
During the Mandalorian Wars, a Zeltron woman named Chantique was a slave who ultimately became the leader of the Crucible, a vast organization dealing in slavery. Around 3990 BBY, she was born as Kessarah on the Core World of Osadia, and much of her early life was spent at the New Generation Academy. There, her father, Antos Wyrick, was attempting to use genetic engineering to create Force-sensitive children for the Mandalorian clans. Kessarah was among the first subjects of these experiments, but Wyrick deemed her a failure due to her mental instability, especially after the birth of Edessa, an Arkanian Offshoot who embodied Wyrick's goals. Consequently, Kessarah was given to the Crucible as a slave in exchange for more Arkanian Offshoot parents.

As a slave, Kessarah was compelled to fight other slaves in the Crucible's fight pits. She consistently emerged as the victor, and at approximately fifteen years of age, she was assigned by her captors to oversee the battles of younger slaves. As their Overseer, she ruthlessly enforced the Crucible's dictates, forcing captured younglings into lethal combat against each other. She acquired the name "Chantique," which in the Crucible's ancient language meant "destroyer." Eventually, Chantique was challenged by Edessa, one of the children she supervised, who had been captured by the Crucible from the New Generation Academy shortly after Chantique's own enslavement. Edessa stabbed her in the back, leaving her to die, and replaced her as Overseer. The Zeltron was returned to the slave pits and sold to a buyer in the Outer Rim Territories. During this period, Chantique realized she was Force-sensitive and used her new power to heal herself and kill her masters. She lived on the Rim for a while, but eventually returned to the Crucible to reclaim her position as Overseer and seek vengeance on Edessa.

To Chantique's disappointment, Edessa had escaped the Crucible and was in hiding, but the Zeltron vowed to one day kill her former rival. In the meantime, she worked to regain her lost status, eventually becoming the Crucible's Magister Impressor, responsible for inducting new "recruits" and placing those who advanced beyond the fight pits. Once a year after assuming this title, she executed one of the New Generation students on Osadia as revenge against her father and Edessa. In 3963 BBY, Chantique discovered that her enemy, now known as "Jarael," was collaborating with former Jedi fugitive Zayne Carrick to free slaves sold by the Crucible to the Franchise and Sungrazer cooperative. Soon after, Carrick attempted to infiltrate and dismantle the organization, but Chantique discovered him and manipulated him into believing that Jarael had been a sadistic slave driver like herself. Chantique later had a Force vision of Jarael's imminent return to Osadia without Carrick, and she planned to finally confront her nemesis. During their duel, Chantique learned that Jarael was accompanied by Antos Wyrick and abandoned their fight to hunt him down and kill him. Wyrick instead attacked, stabbing her in the back and leaving her for dead. Chantique survived and tried to kill her father again, but died when the double-bladed lightsaber he used for defense activated at both ends. Both blades impaled father and daughter, ending their lives.


A failed experiment

One instance of Kessarah's aggression toward her schoolmates

As part of the New Generation Project during the Old Sith Wars, Kessarah, a Zeltron child, was conceived. This project aimed to create an army of Force-sensitive supersoldiers loyal to the Mandalorian warriors and their leader, Mandalore the Ultimate. These "Mandalorian Knights" were the focus of Antos Wyrick's project. Wyrick, a Zeltron doctor and geneticist, was obsessed with discovering the secret of Force-sensitivity. During the Great Sith War, Wyrick stole the robe of the legendary Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth, determined to use its genetic traces to unlock the Force's secrets. With Mandalore's sponsorship, Wyrick and other researchers established a colony on the Core World of Osadia, hoping to synthesize Force-sensitive children and train them at the New Generation Academy. Initial attempts to create clones using Jeth's genetic material failed, leading them to modify the genes of pre-conceived children in vitro. Wyrick participated in one of the first attempts, conceiving Kessarah with Sibyl, a fellow Zeltron researcher, around 3990 BBY. Despite his initial belief in the procedure, he deemed Kessarah a failure after her birth, citing her genetic and mental instability and inability to connect with the Force.

Kessarah, a disappointment to her father, lived at the New Generation Academy with other researchers' children who had also been deemed "failures." Two to three years after Kessarah's birth, Wyrick discovered the reason for his failures: the genetic model of Arca Jeth was incorrect, as the Arkanian also had Sephi heritage, which Wyrick had unknowingly included in his test subjects. Armed with this knowledge, he repeated the experiment with two Arkanian Offshoots as parents. They produced Edessa, who quickly excelled in martial arts and, Wyrick believed, the Force. Edessa, whose name meant "triumph" in Arkanian, became Wyrick's pride and joy, while Kessarah and the other students remained neglected. Wyrick replicated his success with Edessa, creating more supposedly Force-sensitive children to train at the academy. Kessarah resented these children and became a bully, further disappointing her father, who saw her as disruptive to his experiment.

Wyrick's need for more children eventually exceeded his resources, forcing him to contact the Crucible, a large slaver organization, to obtain more Offshoot parents. After several deliveries, Crucible Captain Dace Golliard requested additional compensation for the Arkanians. Wyrick offered his own daughter as payment, and Kessarah was taken by Golliard to join the Crucible's slaves held in secret locations across the galaxy. This act earned Wyrick his daughter's hatred, and she vowed to avenge herself. Wyrick did not consult Kessarah's mother, Sibyl, who committed suicide in the days following her daughter's abduction.

From slave to slaver

Formative years

A teen-aged Chantique after being abused by her owners

The Crucible was centered around constant violence, with slaves forced into fight pits for contests of strength. Victors were sold to high-paying bidders, such as dueling leagues, while surviving failures were auctioned to buyers needing laborers for dangerous jobs like comet mining. As a Zeltron, Kessarah possessed a natural hypersensitivity to others' emotions, and the pain and strife within the Crucible warped her empathetic abilities, turning her into a sadist who enjoyed the tortured experiences of others. She excelled in the pits, surviving numerous fights and gaining her minders' attention. While still young, she was recognized for her potential and given the responsibility of overseeing fights between younger children. These younglings included students from the New Generation Academy captured by Captain Golliard while Antos Wyrick was away from Osadia. Kessarah was particularly cruel to these new "recruits," as the Crucible called them, pitting them against each other in deadly combat. Her actions earned her the name "Chantique," meaning "destroyer" in the Crucible's ancient tongue. Her face and upper arms were tattooed with the Flames of the Crucible, representing her new moniker.

Chantique's brutal reign over the children continued until Edessa, now enslaved and among the children captured from Osadia, challenged her. The young Arkanian Offshoot waited until they were away from the fight pits and stabbed Chantique in the back. The Zeltron was left for dead, and Edessa replaced her as Overseer of the youth duels. Chantique lost her status and prestige, and her injury prevented her from fighting. She was sold with other invalid slaves to owners in the Outer Rim Territories, about whom she later refused to speak. They abused her so severely that she wished for death, but instead discovered an untapped inner strength: her latent Force ability. Tapping into this power, she was able to heal her wounds. Motivated by this discovery, Chantique killed her owners to gain her freedom. In the following years, she became a fugitive on the Rim and committed several murders as a teenager.

Return to the Crucible

Chantique murdered her owners before making her way back to the Crucible.

Despite the hardships of her time in the Outer Rim, Chantique survived and chose to return to the Crucible. She blamed Edessa for her downfall and sought to reclaim her former position and exact revenge. She rejoined her old masters and worked to regain her power. However, she soon learned that Edessa was no longer with the Crucible. Appalled by the organization's treatment of slaves, Edessa had tried to protect the children she oversaw. Given the name "Jarael," meaning "protector" in the Crucible's language, she attempted to alleviate the slaves' suffering. Eventually, Jarael realized she could not stop the Crucible and fled into hiding. Chantique was denied her revenge but found other ways to express her wrath.

She eventually reached the pinnacle of power in the Crucible as the Magister Impressor. Chantique commanded the organization's press gangs and oversaw the capture of new recruits, the placement of successful pit fighters, and the disposal of failed combatants. Immediately after gaining this position, she located the other children taken from the New Generation Academy. Most had survived the fight pits and were now either Crucible Overseers or being prepared for sale. Chantique removed them from the system and imprisoned them in the abandoned academy on Osadia, intending to kill them as revenge against her father and Jarael. To that end, once a year after becoming Magister Impressor, she took one of the New Generation students to the schoolyard and buried them alive.

As Magister Impressor, Chantique gained a reputation for cruelty, exemplified by her treatment of the Gotal slave Goethar Kleej. After Kleej angered her, Chantique amputated his cranial horns, depriving him of his ability to receive electromagnetic signals, a primary sensory source for Gotals. This was a particularly heinous act in Gotal culture. Later, the Crucible executed Kleej's wife and sold Goethar and his son to the Franchise, a Krish-run dueling league with financial ties to Lhosan Industries. As the leader of the slave ring, Chantique oversaw Dace Golliard and the Sanyassan Magister Protector, Bar'injar, though she maintained an antagonistic relationship with both.

Hunting Jarael

Chantique murders Jervo Thalien.

Later that year, Chantique learned from Franchise executive Bardron of a disturbance during the Tandem Open swoopdueling tournament involving Goethar Kleej and an Arkanian Offshoot. According to Bardron, at the end of the Tandem Open, Zayne Carrick, a renegade Jedi and ally of Kleej, played an audio recording containing Kleej's testimony about the Franchise's business with the Crucible, as well as recordings of Bardron and Lhosan Industries chairman Jervo Thalien discussing their connection to the slave ring. The recording was broadcast throughout the orbital sporting station Jervo's World, causing public outrage. The Franchise and Lhosan Industries, both renowned corporations, could not be seen as connected to a brutal slave ring, leading their executives to contact Chantique to end their relationship. Chantique met with Bardron and Thalien on Jervo's World to discuss the incident and the termination of their business, but she was not interested in a peaceful resolution. While Thalien assured her that Lhosan Industries would provide a severance payment, she attacked the Skrilling with her whip and strangled him to death. Bardron tried to dissuade her, as Thalien was the primary source of Lhosan's funds, but Chantique assured him that the company would simply send another. After Thalien's death, she examined holographic recordings of the Arkanian Offshoot who had been with Zayne Carrick and identified her as Jarael, vowing to find her and make her and her allies pay for their past transgressions.

Shortly after the Franchise incident, Dace Golliard was sent to the Koornacht Cluster to deliver slaves to the Sungrazer cooperative's comet mining operation. After a successful drop-off, Sungrazer executive Sariyah Budan contacted Golliard about two unexpected Crucible operatives demanding more money on behalf of the organization. Golliard assured Budan that the two were not acting under the Crucible's authority and returned to the Koornacht Cluster to investigate. He discovered that the two operatives were Jarael and Zayne Carrick in disguise, attempting to free the eighty Crucible slaves owned by Sungrazer and ruin the business relationship between the slavers and the miners. Although Golliard nearly prevented their escape, Carrick foiled him, and he lost both the slaves and Jarael. Chantique was furious with Golliard after the events in the Koornacht Cluster. She bound him in chains and subjected him to a mock court-martial. Golliard tried to defend his actions, but Chantique refused to listen and prepared to execute him. However, Magister Protector Bar'injar intervened, claiming that Golliard was a source of information about Jarael and Carrick, who now posed a threat to the Crucible, which fell under his jurisdiction. Bar'injar appealed to Chantique's vendetta against Jarael, leading her to allow Golliard to live.

The enslavement of Zayne Carrick

Chantique, trying to manipulate Zayne Carrick

At that time, the Crucible's training grounds were located on the Core World of Volgax, in the ruins of an extinct civilization. Chantique established her headquarters in a tower overlooking the dueling pits, where she conferred with Golliard and Bar'injar about the organization's status. Shortly after the debacle in the Koornacht Cluster, Golliard found a Republic Navy pilot adrift in his Aurek fighter during a patrol in deep space. The man identified himself as Carth Kamlin, but Chantique recognized him as Zayne Carrick based on the recordings from Jervo's World and Golliard's logs from the Koornacht Cluster. The renegade Jedi had been sent to infiltrate the Crucible to dismantle it, while a homing device on his starfighter would lead his allies to Volgax to assist him. Chantique found and destroyed the device, stranding Carrick on Volgax in Crucible custody. With Jarael's closest ally in her hands, Chantique planned to separate them by convincing the young Jedi that Jarael had been a ruthless slave driver. She ordered her lieutenants to refer to Carrick by his alias and place him in the combat pits with the other captives so he could witness the violence created by the Crucible firsthand.

Carrick hesitated to participate in the duels but proved successful using only non-lethal tactics. After winning several fights, he was pitted against Ralthar Sitan, a slave who had been with the Crucible for years. Sitan was a Caamasi who retained the memories of all Crucible-held slaves of his species. He experienced these memories in vivid flashes called memnii, and the slavers, who refused to acknowledge him by his true name, would not let him die so that the agony of all their Caamasi slaves would be preserved within him. By 3963 BBY, Sitan had lost almost all sense of self and turned against his peaceful nature to survive. According to Bar'injar, Carrick would be able to read Sitan's memnii and experience the pain and agony caused by the Crucible, and by extension, Jarael. Thus, the Jedi and Caamasi were made to duel, with Carrick emerging victorious. After the battle, Chantique summoned Carrick from the fight pits to examine him more closely. She remarked that "Kamlin" showed promise in the duels but needed to become more aggressive to survive.

Shortly after, Sitan approached Carrick, recognizing him as a Jedi during their earlier duel. After a brief conversation, Sitan opened Carrick's mind to his memnii while Bar'injar and Chantique watched. Experiencing the centuries of torture endured by the Crucible's Caamasi slaves traumatized Carrick, and Chantique believed he was ready to be turned against Jarael. She took him back to her tower and revealed that she had known his true identity all along and had destroyed the homing device on his Aurek fighter. She then tried to convince him that Jarael was not who he thought she was and had contributed significantly to the agony he had experienced in Sitan's memnis. Carrick was disgusted by the violence and saw it as meaningless, but Chantique insisted that the Jedi practiced similar actions, with the only difference being that the Order claimed there was a higher meaning to the constant strife. She continued to sully Jarael's reputation, claiming she had been among the worst slavers in the Crucible ranks and that Jarael's name meant "destroyer," a title given to her for her brutality. She augmented her lies with the Force, gently pushing Carrick to accept her claims.

Chantique, flanked by several Dashade slave drivers, watches Carrick's death match.

The machinations of Chantique persisted, revealing a past shared with Jarael. She claimed the Arkanian Offshoot betrayed her, seizing her position as Overseer. Carrick initially interpreted the "stabbed in the back" comment figuratively, but Chantique displayed a prominent scar from Jarael's blade. She recounted her subsequent enslavement to the Jedi, but demurred when asked about the specific desires of those seeking a defenseless, fifteen-year-old Zeltron slave. Chantique also told of her return to the Crucible, hinting at the capture of the New Generation students, but stopped short of confessing to their murders. Instead, she cryptically stated their location was "ironic," a perk of being Magister Impressor. As she renewed her efforts to dissuade the Jedi from Jarael, Carrick discerned that she was using the Force to bolster her words, not attempting seduction as he had initially thought. Her tactic exposed, Chantique ended the conversation, ordering her subordinates to return Carrick to the dueling pits for another confrontation with Sitan. The Jedi protested, condemning the separation of slave children from their parents, but Chantique silenced him with fury, revealing her own father had given her to the Crucible.

She then escorted the young man to the arena to witness his duel and announced a bladed, unrestrained fight. Despite Carrick's belief he could resist the violence, Sitan succumbed to his environment and attacked, pinning the Jedi. Chantique watched with approval as the Caamasi used his blade, not to kill Carrick, but to commit suicide. As the renegade Jedi futilely tried to heal the mortally wounded Caamasi, Chantique approached and declared her work with him complete. She spared Carrick's life and initiated the Crucible's relocation protocol. Intending for Carrick to be found by his allies, she abandoned him as she and her lieutenants fled the planet to continue their operations. During their departure from Volgax aboard Golliard's warship, the Gladiator, both the captain and Bar'injar voiced concerns about leaving the Jedi alive. Chantique reassured them her plan was flawless, and his brief experience with the Crucible would alienate him from Jarael, forcing her out of hiding. Chantique's prediction proved accurate; immediately after the Crucible's escape, Carrick severed ties with Jarael, disgusted by her past with the slavers. Their parting was bitter, but Jarael revealed her tattoos meant "protector" in the Crucible's language. Carrick realized, too late, that Chantique had deceived him.

Family reunion

Chantique is stabbed in the back by her father.

The day following the Crucible's departure from Volgax, Chantique experienced a Force vision during a meal with Captain Golliard and Magister Bar'injar. The vision showed Jarael's return to Osadia with an unidentified companion, confirmed not to be Carrick. Seizing the opportunity to confront her enemy, Chantique quickly left the Crucible's facilities with Bar'injar and an elite security team to reach the New Generation Academy before Jarael. To prevent the Arkanian Offshoot from saving her former friends, Chantique gathered the remaining students in the schoolyard and buried them alive. They perished quickly, allowing the Zeltron to prepare for Jarael's arrival. While Bar'injar and his officers established a perimeter, Chantique hid in a classroom, awaiting her nemesis.

Jarael soon arrived and launched an assault on the Crucible's forces using the double-bladed lightsaber once belonging to the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun. Bar'injar and his men were killed, allowing Jarael to enter the academy and search for her classmates. Chantique ambushed her, launching spears from the shadows before revealing herself. Jarael was shocked by her appearance, believing her former minder had died from the stabbing. Following a brief exchange, their conversation shifted to Carrick, for whom Jarael still held feelings despite their strained parting. Chantique assured her the Jedi had no interest in her, and after dealing with the Arkanian Offshoot, she would hunt him down and return him to the dueling pits. This threat enraged Jarael, who attacked Chantique with Kun's lightsaber. The Arkanian Offshoot and her superior weapon dominated the brief fight, easily cutting through Chantique's whip. Forced to find another weapon, the Zeltron grabbed a spiked club and struck Jarael in the face. The blow barely slowed her attack, and Jarael kicked Chantique, forcing her to the ground.

As Jarael prepared the killing blow, Zayne Carrick crashed through the roof and tackled her, causing her to drop Kun's lightsaber. Saved, Chantique grabbed the weapon, tainted by the dark side of the Force, and attacked Carrick. His arrival upset her, revealing her gambit on Volgax had failed, despite the atrocities she had shown him. While the slaver dueled the Jedi, she tried again to convince him of Jarael's complicity in the Crucible's actions, but Carrick refused to listen. Instead, he revealed her father, Antos Wyrick, was the figure she envisioned accompanying Jarael to Osadia and was present in the academy. He added that she should sense him, as Kun's lightsaber amplified her Force abilities. The distraction worked, and Chantique left Carrick and Jarael to search for her father. Her search yielded nothing, prompting her to return and renew her attack. She found her enemies discussing the effects of Kun's saber, which Jarael couldn't feel. Chantique, however, sensed the power increase and used it to interrupt them, hurling a blast of Force energy at them. The waves threw them into pillars and disarmed Carrick, allowing Chantique to pull his lightsaber to her.

Chantique and her father are impaled by Exar Kun's lightsaber.

Now wielding both lightsabers, Chantique felt powerful and declared she could forge her destiny without the Crucible. She intended to kill the Jedi, Jarael, and her father to destroy her past, but as she expressed disappointment at not finding Wyrick, her father approached from behind and stabbed her. Chantique fell, but Wyrick lifted her by her hair, demanding to know where his children were. She tried to explain she was his child, but he threw her down, claiming he only cared about the students he considered successes. When Chantique admitted they were in the schoolyard, he took the lightsabers and rushed outside. Chantique followed, watching him search for the students she had killed. As she explained her yearly vengeful murders and the recent mass burial, Wyrick dropped the lightsabers, enraged that his children couldn't fight off a "failure" like her. Despite the end of the New Generation Project, Wyrick reasoned that with Jarael alive, his vision could still be achieved. However, Carrick revealed Jarael was only marginally Force-sensitive, and his experiments had failed. In fact, his only Force-strong child was Chantique, whose abilities were hereditary; Wyrick himself was Force-sensitive and passed it on. The Mandalorian scientist was stunned, giving Chantique the chance to pull the blade from her back and lunge at him. Using his new Force abilities, Wyrick pulled the lightsabers back to defend himself. Due to Carrick's influence, it was Kun's double-bladed weapon that reached his hands, and when he activated it, both blades ignited through their abdomens. Chantique and Wyrick died as a result of the impaling.

Personality and traits

Chantique displays the large scar left by Jarael's blade.

Chantique's personality was shaped by her youth, influenced by a neglectful father, unstable mother, and the Crucible's atmosphere of suffering. As a child, Kessarah was deemed a failure by Antos Wyrick, leading her to hate his successful students. This hatred made her a bully, harassing younger students. In the Crucible, her hatred became a desire for others' pain, as her empathetic abilities were overwhelmed by the slaves' suffering. As Overseer of the New Generation Academy students, she resumed her torment, forcing them to fight for survival. Her actions earned her the title "destroyer," tattooed on her face and arms, and the animosity of her slaves.

After Edessa's stabbing, Chantique became a low-status slave and was sold off. The experience and abuse made her wish for death, but she murdered her owners in revenge. Her taste for murder continued until she reclaimed her Crucible position. Chantique vowed to control her destiny, rising to the organization's highest ranks to inflict cruelty on lower slaves. Victims included Goethar Kleej, who called her "evil" and preferred dueling to facing her again. Kleej survived one of her violent outbursts. Jervo Thalien was less fortunate, killed during one of Chantique's murderous episodes.

Emotional displays were common for Zeltrons, and frequent for her mother. However, Chantique's outbursts were anger-driven due to her Crucible upbringing. Zayne Carrick considered her psychopathic, linking it to her father's sociopathy. She defied the general orders and command structure to act on her rage. Magister Protector Bar'injar redirected her anger once by offering revenge against the slave who caused her downfall. Bar'injar was a trusted confidant, conspiring with her during the manipulation of Zayne Carrick and Ralthar Sitan.

Though devoted to the Crucible's values, Chantique had a Force-driven epiphany before her death. It revealed she no longer needed the slave ring and could achieve her goals with her own powers.


Antos Wyrick

Antos Wyrick lifts his wounded daughter by her hair.

Besides the Crucible, Antos Wyrick was Chantique's biggest influence. Unlike most Zeltrons, Wyrick was unreceptive to emotions due to his experiences with Iskalloni cyborgs. He spent his youth with the Mandalorian Crusaders during the Great Sith War, becoming fascinated by the Force. This interest became an obsession. He funded his New Generation Project to understand the Force and create Force-sensitivity in infants. Kessarah was among his first test subjects and a disappointment, seemingly lacking Force-sensitivity.

Unbeknownst to Wyrick, Kessarah was his only success, inheriting his latent Force-sensitivity. The other children, though talented, couldn't touch the Force. Wyrick mistakenly believed they were the answers and neglected his daughter. His sale of Kessarah to the Crucible traumatized her. She resented him and displaced her aggression onto the children he favored. After brutalizing them as an Overseer, she hunted them down, killing one each year on Osadia as revenge.

Wyrick lived among the Mandalorians, infiltrating Zayne Carrick's group as Rohlan Dyre. In a private journal, he recalled his project and hopes, omitting Chantique. He was only concerned with Jarael.

Due to her father's treatment, any mention of the Crucible's cruelty enraged Chantique. Learning Wyrick accompanied Jarael to Osadia, she abandoned her vendetta against Jarael and Carrick to hunt him. The scientist similarly disdained his daughter, stabbing her at the first opportunity. As she lay bleeding, she tried to reach out, revealing she was his child. Wyrick knew this but didn't care, leaving her to die. He was devastated to learn his abandoned daughter was his only success but couldn't make amends; Chantique, surviving the stabbing, attacked him, resulting in both their deaths.

Dace Golliard

Chantique's relationship with Captain Dace Golliard was a mix of professional etiquette and personal animosity. As the man to whom Wyrick sold his daughter, Golliard introduced Chantique to the Crucible. The Zeltron eventually outranked Golliard, making him subservient. He served faithfully but harbored antipathy. She reciprocated, but both put aside disagreements when discussing Crucible affairs.

Dace Golliard was a former Republic Navy member and retained his military demeanor. Following his failure to capture Jarael and Carrick, Chantique revealed her distaste for his "navy act" before attempting to execute him, feeling he owed her retribution. She ultimately spared him, but Golliard continued to abhor her. When Chantique had a Force vision after leaving Volgax, Golliard hoped she was having a stroke. In accordance with her vision, the Magister Impressor left for Osadia while the captain was free to continue his search for potential slaves. After he was apprehended by the Jedi Carrick and other Republic forces, Golliard willingly surrendered Chantique's location, thereby allowing for the confrontation that ultimately resulted in the Zeltron's death.


Chantique and Jarael engage one another in a death match.

Chantique's most intense hatred was reserved for Jarael, formerly Edessa. They knew each other at the New Generation Academy, but Chantique was older. They were also separated by Antos Wyrick's favoritism, placing Jarael in his good graces and Chantique among the rejects. When Jarael and the other Mandalorian Knight children later came under Chantique's supervision within the Crucible, the Zeltron made sure to regard them with particular brutality. This led to Jarael's stabbing of Chantique, which the latter saw as more of a betrayal than a retaliation. The Arkanian Offshoot assumed Chantique's former position of Overseer, while Chantique fell to the lowest status among slaves of the Crucible. The following years were filled with agony for the young girl, all of which she attributed to Jarael. Upon her return to the Crucible, Chantique was disappointed to learn that her archenemy had fled the organization. However, she was able to take solace in the fact that many of the New Generation students she was killing as retribution against her father were also old friends of Jarael's.

Despite enduring years without any contact from Jarael or information on her whereabouts, Chantique refused to give up hope for revenge. Upon learning that an Arkanian Offshoot matching her description had been seen on Jervo's World, Chantique personally traveled to the space station to investigate. She was prepared to kill Dace Golliard after the Captain's failure to bring Jarael to her, but was dissuaded by Bar'injar's suggestion that Golliard's experience may give her an opportunity to strike at Jarael's friend, Zayne Carrick. While Carrick was in her custody, Chantique focused on convincing him that Jarael had been a brutal and merciless slave driver, and that she had propagated the violence that the Jedi so despised. She was ultimately successful, and was thoroughly satisfied with the wedge she was able to drive between Carrick and Jarael.

On Osadia, Chantique was finally able to confront Jarael after years of searching for vengeance. Jarael, who believed she had killed her minder in the stabbing years before, was surprised by Chantique's sudden appearance. The two entered a fierce duel after Chantique suggested that she had been intimate with Carrick and planned to take him back to the slave pits in the coming days. Jarael was vicious in her attack and nearly killed Chantique, exclaiming that her only wish was for the Zeltron to finally leave her alone. Despite Chantique's efforts, Carrick returned to Jarael to prevent her from succumbing to the desire for revenge and killing her foe. While disappointed by Carrick's loyalty to his friend, Chantique was undeterred from her goal and remained dedicated to ensuring that the Jedi and Jarael pay for their offenses.

Powers and abilities

Chantique exerts telekinetic power through the Force.

In her father's eyes, Chantique was unremarkable. However, the Zeltron girl displayed little talent in her youth but had inherited her father's Force-sensitivity. Unaware of this ability, she used her martial prowess to survive in the Crucible's slave pits. After Jarael's stabbing, Chantique discovered her Force talents, using them to heal and overpower her owners. Her rage and desire for pain led her to the dark side.

Her Force abilities matured, and she influenced minds. She nearly convinced Zayne Carrick that Jarael was untrustworthy. He thought it was Zeltron seduction, but she was directing his thoughts. She had a vivid premonition leading her to Osadia. On the planet, Chantique sensed Exar Kun's lightsaber's corruption and was drawn to it. Attaining it, her powers amplified, and she projected a powerful wave of Force energy that threw Carrick and Jarael across a schoolroom.

Even without the Force, Chantique was formidable. She used a whip to murder Jervo Thalien. After Jarael destroyed her whip, Chantique used a club, landing blows against her attacker. A tenacious survivor, Chantique survived stabbings and beatings.

Behind the scenes

Chantique was created by John Jackson Miller for the comic series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Introduced later in the series, Chantique became a major character with a detailed history, serving as an antagonist until the comic's final issue.

Though debuting in the forty-first issue, Chantique's name was first used as an alias by Jarael on Telerath in the eleventh issue. Her first appearance made her critical to the "Jarael arc"—John Jackson Miller's term for the issues concerning Jarael's backstory. Chantique's existence and her reveal at the end of issue forty-one were closely guarded secrets at Dark Horse Comics, and the company complied with Miller's wish for the character to not be mentioned in any solicitations for later issues.

In the original print of Knights of the Old Republic 44, Chantique is depicted without her facial and upper arm tattoos. This mistake by artist Bong Dazo was rectified in the trade paperback reprint.

