Vandar Tokare

A male Jedi Master belonging to Yoda's species, Vandar Tokare, presided over the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council throughout both the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. During this period, he simultaneously held positions on the Jedi High Council and the Council of the Jedi academy. A close associate of fellow Council member Vrook Lamar, Tokare typically had the final say in their frequent disagreements, most notably regarding the decision to re-train Revan in the ways of the Jedi following Revan's fall to the dark side of the Force. Tragically, during the Conclave at Katarr, Tokare, along with numerous survivors of the First Jedi Purge and the entire Miraluka colony, perished when the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus drained the Force from the planet.


Master Tokare served the Jedi Order on Dantooine.

Tokare mentored Derrica Praji along with another individual as Jedi Padawans, providing their training on Ossus. In 4225 BBY, Tokare, accompanied by his two apprentices, journeyed to Kaikielius, where they spearheaded Galactic Republic forces during the Kaikieli Reconquista, a campaign focused on reclaiming Kaikielius from criminal elements. Tokare directed assaults on the majority of cities infested with criminals for a duration of three months, ultimately securing victory.

Before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, Tokare engaged in a discussion with Vrook Lamar concerning Meetra Surik. Although she had not yet attained the rank of Jedi Knight, she already had a Master assigned to her, and her aptitude for Force bonding was beginning to manifest. Lamar held a dim view of anyone who aligned with Revan, and even prior to the war, he considered Surik to be a mediocre Jedi, asserting that her talent lacked control due to a craving for power, which he believed would inevitably lead her to the dark side. Upon witnessing Surik in a heated exchange with his Padawan, Lamar initially requested her Master to discipline her, but without success. Subsequently, he anticipated intervention from Master Tokare, but Tokare also refrained from doing so. While acknowledging Lamar's wisdom, Tokare informed him that the matter was not his concern and expressed a contrasting opinion of Surik, recognizing her as a natural leader possessing exceptional strength. A protocol droid stationed at the Jedi Enclave recorded this conversation. Years later, in 3951 BBY, Surik returned to Dantooine for the first time since departing for war. She encountered the droid in a damaged state, its memory banks corrupted, but after performing some repairs, she discovered a partially corrupted holorecord of Lamar and Tokare discussing her.

Mandalorian Wars

Vandar Tokare on Coruscant

Leading up to the Mandalorian invasion of the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars, Master Tokare instructed numerous students. By 3964 BBY, he had risen to the position of leading Master of the Jedi Enclave. Zayne Carrick, formerly his student before becoming apprenticed to Lucien Draay, sought Master Tokare's assistance following the Padawan Massacre on Taris, for which he was wrongly accused. The fugitive Padawan contacted him from The Last Resort and revealed the details of the events that transpired in the Jedi Tower when his fellow students Shad Jelavan, Kamlin, Oojoh, and Gharn were all slain during their Knighting ceremony.

Revan defies the council.

Tokare, deeply troubled, questioned how Carrick could have murdered those he had grown up with. Carrick attempted to explain that he had narrowly escaped the same fate, having been pursued by those he discovered standing among their corpses, with their lightsabers drawn – their own teachers, Jedi Masters Feln, Q'Anilia, Raana Tey, Xamar, and Draay himself. However, Tokare struggled to accept that Draay, a member of a prominent family within both the Republic and the Jedi Order, could be responsible for such an atrocity. Instead, he wondered aloud if Carrick himself might have committed the crime and subconsciously suppressed the memory.

During Carrick's call to the Enclave, Tokare was in a meeting with fellow Council members Zhar Lestin, Lamar, and Bala Nisi. He inquired with Lestin about any Jedi Consulars serving on Taris and was surprised to learn that, aside from Draay, all Jedi stationed there were Consulars, which was atypical. Nevertheless, he advised Carrick to surrender himself, assuring him that one of those Jedi could probe his mind and assist him in uncovering the truth. Just as Carrick pointed out that those were the very individuals attempting to kill him, Jarael interrupted the transmission by striking Carrick from behind, rendering him unconscious.

A dependable Master

The Council of Dantooine follows Carrick's arrival on Taris.

Within weeks of the murders, Carrick resolved to turn himself in to alleviate his new companions of the burden he had imposed upon them. In the Council chamber of the Jedi Enclave, Tokare observed him via a news hologram as he was escorted in chains to the Jedi Tower. However, before Draay could execute him, Carrick was rescued by Jarael and escaped once more. Subsequently, the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council contacted the Masters of Taris and summoned them to Coruscant to provide explanations. While awaiting the High Council's judgment, a stern Vrook Lamar rebuked the five for permitting the deaths of their students, reminding them of Tokare's recurring advice to be protectors as well as teachers. Master Tokare, on the other hand, regretted not heeding Lamar's counsel when assigning students to reluctant teachers, now realizing that perhaps their reluctance was, in fact, wisdom.

When Raana Tey employed the Moomo Brothers to stalk Carrick's father, banker Arvan Carrick, Master Tokare extended an invitation to his family to reside on Dantooine for as long as they desired and allowed Arvan Carrick to work for the Jedi Enclave. Despite Dantooine's limited financial prospects, Master Tokare was surprised by Arvan's request, which was essentially to provide Carrick with peace of mind regarding the well-being of his loved ones while he endeavored to clear his name. Arvan Carrick justified his request by stating that Carrick had always spoken of Tokare as someone he could trust, and that trust held significant value in banking.

Chasing Shadows

Lamar and Tokare

At some point, Lucien Draay received an offer for a seat on the Jedi High Council due to his family's influence and the manipulations of his former mentor, Haazen, the shadow leader of the Jedi Covenant. Lamar and Tokare consented to this arrangement solely to maintain closer scrutiny over him and uncover the truth behind the Padawan Massacre. Tokare deemed his ascent to power suspicious and suspected the involvement of another party, but he could not identify who or why. Haazen remained shielded from Tokare's detection within the Living Force by utilizing a Sith artifact known as the Yoke of Seeming to conceal his intentions from Jedi perception.

Following the deaths of Feln and Raana Tey, Tokare received a transmission from Shel Jelavan, the sister of one of the victims. She informed him of the events on Jebble when Celeste Morne, a rogue Jedi and Covenant Shadow under Lucien Draay's command, unleashed a potent dark-side artifact that triggered the Rakghoul plague. Tokare agreed to meet Jelavan at a cantina on Coruscant, where he was instructed to ask for "Captain Malak." The bank where Arvan Carrick was employed was co-owned by the Draay Trust, a corporation that provided funds for charitable endeavors to half of the members of the Jedi High Council. With Arvan's assistance, Master Tokare discovered that the extent of their financial power and influence within the Jedi Order was substantial enough to facilitate the creation of Jedi Shadows. Despite his skepticism, Master Lamar accompanied him to the meeting, and when Tokare mentioned his contact's name, they discovered that Captain Malak was none other than Jedi Knight Alek, Revan's most trusted lieutenant, who had arrived on Coruscant with Jelavan on Carrick's behalf, even though the Council, at Lucien Draay's request, had issued an arrest warrant for Revanchists. Jelavan recounted the events on Taris, where Raana Tey revealed that the leader of the Jedi Covenant was Krynda Draay, a Sage Master and one of the few remaining heroes of the Great Sith War. However, even after Alek informed them that Carrick was bringing a collection of Sith artifacts from a repository on Odryn as evidence to expose the Covenant and clear his name, Master Lamar deemed it insufficient to bring the matter before the Council. He and Tokare recognized that accusing Krynda Draay would divide the Order, as she had been training Jedi for thirty years after the war without Council supervision, and they maintained their allegiance to her. When Carrick landed and signaled, they departed to meet him. Just as Master Tokare concluded that one of the Masters of the Covenant needed to speak out, Xamar stepped forward, prepared to confess.

Following the events of Vindication, the Council extended an offer to reinstate Carrick into the Order as a Jedi Knight. However, Carrick declined, preferring to assist those who had fallen outside the Order's purview.

Jedi Civil War

Master Tokare celebrates the destruction of the Star Forge.

During the Jedi Civil War that ensued after the Mandalorian Wars, Tokare supervised Revan's training following the Jedi Council's removal of his memories. He also tasked Revan and Shan with locating the Star Maps that would ultimately lead them to the Star Forge.

Having survived Darth Malak's attack on Dantooine, Master Tokare participated in the Battle of Rakata Prime, serving as an advisor alongside Admiral Forn Dodonna. Following the battle, Tokare formally declared Revan to be truly redeemed, reinstating his former rank of Jedi Knight and bestowing upon him the title of "Prodigal Knight."


In 3952 BBY, Jedi Master Atris convened a clandestine Jedi Conclave on the Mid Rim world of Katarr. The few Jedi who had survived the First Jedi Purge hoped that, by communing with the Force-sensitive Miraluka, they could pinpoint the elusive Sith threat that was decimating their ranks. Many Jedi, including Tokare, attended the meeting, unaware that Atris had secretly divulged knowledge of the gathering in the hope that the enemy would reveal themselves. Driven by his insatiable hunger, Darth Nihilus was drawn from the Unknown Regions and consumed all life on the planet, effectively wiping out the Jedi and claiming Tokare's life. Tokare's demise was relayed to Meetra Surik on Dantooine by his longtime friend Lamar, who had not attended the Katarr meeting and remained unaware of the circumstances surrounding his death. Surik later discovered that Atris had foreseen the potential outcome but had chosen not to warn the Jedi, opting instead to remain safely distant and observe.


The gatekeepers of the Noetikon of Science

By the time of the Cold War, Vandar Tokare's wisdom, knowledge, and personality had been preserved within one of the esteemed Noetikons, an interactive Holocron and a cherished artifact of the Jedi Order. Tokare's essence was stored in the Noetikon of Science alongside Masters Tharis Orne and Arca Jeth, forming the three Noetikon Gatekeepers. Tokare and the other Gatekeepers played a crucial role in discovering a cure for the Scorekeeper's Herald, a Jedi Consular whose Master, Yuon Par, had succumbed to a maddening illness that was gradually corrupting her towards the dark side.

Powers and abilities

Master Vandar Tokare using the Force to levitate

Vandar Tokare was a master of the Ataru style, employing the Jar'Kai variant, and wielded two lightsaber shotos. Like many Force users, he was adept at performing mind tricks, and he also possessed a range of potent Force powers such as Sever Force and Force suppression. He demonstrated advanced proficiency in telekinesis, including levitation, and could telekinetically wield his shotos.

In addition to Basic, he was fluent in Kreva and Draethos. Unlike other known members of his species, such as Yoda and Yaddle, his Basic speech lacked the distinctive dialect characteristic of their species.

Behind the scenes

Concept art by Harvey Tolibao for Knights of the Old Republic 12

Tokare's death is also possible should the player choose the dark side path in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He perishes alongside Admiral Forn Dodonna aboard a Republic capital ship, which is destroyed by Sith fighters aided by Bastila Shan's battle meditation.

The voice of Tokare is provided by the seasoned voice actor Tom Kane, who has also voiced Yoda in various video games, the Star Wars: Clone Wars mini-series, and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show. Kane later reprised his role as Vandar Tokare in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where he appeared as a Jedi holocron.

Vandar Tokare belongs to the same species as Yoda and Yaddle and is the only known member of his species to possess a surname. Furthermore, he is one of only two individuals (the other being Oteg) who employ conventional Basic grammar, which may be attributed to his upbringing among the Jedi, many of whom spoke standard Basic.

His surname is incorrectly spelled as Dokar in Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.

