The flagship of Admiral Forn Dodonna is shown in this image, alongside two other cruisers of the Hammerhead-class.
During the Jedi Civil War, the unnamed flagship served as the primary vessel for Admiral Forn Dodonna within the Galactic Republic Navy, and it was a Hammerhead-class cruiser. From this command post, the admiral strategically oversaw the Battle of Rakata Prime, coordinating with other Hammerhead-class warships and Foray-class blockade runners. Jedi Master Vandar Tokare was present on the vessel during the confrontation with Sith forces led by Darth Malak; these forces included Interdictor-class cruisers. Tokare's mission was to facilitate a Jedi strike team's boarding of the Star Forge to disrupt the battle meditation being employed by the corrupted Bastila Shan.
With assistance from the redeemed Revan and his allies, the Jedi managed to breach the Star Forge's defenses. Revan directly engaged Bastila, using their shared Force bond and affection to bring her back to the light. Consequently, Shan redirected her battle meditation to bolster the Republic fleet, causing the Sith's strategies to crumble. From her flagship, Admiral Dodonna issued commands that shifted the battle's momentum, deploying Green Squadron to exploit a vulnerability in the Sith's formations. Supported by Red Squadron and the fleet's capital ships, Dodonna's forces expanded the breach, leading to a rapid collapse of Malak's forces. The fleet then proceeded to bombard the massive space station and manufacturing facility. After destroying the Forge's primary orbital stabilizers, Admiral Dodonna ordered a retreat to avoid the ensuing massive explosion.
Should the player embrace the dark side, this ship meets its end through a barrage of attacks from Sith fighters in a cinematic sequence titled "Dodonna's End."
Although this vessel is considered canonical, it remains without an official designation. Furthermore, among the various Hammerhead-class ships observed during the climactic battle sequences of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, no unique features are apparent, making it virtually impossible to definitively identify the admiral's command ship.