Moomo Brothers

The Moomo Brothers

Operating as bounty hunters during the tumultuous era of the Mandalorian Wars, the Moomo Brothers, namely Dob and Del, were a duo of Ithorians known for their frequent squabbles and less-than-stellar success rate. Their primary mode of transportation was the heavily-armed gunship known as the Moomo Williwaw.


For the safety of their herd, the brothers were banished from it during their youth. The Brothers were once employed by Valius Ying, but their employment was terminated due to their lack of intelligence. On one occasion, they seemingly betrayed each other on Bogden.

In the year 3963 BBY, Raana Tey engaged their services to monitor Arvan Carrick while he was on Telerath. Over time, they grew weary of simply observing him and decided that abducting him would allow for closer supervision. Upon reporting this action to Raana Tey, she reprimanded them for their ill-considered decision and instructed them to await further instructions. Shortly thereafter, Dob ventured into a bar, where he encountered Marn Hierogryph. Marn offered to deliver the fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick to Dob, enabling him to claim the bounty. Zayne accompanied Dob to the Williwaw, where he successfully freed his father and instigated a conflict between the Ithorians.

The Taris Resistance

The Moomo Brothers fighting.

Later, the Moomo brothers were hired by Jervo Thalien, who was the head of Lhosan Industries. Their mission was to seize Marn Hierogryph from the streets of Chandrila. This was so they could collaborate in locating Senator Haydel Goravvus on Taris, which was under Mandalorian occupation. Thalien also gave them the location of Zayne Carrick at Omonoth. After meeting up with Gadon Thek's Hidden Beks, Gryph dispatched Dob and Slyssk to retrieve Zayne, while he and Del remained on Taris.

Subsequently, when Gryph established contact with Jervo Thalien, Del attempted to claim the bounty on Gorravus. Moments later, Thalien revealed that he had placed the bounty himself. However, before Del could eliminate the Senator, Raana overheard the conversation and intervened. As she and Del engaged in a brawl, Thalien disclosed that his transmitter was rigged with a bomb. When the bomb failed to detonate, Del expressed his delight at the opportunity to examine it, given his penchant for explosives, and inquired if he could keep it.

Later, when the Resistance devised a plan to demolish Taris' Jedi Tower with the intention of eliminating Cassus Fett, Del prepared the remote detonator for the demolition charges. He also personally installed the charges on the tower. Upon learning that Fett had already departed from the tower and that the Mandalorians had launched an assault on the Resistance headquarters, Del eagerly accompanied Brejik back to their base, anticipating the chance to eliminate additional Mandalorians. When Taris Resistance was ambushed by Cassus Fett, Constable Noana Sowrs compensated Del and Dob to transport her children to Alderaan. After successfully completing this task, they returned to collect Zayne and Gryph from Jebble.

With the Renegade

Along with all others aboard, they committed to assisting Zayne in clearing his name and exposing the Jedi Covenant. They piloted their ship to Odryn, where [Jarael](/article/jarael] disguised herself as Celeste Morne, and the Moomo Brothers posed as hired muscle tasked with carrying a crate. Supposedly, this crate contained the Muur Talisman, but in reality, it held their laundry hamper, concealing Zayne and Gryph inside. Upon gaining entry to the Sanctum of the Exalted, the Moomos resolved to seize as many Sith artifacts as they could carry. However, Zayne intervened, cautioning them about the extreme danger posed by these items. Disregarding his warning, they surreptitiously pilfered a considerable number of artifacts, which proved to be a fortunate turn of events, as Feln subsequently destroyed the Sanctum, believing that Zayne's companions had returned to raid it.

Subsequently, Del and Dob flew the Moomo Williwaw to Coruscant, where the ship encountered fire from the Republic blockade established there. Lance Squadron intercepted the ship, and the Moomos initiated defensive fire under strict instructions from Zayne not to harm anyone. To facilitate Zayne's passage through the blockade, Jarael, Del, and Dob flew the ship into the hangar of the Swiftsure, where they were promptly taken into custody. This maneuver created the necessary diversion for Zayne, Gryph, and Slyssk to descend to the planet in another ship. Following the conclusion of Vindication, Del and Dob received official payment from the Republic for delivering Zayne and Gryph. Subsequently, the Moomos parted ways with Zayne's group once more.

