Zhar Lestin

Zhar Lestin, a male Jedi Master from the Lethan Twi'lek species, held a position on the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council during both the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. His tutelage extended to numerous students, most notably Revan and Malak. He was also among the select Jedi Masters who were present at the Conclave at Katarr, where Darth Nihilus extinguished all life on the planet.


Mandalorian Wars

Revan defies the council.

Prior to his appointment to the Council, where he oversaw the Jedi training operations on Dantooine, Zhar spent time on Coruscant. During this period, Revan and Malak frequently sought him out for supplementary instruction. Zhar considered Revan his most promising student, believing he would become a champion of the Jedi Order. However, when Revan embraced the Sith and became their ruler, Zhar realized that Revan's insatiable thirst for knowledge, which he had previously mistaken for mere eagerness, should have been recognized as a warning. Later, on Dantooine, Master Zhar continued to instruct many other students, including the Jedi named Belaya.

Zhar Lestin sitting on the Jedi Council of Dantooine.

Following the Padawan Massacre, Zayne Carrick contacted the Enclave from The Last Resort, seeking assistance from Vandar Tokare. Vandar inquired with Zhar about any Jedi Consulars stationed on Taris who could potentially take Zayne under their wing and investigate the murders he was accused of committing. Zhar informed Master Vandar that all the Jedi stationed in the Jedi Tower on Taris, with the exception of Lucien Draay, were Consulars. This information provided the first indication of the existence of the Jedi Covenant. Zhar, along with Jedi Masters Vrook Lamar and Bala Nisi, watched a news hologram on Dantooine as the Padawan surrendered himself and was brought in chains to his murderous Master by a common bounty hunter in front of angry Tarisians.

Jedi Civil War

Years afterward, following the capture of Darth Revan, the Jedi Council collectively erased the Dark Lord's memories and replaced them with fabricated ones, portraying him as a Republic soldier under the command of Bastila Shan. They also disposed of his robe, deeming it an abomination due to its transformation into a dark side focusing tool by alien technology. Bastila, who had led the strike team on his flagship, convinced the Council that she could use the Force bond she shared with Revan to tap into his subconscious memories and locate the Star Forge, the source of his military strength against the Jedi.

When Bastila returned to the Enclave with Revan after the destruction of Taris, Zhar had the opportunity to instruct his former student once more. With the exception of Master Vrook, he encountered little opposition from the Council when he argued that Revan's Force-sensitivity, which was already becoming apparent, could not be ignored. Revan had little choice in the matter, as the Sith would also recognize his potential, and Jedi training was his only means of self-preservation. Under Zhar's guidance, Revan quickly progressed to the rank of Padawan, mastering techniques in both lightsaber combat and Jedi meditation, including the Floating Meditation technique. The Twi'lek Jedi Master was impressed by his rapid progress and shared his observations with others at the Jedi Enclave, including the Jedi Belaya and Deesra Luur Jada, and Aratech merchants Crattis Yurkal and Karal Kaar.

Subsequently, he guided Revan through the Jedi Trials of apprenticeship, assessing his comprehension of the Jedi Code, his ability to construct a lightsaber, and his understanding of the allure of the dark side of the Force. His final trial involved cleansing an ancient grove on Dantooine from the influence of a fallen Jedi Padawan named Juhani, who was unknowingly undergoing her own trial of the spirit as her Master Quatra saw fit. When Revan defeated the Dark Jedi in battle and guided her back to the light side, Master Zhar elevated him to the rank of a full-fledged Jedi and presented him with the traditional robes of the Order. Following this, the Council instructed him and Bastila to enter the Rakatan Ruins east of the Enclave to locate the first Star Map of the Star Forge system. Even Jedi Masters such as Nemo had been sent to recover it without success, leading the Council to believe the mission was tied to the destiny of Revan and Bastila, despite the risk of dark side corruption.

Zhar survived the attack on Dantooine by Darth Malak's forces and witnessed his Padawan's triumph over the Sith and the dark side, which he ultimately rejected even after learning that the Jedi had manipulated him.

Death on Katarr

However, after the [Jedi Civil War](/article/jedi_civil_war] ended, Jedi Master Atris convened a council on Katarr, inviting the most powerful members of the Jedi Order, including Zhar, Vandar, and Dorak. They convened at the Miraluka colony to identify a hidden Sith threat that had been targeting the remnants of the Order during the First Jedi Purge, which had already significantly reduced their numbers after the conflicts with Revan, Malak, and Exar Kun. Tragically, they were all killed by the very threat they sought to uncover. Darth Nihilus seized the opportunity to feed on their Force energy, along with that of the Miraluka and all other life on the planet. Atris had foreseen the potential danger on Katarr but chose not to warn the Jedi, hoping to draw out the Sith, making her responsible for their demise.

