Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Reaping

The Reaping represents the fourteenth story arc within the comic book series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Plot summary

"The Reaping"

While on the run from those chasing him, Zayne Carrick sought assistance from the warrior Jarael; she then left her isolated life and entered the wider galaxy for the first time in many years to assist him in escaping and, crucially, to confront those who were persecuting him.

However, Jareal was also running away from something: her history with the enigmatic group referred to as the Crucible. The Crucible is not just any typical group of slavers; they abduct innocent people of all ages and subject them to endless fighting with one another.

Recognizing an opportunity to repay the kindness Jareal showed him, Zayne promises to assist her in tracking down and dismantling the organization she escaped from during her adolescence. He secretly develops a scheme to accomplish this, without informing his companion Gryph.



  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 8: Destroyer
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 3
