During the Jedi Civil War, Forn Dodonna served as an admiral within the Republic Navy. She ranked among the most experienced naval officers of that era. As the conflict neared its conclusion, Carth Onasi contacted Dodonna, revealing the existence of the Star Forge, a colossal manufacturing space station under Sith control. With the assistance of Jedi Master Vandar Tokare and the battle meditation provided by Padawan Bastila Shan, Dodonna spearheaded the assault on the Star Forge. She successfully penetrated the Sith blockade and commanded her ships to destroy the space station's primary stabilizer. Subsequently, she recognized the contributions of the [Ebon Hawk]'s crew, including Carth, by awarding them for their pivotal role in the battle.
Serving the Republic Navy as an admiral, Dodonna commanded Republic forces against the Sith Empire throughout the Jedi Civil War, operating from her flagship. As the war progressed, she received crucial intelligence from Carth Onasi, a fellow naval officer, regarding the location of the Star Forge, a massive orbital factory and ancient artifact of the Infinite Empire. This station was the source of the Sith fleet's starships and war droids. Dodonna recognized this as a critical opportunity to potentially end the war. Assembling a fleet, she set course for the Star Forge system. Along the way, Dodonna's fleet encountered survivors of the Sith assault on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Led by Jedi Master Vandar Tokare, the group joined Dodonna's forces in their mission to destroy the Star Forge.

Upon arrival, Dodonna's fleet faced a formidable defense force protecting the Star Forge. Contacted again by Carth Onasi aboard the Ebon Hawk, she learned that the crew had disabled a massive interdictor field originating from the nearby planet Lehon, which would have otherwise annihilated the fleet. Despite suffering significant losses, Dodonna considered retreat, but Carth insisted that this might be the Republic's only chance to strike at the Star Forge. Dodonna conceded, and the Ebon Hawk's crew, following Master Vandar's advice, decided to lead a Jedi strike team onto the Star Forge with the goal of eliminating Darth Malak, the Sith Empire's leader.
Meanwhile, Dodonna faced her own challenges. Her fleet encountered an impenetrable defensive line, preventing any bombardment of the Star Forge. Carth attributed this to Bastila Shan, a fallen Jedi skilled in battle meditation, a Force ability that could inspire allies and demoralize enemies, influencing the entire battle. Bastila's battle meditation allowed the Sith to anticipate and counter Dodonna's strategies. Nevertheless, Dodonna persisted.

The situation shifted when Bastila ceased using her battle meditation against the Republic fleet. Dodonna's relentless pressure on the Sith lines eventually created a breach, dividing their formation. Exploiting this opportunity, she dispatched Red Squadron and Green Squadron to widen the gap, reinforcing their positions with her capital ships.

Once within range, Dodonna's fleet launched a concentrated assault on the Star Forge. Recognizing that the station was too heavily fortified for direct destruction, Dodonna proposed a precision strike targeting its main orbital stabilizers. Destroying these stabilizers would cause the Star Forge to fall out of orbit and crash into the nearby star. The plan was quickly put into action. After her capital ships destroyed the stabilizers, Dodonna ordered a fleet-wide withdrawal to avoid any potential losses during the Star Forge's descent.
The Star Forge was ultimately destroyed, colliding with a solar flare and incinerating from within. With the station gone and Malak defeated, the Sith fleet fell into disarray, allowing the Republic to reclaim lost territory and recover from the war.
Returning to Lehon, the fleet celebrated their victory. Dodonna personally awarded the crew of the Ebon Hawk the Cross of Glory, the Republic's highest honor, on the steps of the Temple of the Ancients, where they had disabled the disruptor field generator, recognizing their crucial support during the battle. Even the crew's droids received medals.
The remainder of the war was brief. The Dark Jedi and Sith Lords on Korriban, the Sith homeworld, engaged in a brutal power struggle to claim Malak's title of Dark Lord of the Sith. This internal conflict proved to be the final blow to the Sith war effort, bringing the Jedi Civil War to an end, although the Republic still faced the challenge of rebuilding. It is believed that Dodonna promoted Carth to admiral during this period. Admiral Onasi would later play a significant role during the Dark Wars.
Dodonna possessed a strong will, distinguishing her as one of the few female fleet commanders in recorded history. Despite her gender, she commanded the respect of her officers, who served her loyally. She was compassionate and deeply cared for her fleet, expressing concern and considering retreat several times during the Battle of the Star Forge. Dodonna was also appreciative and humble, accepting help when offered. She recognized the crew of the Ebon Hawk with the Cross of Glory, acknowledging their contribution to the battle's outcome without seeking personal recognition.
However, her rank was earned through military prowess. Dodonna was an accomplished commander, overseeing every detail of an operation and employing diverse strategies to achieve victory. This multitasking and micromanaging could sometimes distract her, causing her to miss key enemy maneuvers during battle. Nevertheless, this attention to detail proved crucial during the Battle of the Star Forge, where every fighter played a role against Bastila's battle meditation. She viewed all assets, from fighters to capital ships, as equally important and utilized them effectively. She was quick to capitalize on opportunities. During the Battle of the Star Forge, she skillfully exploited a breach in the enemy formation, pushing her capital ships behind her fighter squadrons, effectively splitting the Sith ranks and enabling her to bombard the Star Forge.
As a military officer, Dodonna was a perfectionist. She maintained a neat appearance, with cleanly trimmed hair and a spotless uniform. Her posture was exceptional, accentuated by her tall, slender frame. She had brown hair and gray eyes.
Upon entering the Star Forge system, Admiral Dodonna's fleet encountered a Sith defense fleet guarding the Star Forge. The ensuing engagement resulted in heavy losses for Dodonna's fleet. Jedi Knight Bastila Shan then contacted Dodonna, informing her that they had deactivated the disruptor field protecting the Star Forge and that Carth Onasi had perished during the attack on the field's generator. Deeply saddened by Carth's death, Dodonna considered a full retreat to strike at the Star Forge later. However, Bastila urged her to press the attack. Master Vandar also suggested that Bastila and her Jedi companion lead a strike team to capture Darth Malak, the Sith leader. Bastila agreed and departed for the Star Forge.

Soon, Dodonna became alarmed by the Sith's ability to flawlessly counter every maneuver she attempted. Master Vandar revealed that Bastila had fallen to the dark side of the Force, using her battle meditation to aid the Sith fleet. Vandar suggested a retreat, but Dodonna refused, stating that they might never have another opportunity to attack the Star Forge, and resolved to fight to the end.

The situation worsened as a massive wave of Sith fighters attacked Dodonna's forces, destroying many of her own fighters. While preoccupied with the fighter assault, a Sith battleship launched a point-blank attack on her fleet, causing significant losses. Dodonna decided that retreat was the only option. However, Master Vandar pointed out that the Sith fleet had blocked their escape route. Realizing that her fleet was doomed, Dodonna awaited the end.
A large wing of Sith fighters moved to intercept Dodonna's flagship. After a short period of intense fire, her shields failed, and the Sith fighters destroyed her flagship, killing Dodonna, Vandar, and the crew.
With Dodonna gone, the Sith easily defeated the remaining Republic fleet. Meanwhile, an amnesiac Darth Revan, Malak's predecessor as Sith leader, regained his memories, killed Malak, and reclaimed the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. He and his new apprentice, Bastila, began constructing a massive fleet known as the Infinite Fleet, utilizing the Star Forge's full potential. With Dodonna, the Jedi from Dantooine, and the fleet destroyed, Revan was poised to conquer the Core Worlds. However, this never happened, as Revan mysteriously disappeared, and the Sith fleet soon disbanded. The remnants of the fleet were hunted down by the remaining Republic forces. Nevertheless, Dodonna's absence was felt during the critical restoration period following the war and the concurrent Jedi Purge.