During the Jedi Civil War, a clandestine Kolto harvesting installation, belonging to the Republic, was situated on the planet of Manaan: it was called Hrakert Station.
Despite the Selkath's official neutrality in the war, which was maintained through a treaty granting both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire equitable access to their kolto reserves, some Selkath officials, fearing the consequences of a Sith victory for Manaan and its people, collaborated with the Republic. Their goal was to construct the station, hoping that the additional kolto would bolster the Republic's war efforts. The Selkath government believed this neutrality would offer them political security no matter the victor, since they were the only source of the valuable healing substance.
The station was built near the kotlo deposits at Hrakert Rift, with its production carefully managed to remain within the margin of error in official records, ensuring the secrecy of the operation. Revan is seen in an enviro-suit outside of the station.
In 3956 BBY, contact was lost between the Republic Embassy on Manaan and the station, prompting the dispatch of several mercenaries to investigate. Following their disappearance, Roland Wann sought the assistance of Revan. Knowing of ancient ruins close to the rift, Wann surmised that they might contain the fragment of the Star Map that Revan was searching for, making it mutually beneficial for him to explore the rift.
Revan learned that the mining activities had disturbed the Progenitor, an enormous female firaxan shark residing in the Rift. As a result, the Progenitor emitted a series of telepathic signals that drove both the sharks and the Selkath within range to madness.
Almost all personnel at the station had been killed and consumed by the crazed Selkath, while the Progenitor and its kind destroyed the escaping submersibles. Following the suggestion of a surviving scientist, Revan chose to destroy the Hrakert kolto harvester, which was encroaching on the Progenitor's territory. Although this decision delayed the mining operation by several years, it successfully calmed the creature. Once pacified, the Progenitor granted Revan access to the Star Map located near the base.
When the Selkath government formally questioned Revan about the explosions detected near the rift, he was compelled to reveal the station's existence, officially describing it as a jointly operated research facility.
Later, the station became the clandestine base of operations for the Order of Shasa, a Selkath cult with members who were Force-sensitive.
Should the player opt for the dark side path, Revan will release a chemical agent that eliminates the Progenitor, but corrupts the kolto, turning it black. Given the creature's profound spiritual importance to the Selkath, Revan is forbidden from returning to Manaan under penalty of death for its demise.
Depending on the order in which the planets are visited by the player, either Calo Nord or Darth Bandon may be encountered at Hrakert Station.