Darth Revan's flagship, the supreme command vessel of the Sith Empire's military during the Jedi Civil War in 3957 BBY, was the flagship utilized by Darth Revan to lead his forces.

On the bridge of Revan's starship, Bastila Shan, along with a number of Jedi Knights and a Republic trooper, confronted him; however, Darth Malak, his apprentice, turned against his master. Malak commanded his own troops to commence firing with the intention of killing both Revan and the Jedi. Despite Malak's intentions, Bastila lived and used the Force to preserve the remaining life force within the mortally wounded Revan. Revan, his mind almost completely erased due to the attack, was taken by the Jedi to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine for safety. Shortly after, the ship was obliterated.