Oojoh, a Ho'Din male with verdant skin, existed shortly after the Great Sith War concluded in 3996 BBY. Due to his aptitude as a Force-sensitive, the Jedi Order selected him for instruction. Initially, his training took place at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, but he later relocated to Taris with four other learners. While there, he became the apprentice of Feln, a Feeorin Jedi Master. He advanced in his education, constructing his own lightsaber and dismantling the Leverby smuggling ring. As Oojoh and his fellow trainees approached the culmination of their training, they faced a final test on the Rogue Moon—a celestial body located within an inner asteroid belt of the Taris system. In that location, he successfully navigated the terrain using only the Force as his guide, skillfully evading a constant bombardment of descending meteors.
However, Oojoh's ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight was never realized. While he and his fellow trainees were traversing the Rogue Moon, their respective masters experienced a shared vision foretelling the downfall of the Galactic Republic due to the rise of the Sith. Resolved to prevent this future, and with elements of their vision leading them to believe that one of their Padawans would be responsible, the masters made the grim decision to eliminate their own apprentices. Soon after their return to Taris, during a special ceremony ostensibly meant to celebrate the graduates, four of the five Padawans, Oojoh included, were massacred. The sole surviving Padawan, Zayne Carrick, managed to escape but was subsequently framed by the masters. Eventually, he succeeded in clearing his name, and Oojoh's family finally discovered the truth surrounding his demise.

A native of Moltok, a planet found in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Oojoh belonged to the Ho'Din species. This sentient species of reptilian beings possessed green skin. Oojoh's birth coincided with the era of the Galactic Republic, a time that immediately followed the Great Sith War of 3996 BBY. His inherent ability as a Force-sensitive led to his evaluation at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Consequently, he was accepted into the Jedi Order to receive instruction in the ways of the Force.
He was later dispatched, together with four other trainees, to a small training outpost located on the prosperous world of Taris, an event that occurred in the years leading up to the Mandalorian Wars. These five Jedi trainees—Gharn, a Nagai; Kamlin, a Falleen; and two Humans, Shad Jelavan and Zayne Carrick—developed a close bond as they matured together. Each trainee was assigned to a specific Jedi Master, and Oojoh's mentor was Feln, an imposing Feeorin Jedi. Under Feln's guidance, Oojoh successfully dismantled the Leverby smuggling ring headed by Loopy Leverby, an achievement that garnered attention from the Taris Holofeed.
In 3964 BBY, Oojoh was present when Jedi Knights Alek Squinquargesimus and Revan visited the Taris academy while en route to the front lines of an emerging conflict between the Republic and the Mandalorians. These two Knights advocated for direct Jedi involvement in the conflict and sought support from the Taris Masters. However, their request was denied, as the Taris Masters deemed the war less significant than preventing the resurgence of the Sith.

The following week, the five Padawans were transported to the Rogue Moon, a celestial body situated within an asteroid belt orbiting the sun of Taris, to undergo their culminating Jedi test. The Rogue Moon's trajectory opposed that of the surrounding asteroid field, resulting in a constant barrage of meteor impacts of varying sizes. This environment was considered suitable for evaluating the trainees' ability to "see" using only the Force. Each Padawan was outfitted with a heavy red Enviro-suit with a sealed visor, ensuring that the Force was their only means of avoiding the continuous meteor impacts. While their master piloted the starship, Oojoh and the other Padawans were released from the ship to drift toward the moon's surface below.
Oojoh successfully traversed the valley—neither the fastest nor the slowest among the Padawans—and rejoined the Masters who awaited them on the opposite side. However, the Masters had not been idle during their wait. Four of them—Feln, Xamar, Q'Anilia, and Raana Tey—were trained Consulars, a class of Jedi who specialized in Force skills of a cerebral nature, including healing, research, and precognition. Together, they meditated, and with the Force amplified in that location, each received a vision of the future: their own deaths and the ensuing devastation for the galaxy. Oojoh's master, Feln, envisioned his own demise on his homeworld of Odryn, while others foresaw the return of the Sith, the downfall of the Jedi Order, or the ruin of the Republic. A common element united these four visions: each involved a figure clad in a red environment suit, identical to those worn by their Padawans.

Upon completion of the Jedi trials, the masters secluded themselves within the Jedi Tower to interpret the meaning of their shared vision. When they finally emerged, they announced that they had reached a decision regarding who would be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. They organized a celebratory banquet in anticipation of the official announcements, inviting family members and other guests. Oojoh was present, along with Gharn, Jelavan, and Kamlin, but the final Padawan, Carrick, was delayed. In a final attempt to apprehend Marn Hierogryph, a small-time Snivvian con artist, Carrick failed and inadvertently crashed through the window of the banquet hall. At this unexpected entrance, Oojoh, along with the other eight Jedi present, ignited their lightsabers, positioning them at the intruder's throat. Despite the embarrassing circumstances, Carrick was not harmed further.
Later that evening, Oojoh attended the graduation ceremony held in the council chambers at the summit of the Jedi tower, although Carrick was once again late. While the other Jedi awaited his arrival, Shad Jelavan questioned whether Carrick would graduate alongside the rest of the class. When Lucien Draay, Carrick's master, affirmed that he would, Oojoh expressed his surprise, noting that Carrick had consistently finished last in every Jedi assignment. This sentiment was shared by the other Padawans, each of whom had overheard their masters speaking disparagingly of the Human. Oojoh's own Master Feln frequently referred to him as a "buffoon." As the Padawans continued to press the Masters, Jelavan sensed that they were being dishonest. Agitated by the Padawans' persistence, the Masters acted prematurely. Feln ignited his lightsaber and killed Oojoh, impaling him through the torso, while the other Masters similarly eliminated their respective Padawans. The Masters believed that this act was the only way to prevent their visions from materializing—a tragic intervention intended to save the galaxy. It was at this precise moment that Carrick stumbled into the council chambers, witnessing the massacre unfold before him, and promptly fled the scene.

Initially, the murder of Oojoh and the other Padawans was attributed to Carrick, who successfully evaded the Jedi Masters' attempts to apprehend him. The Padawans' deaths, coupled with the escalating threat posed by the Mandalorians, triggered riots on Taris, leading to the Masters' recall to Coruscant and subsequent dispersal. Master Raana Tey later returned to Taris in pursuit of Carrick and, during her journey, experienced a nightmare in which Oojoh and the other murdered apprentices switched places with their masters, forcing her to confront her own lifeless body. Despite being hunted by the Taris Masters, Carrick eventually succeeded in clearing his name of the murders, and the Jedi Order disclosed the truth to Oojoh's family, although it remained concealed from the galaxy at large. Oojoh's family later collaborated with Carrick as part of the Rogue Moon Project, providing assistance to those marginalized by the war.
Oojoh possessed green skin, black eyes, and head-tendrils of a mixed blue-green hue, one of which he styled as a Padawan braid. Oojoh seemed genuinely pleased upon learning that his childhood friend and peer, Zayne Carrick, was to be promoted to Knighthood, even though the news surprised him. However, when Jelavan, the recognized leader of the Taris Four, began to question this decision, Oojoh followed suit.
Oojoh was a Force-sensitive individual and a capable Jedi trainee. For example, while engaged in policing duties on Taris, he successfully dismantled the Leverby smuggling ring. Similarly, while on the Rogue Moon, he demonstrated his ability to use the Force to guide his movements, thereby avoiding meteor strikes. While not the fastest Padawan to cross the valley, he was also not the slowest.
Oojoh typically wore a yellow shirt beneath a brown vest, complemented by shoulder guards adorned with gold. He wore black boots and a utility belt equipped with numerous pockets. He also possessed a lightsaber, which he kept secured to his belt.
The Padawan made his debut appearance in the comic book Knights of the Old Republic 1, the inaugural issue of Dark Horse's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series, penned by John Jackson Miller, illustrated by Brian Ching, and released on January 25, 2006. His identification as Oojoh was first established in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, a single-page article included in Knights of the Old Republic 0, a supplementary comic to Dark Horse's Knights of the Old Republic series. It was authored by Miller, illustrated by Chin, and published on March 1, 2006.