Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 15: Days of Fear, Part 3 represents the fifteenth installment within the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic set of comic books.
In a climactic conclusion, the "Days of Fear" story arc culminates with a tale of perilous premonitions, disregarded warnings, and choices enacted when time is running out!
The fugitive Padawan, Zayne Carrick, is confronted with his most challenging trials to date. In a determined effort to prevent a devastating catastrophe, he finds himself driven into the clutches of his adversaries. Zayne risks his own existence, endeavoring to rescue individuals who remain oblivious to the dire destiny awaiting them. However, will his act of self-sacrifice prove futile? Simultaneously, the small-time hustler Gryph stumbles upon a massive opportunity for profit. Nevertheless, unless he manages to control his avarice, this seemingly triumphant narrative could swiftly transform into a tragedy!
Despite Zayne Carrick's urgent advice for the Little Bivoli to depart immediately, Marn Hierogryph opts to extend its opening hours into the following morning. Meanwhile, Carrick secretly boards the Deadweight, Carth Onasi's starship, identifying himself as a Jedi and elucidating his vision concerning the impending Mandalorian assault. Upon their arrival on the bridge of the Courageous, however, Admiral Saul Karath recognizes Carrick as the alleged Jedi-killer and accuses him of being a Mandalorian spy. Karath dismisses Carrick's assertions about aiding "Squint" at Flashpoint with derision. Nevertheless, the admiral permits Onasi to attempt communication with "Squint" while Carrick remains on the bridge. Moments later, Mandalorian vessels materialize within the system. Hierogryph becomes aware of their arrival, but a sudden surge of customers at the Little Bivoli prompts him to delay their departure. Precisely as Carrick had foreseen, the Mandalorians unleash a barrage of nuclear warheads upon the Republic fleet. In a chilling maneuver, the missiles veer around the ships just before impact, instead slam into the planet's surface. As Onasi returns to the bridge, Carrick emits a cry, overwhelmed by the sensation of the deaths of thousands. This profound disturbance resonates with Jedi across the galaxy, including Squint, the Jedi known as the Revanchist, Q'Anilia, and Lucien Draay. A mere eight vessels managed to escape the devastating bombardment, and the Little Bivoli was not among them. A dejected Carrick finds himself imprisoned in the Courageous's brig by an enraged Karath. However, later that evening, Onasi visits Carrick, informing him that he successfully relayed emergency alerts to seventeen of the twenty-seven Stereb cities targeted by the bombardment, prompting the Stereb to seek refuge in subterranean bunkers.
As the Mandalorian fleet arrived at Serroco, this line was uttered: Author John Jackson Miller clarified in his online notes that the term "ecliptic" was intended to be the astronomical term. He further elaborated in the comments section that the italicization of the word was an oversight, and that it would be rectified in the trade paperback edition of the issue.