During the time of the Jedi Civil War, Revan, a Jedi Padawan, found himself in a situation where he had to fight Juhani, a Cathar Padawan, because she launched an attack on him while they were on the planet of Dantooine.

Back in 3956 BBY, amidst the Jedi Civil War that pitted the Jedi Order against Darth Malak's Sith Empire (led by a Sith Lord), the Jedi Padawan named Juhani succumbed to the dark side. This occurred after she erroneously thought she had killed her Jedi Master, Quatra, in a fit of rage. Consequently, she escaped to the grove located on the planet Dantooine. Her dark influence negatively impacted the local Kath hounds, causing them to become unusually aggressive. Following the Destruction of Taris, Jedi Knight Bastila Shan brought Revan, an amnesiac who was once a Dark Lord of the Sith, along with his companions to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. After a discussion with the Jedi Council within the Jedi Enclave, Revan was permitted to undergo retraining under the guidance of the Twi'lek Jedi Master Zhar Lestin. After training with Lestin for several weeks, Revan faced three trials to become a full Padawan, the first of which assessed his understanding of the Jedi Code.
Upon passing the initial test, Lestin instructed Revan to visit Dorak to determine his Jedi path: either a Jedi Guardian, a Jedi Consular, or a Jedi Sentinel. After selecting his path and being given a lightsaber crystal, Revan's second test involved constructing his own lightsaber. He utilized the Enclave's training room workbench to build his new weapon. Once completed, he presented his lightsaber to Lestin and was tasked with cleansing the Ancient Grove as the final requirement before being formally accepted into the Order as a Padawan. Revan, accompanied by two companions, eventually located the ancient grove and approached Juhani as she was meditating to confront her.
Juhani employed her force powers to paralyze Revan's companions, and then launched an attack on Revan himself. After a brief, yet intense, lightsaber duel, Revan chose to spare her life.
Following the duel, Revan successfully convinced the Cathar to embrace the light side once more, and he also persuaded her to seek forgiveness from the Jedi Council. Although she had defeated her Master, she initially doubted Revan's capacity to match her power. However, she then grasped the lesson Quatra had been trying to impart: humility. Quatra had sought to teach her that even those deeply committed to the Jedi teachings could fall to the dark side if they failed to comprehend or accept their own limitations. Juhani returned to the Jedi Enclave and met with the Jedi Council. She was welcomed back into the Order, and Revan received praise for his accomplishments.
Juhani later accompanied Revan on his quest to locate the remaining Star Maps and save the galaxy. Revan and his companions were later ambushed on Tatooine after discovering the next Star Map.
Players aligned with the dark side have the option to eliminate Juhani. Upon encountering her in the grove, they can opt to end her life instead of redeeming her, thereby forfeiting a potential member of their party.

Should the player choose to kill Juhani, Belaya discovers that the aspiring new Padawan Revan was responsible for Juhani's death, resulting in her deep sorrow and anger. She confronts Revan upon his return, expressing her belief that Juhani deserved a better opportunity from him, as well as from the Council that had sent him unprepared. Despite Revan's intentions, she remains inconsolable and departs from the Jedi Order, eventually arriving on Korriban and joining the Sith Academy located there. During Revan's mission to find the Star Map on Korriban, Belaya confronts him once more, this time outside the Sith Academy where no one will intervene. Angrily questioning his presence, and vowing vengeance for Juhani, she attacks Revan, only to be killed by the former Sith Lord.