Ambush on Tatooine (Jedi Civil War)

The Tatooine Ambush represents a conflict that transpired between Revan, the one-time Dark Lord of the Sith who had been redeemed and become a Jedi Padawan, and Calo Nord, a bounty hunter. This ambush unfolded in the final year of the Jedi Civil War, situated outside the Rakatan ruins within the Eastern Dune Sea region of the desert planet Tatooine. The culmination of this ambush was the deaths of Nord and the mercenaries under his command.


During 3956 BBY, which marked the last year of the Jedi Civil War, Revan, the former Dark Lord of the Sith now afflicted with amnesia and serving as a Republic soldier, played a role in the escape of the Jedi Bastila Shan amidst the destruction that befell the ecumenopolis Taris. Calo Nord, the bounty hunter who had attempted to prevent Revan, Shan, and their allies from escaping, successfully fled Taris and secured a private meeting with Darth Malak, the Sith Lord then reigning as Dark Lord. Nord provided Malak, along with the Sith Admiral Saul Karath, with information about Shan's escape, highlighting the assistance provided by Revan and Carth Onasi, the Republic commander. Karath and Malak subsequently engaged Nord to locate and capture Shan, with instructions to eliminate her companions. Furthermore, Nord disclosed to Malak the fact that Revan was still alive.

After journeying to Dantooine, Revan underwent retraining as a Padawan under the guidance of the local Jedi Council. Following the completion of his training, the Council tasked Revan with the mission of discovering an ancient Rakatan space station known as the Star Forge, which was under the control of Darth Malak. Revan located a second Rakatan Star Map inside a cave belonging to a krayt dragon within the Eastern Dune Sea on the desert world of Tatooine. Subsequent to Revan's examination of the Star Map, Nord, accompanied by two Rodian and two Aqualish mercenaries, launched an ambush against Revan and his comrades.

The Confrontation

Nord acknowledged Revan's skill in evading him; however, Nord asserted that ultimately, escape from him was impossible. When Revan inquired whether a peaceful resolution could be negotiated, Nord clarified that his motivations extended beyond mere credits, emphasizing the importance of upholding his reputation. Nord and his hired guns then commenced their attack on Revan and his group, but the former Sith Lord and his allies ultimately triumphed in defeating them.

Behind the scenes

The Tatooine Ambush made its initial appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. If Canderous Ordo is with Revan when Nord confronts the Jedi, Ordo will comment that Nord brought backup, and mock the bounty hunter. The planet where Revan fights Nord depends on the order in which the second of the five Star Maps that lead to the Star Forge's location is found. Nord could confront Revan on Tatooine, the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk, the Selkath homeworld Manaan, or the Sith tombworld Korriban. On Kashyyyk, Nord is accompanied by Wookiees loyal to the chieftan Chuundar. In the Hrakert Station on Manaan, Nord is flanked by two Twi'leks, and on Korriban, Nord is backed up by two Sith students from Korriban's Sith Academy. Should Revan have encountered Nord in the Hrakert Station on Manaan, Nord explains to Revan how he managed to reach the underwater station.

Also, the area in which the player encounters Nord determines what items are recovered from his remains. For example, the player will receive Nord's Mandalorian heavy blasters if he is killed on Tatooine, but they won't be on his body if he is killed on Kashyyyk.

