
The Noetikons were highly valued artifacts of the Jedi Order, functioning as specialized holocrons crafted to navigate the vast repository of information contained within the Jedi Temple Archives. Tharis Orne conceived the internal mechanisms of the Noetikons, but it was Arca Jeth who ultimately utilized Orne's designs to bring them into existence.


Originating in the early years of the Jedi Order, each Noetikon was imbued with the accumulated wisdom, knowledge, and unique personality traits of three distinguished Jedi Masters of the Order. Upon activation, users could consult with a holographic representation of these Masters, who would draw upon their extensive knowledge to assist the Jedi seeking their counsel. At a minimum, three distinct Noetikons existed, namely the Noetikon of Science, the Noetikon of Light, and the Noetikon of Secrets.

Housed securely within a terminal inside a chamber of the Coruscant Jedi Temple's Archives, the Noetikons were protected. The knowledge contained within the device, whether accessed individually or as a collective, was considered immeasurable by a single individual. During the Sacking of Coruscant that marked the end of the Great Galactic War, the Sith Empire brought the Temple to ruin, forcing the Order to abandon what had been their home for centuries. As the Jedi departed Coruscant, the Noetikons ended up in the possession of Gand scavengers, members of the Black Sun, and the Justicars, who transported the relics into the depths of the Coruscant underworld. During the Cold War, a Jedi Consular returned to Coruscant in search of the Noetikons, aiming to find a cure for Master Yuon Par's mysterious illness. After retrieving the artifacts and bringing them back to the Temple, the Consular was able to learn the necessary technique to cure the illness from the collective wisdom stored within the Noetikons, just before a group of Sith destroyed the terminal.

After observing the threat posed by the Children of the Emperor, the Barsen'thor sought information about a potential army to fight against the Sith Emperor. By consulting with the combined three Noetikons, the collective Jedi Masters were able to discern legends from the ancient Rakata that told of an alien army held prisoner on a remote world. This prompted the Consular to travel to a Rakatan monument on Hoth in order to discover the coordinates for Belsavis, the location where the sleeping Esh-kha were held.

The Noetikons were subsequently moved to Tython, but following the Assault by the Sith Empire, they were brought back to Coruscant.

