Nemo, a Human male character, was a Jedi who participated in the Jedi Civil War. In the year 3956 BBY, he was stationed at the Jedi Enclave located on the planet of Dantooine, where he first encountered the amnesiac Sith Lord named Revan. The Enclave Council tasked him with exploring nearby Rakatan ruins, but he unfortunately succumbed to the defensive systems within the ruins.
During the Old Sith Wars, Nemo dedicated years to serving as a Jedi. By the time the Jedi Civil War erupted against Darth Malak's Sith Empire, Nemo had reached an advanced age. In 3956 BBY, Nemo was in service to the Jedi Order at a secluded Jedi Enclave situated on the agricultural Outer Rim world of Dantooine.
After the destruction of Taris, the former Sith Lord Revan, who was experiencing amnesia, sought refuge on Dantooine alongside Padawan Bastila Shan, Republic Soldier Carth Onasi, and the rest of his companions. Upon their arrival, both Revan and Bastila experienced a shared vision of ancient Rakatan ruins located close to the Enclave. The Enclave Council consented to retrain Revan as a Jedi, and he remarkably completed his training in a matter of weeks, much to the astonishment of Jedi Master Zhar Lestin. To advance to the rank of Padawan, Revan was required to pass three distinct trials. Revan swiftly recited the Jedi code and constructed a lightsaber, thereby completing the first two trials. The council then presented Revan with his third trial: to purify the nearby Ancient Grove of its dark corruption. The council was aware that the corruption was, in reality, the fallen Cathar Padawan Juhani, but they chose not to disclose this information to Revan. Subsequently, they granted Revan permission to venture beyond the Enclave's boundaries.
Revan approached Nemo, who was aware of Revan's true identity. The two engaged in a pleasant conversation, during which Revan inquired about the trial he had been assigned. Although initially taken aback that the council had not informed Revan about the grove, he quickly deduced that this was part of the test and refrained from divulging any further information. Instead, he provided Revan with directions to the grove and offered a vague warning about the corruption.
While Revan made his way toward the Grove and confronted Juhani, Nemo was instructed to investigate the ruins that Revan and Bastila had envisioned in their dream. Upon entering, he encountered the thirty-thousand-year-old Rakatan droid that resided there. To gain complete access to the ruins, one had to first solve puzzles and overcome security systems to unlock the two seals on the inner door. Nemo was unsuccessful in these challenges and was defeated by the security systems.
After defeating Juhani and restoring her to the light, Revan returned to the Enclave, where he was formally recognized as a Jedi Padawan. For his inaugural mission, he and Bastila were tasked with exploring the ruins and discovering what had befallen Nemo. Upon their arrival, they encountered the Overseer Droid and discovered Nemo's lifeless body. Bastila expressed her sorrow over his death but remained determined to uncover the secrets hidden within the ruins. The two successfully solved both puzzles and defeated the security droids. Inside the now-accessible chamber, they unearthed an ancient Star Map, a crucial piece in locating the Star Forge superweapon. Revan and Bastila would later discover four more Star Maps, ultimately leading them to the location of the Star Forge.
Nemo, a Human male, had grown quite old by the time the conflict against Darth Malak began. Consequently, his light-colored skin was marked with wrinkles, and his hair had turned white. He had experienced significant hair loss, and his eyes were a shade of gray that was almost as light as his hair.
He possessed a kind and welcoming demeanor, even towards those he had never met before. Nemo frequently paused to appreciate the beauty of nature and encouraged others to do the same. He was willing to offer advice to Revan, but upon learning that the council had not informed Revan about the grove, he recognized that it was not his place to interfere. Instead, he simply provided the location and cautioned Revan against hastily judging a situation he did not fully understand. He understood that the dark side could exert control over a person just as much as the light side and shared this insight with Revan. Nemo did not place excessive importance on rank or hierarchy, but rather accepted his position in the world, regardless of its status. After Revan commented on Nemo's unusual name, Nemo explained that he believed names were insignificant, subtly hinting at his awareness of Revan's true identity by stating: "You of all people should remember that."
He often socialized with and befriended the residents of Dantooine, even engaging in numerous rounds of the card game Pazaak with Aratech employee Karal Kaar during the early hours of the morning. Nemo hoped that by serving the Jedi, he could better serve the Galactic Republic and its citizens. He was capable of making logical deductions and believed that the Kinraths in the nearby caves were attracted to the color and heat emitted by the lightsaber crystals. Despite his abilities, Nemo was unable to overcome the challenges within the Rakatan ruins.
As a Jedi, Nemo wore the typical Jedi apparel of the era. His attire consisted of beige Jedi robes, a darker beige undertunic, and white pants, a common style among Jedi at the time. He also wore brown cloth pauldrons and gloves, gray boots and wrist guards, and a gray utility belt.
During his assignment to the Rakatan ruins, he wore a blue robe that provided a degree of protection. This robe was later recovered by Revan and Bastila during their investigation of the tomb.
Nemo is featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. Interacting with Nemo is optional, and players are not required to speak with him. None of the dialogue options affect the player's alignment, nor do they initiate or contribute to any quests. Nemo's death is inevitable, and both Bastila Shan and Vandar Tokare will comment on him and his demise.