Noetikon of Light

The Noetikon of Light, a Jedi Order treasure, was a significant Jedi artifact by the era of the Great Galactic War. Functioning as a Holocron-like device, it was one of several Noetikons that had the knowledge, wisdom, and individual traits of the most distinguished Jedi Masters permanently recorded within them. Within this particular artifact resided the imprinted personas of esteemed Jedi Masters Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn, and Nomi Da'Boda.

Housed within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, it remained there until the onset of the Great Galactic War. The Sacking of Coruscant resulted in the temple's destruction and the subsequent loss of the Noetikons. Members of the Black Sun acquired the artifact and performed surgery to implant it into an unknown smuggler involved with the criminal organization. A Jedi Consular discovered it during a quest to heal Yuon Par from an enigmatic ailment. Following a short discussion, the three masters admitted their inability to devise a cure for the sickness and suggested that the Jedi Consular and Qyzen Fess instead seek out the Noetikon of Secrets.

