The Attack on Dantooine, a devastating planetary bombardment, was executed in 3956 BBY during the Jedi Civil War by the Sith fleets commanded by Darth Malak. It was generally assumed that the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine possessed defenses strong enough to deter any assault from the rampaging Sith of that era. However, Malak, along with Sith forces commander Saul Karath, disproved the Jedi Masters by launching an extremely effective bombardment of the planet. This attack obliterated the Enclave and resulted in the deaths of numerous high-ranking Jedi. Following the bombardment, a ruthless and widespread subjugation of the Dantooine population ensued, persisting for several years.
The Force alerted the Jedi Council on Dantooine to the impending attack, but they were powerless to prevent it since they lacked any defense against orbital bombardment. Their evacuation attempts were largely unsuccessful, with only a small fraction of the Jedi stationed on Dantooine managing to escape. However, their foreknowledge of the attack did allow for the escape of several prominent Jedi Council members, including Master Vandar Tokare and Master Vrook Lamar.
After the location of the Jedi Enclave was compromised and the bombardment concluded, Dantooine endured immense suffering under Sith rule. Sith forces invaded and occupied the planet, leading to the unjustified arrest and execution of many innocent settlers. Malak transported Jedi captured during the assault to the Viewing Platform of the Star Forge, where they were imprisoned in cells that prevented them from merging with the Force and were exploited to amplify Malak's own power. After the Sith were expelled sometime before 3951 BBY, a form of selective amnesia gradually took root among the populace, causing many to develop a deep resentment towards the Jedi, blaming them for Dantooine's hardships—despite the considerable good that the academy had provided for decades prior.
Although this event had a profound impact on the unprotected Dantooine settlers—ultimately leading to the establishment of Khoonda—the repercussions for the Jedi Order itself were comparatively less significant. The Jedi who would prove crucial to the Republic's ultimate triumph in the Jedi Civil War—specifically Revan, Bastila Shan, Juhani, and Jolee Bindo—were not present on Dantooine during the attack, as they were occupied with the search for Rakatan [Star Maps](/article/star_map]. Furthermore, the Council—Masters Dorak, Vrook Lamar, Zhar Lestin, and Vandar Tokare—survived the assault. In addition, most of the Jedi's historical records, including holocrons, had previously been moved to Telos IV by Atris as a precaution against such an attack. Nevertheless, the deaths of a significant portion of the Jedi population at the Enclave weakened the Order and foreshadowed the Jedi purge that would follow the Jedi Civil War.