault the ship, the Hot Prospect retaliated by firing its mining drill into the Gladiator's bridge, causing a breach in the hull. The warship sustained further damage when Rohlan Dyre, a Mandalorian renegade, launched mining explosives that struck the vessel. Golliard ordered the remaining skyreapers to attack the mining ship; however, Carrick deactivated the Hot Prospect's centrifuge, causing it to spin uncontrollably, breaking free and initiating a jump to hyperspace. Chantique severely punished Golliard for his failure to capture Jarael and Carrick, but Bar'injar spared his life, as his knowledge was still valuable.

Later, Golliard encountered Carrick adrift in an Aurek-class fighter. Carrick was using the alias Carth Kamlin, a Republic officer escorting the Vindication. Golliard recognized that the fighter was salvaged and discovered a homing beacon within it, immediately alerting the Crucible to Carrick's location.

Brought to justice

Golliard is arrested by Admiral Karath.

Following the Crucible's escape from Volgax, Golliard went into hiding. However, Zayne Carrick soon realized that Golliard possessed knowledge of Osadia's location, and he resolved to find him and obtain this information to save Jarael. Carrick called in a favor from Cassus Fett, who orchestrated an attack to draw Admiral Saul Karath to a mining facility near the Ithor system. Simultaneously, he broadcast a signal announcing his intentions. Golliard took the bait and positioned his ship behind asteroids, intending to capture any survivors as slaves. The Mandalorians abruptly retreated, and Zayne contacted Admiral Karath, informing him of Golliard's presence nearby. Karath, still harboring resentment towards Golliard for his father's death, eagerly agreed to assist in his capture. The Gladiator was disabled and brought aboard using a tractor beam. In a desperate attempt to escape, Golliard used an escape pod to reach the surface, hoping to find a shuttle offworld. However, Carrick used the skyreaper control panel on the Gladiator to deploy the drones, which then captured Golliard and brought him to the Swiftsure. Golliard was brought before Admiral Karath, who mocked him before ordering his removal for a court-martial.

Personality and traits

Golliard took great pride in his position as Fleet Captain. He demanded absolute obedience from his subordinates and frequently threatened them with death for any perceived offense. This behavior contrasted with his earlier actions during the Great Sith War, which led to his court-martial by the Republic Navy. Despite his arrogance, Golliard had no ambition to rise in rank, as he preferred being involved in frontline combat. He possessed extensive knowledge of naval warfare and was quick to identify weaknesses in his enemies' strategies. However, Golliard was outmaneuvered by the Hot Prospect's unconventional tactics. Nevertheless, he accepted responsibility for his failures, even when facing death.

Behind the scenes

John Jackson Miller, the writer of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series, was the creator of Dace Golliard. Bong Dazo drew him in The Reaping story arc. Brian Ching also penciled Golliard in the Destroyer story arc, as well as in the second and third issues of the Demon story arc. Miller has clarified that Golliard did not hold the rank of Fleet Captain at the time he was scheduled for a Republic court-martial.

