Dossa was a female Nautolan smuggler of the Legends continuity. During his time as a Padawan on Arkania, she was a long-term target for Haazen. After numerous failed attempts to capture her, Dossa further embarrassed him by stealing his lightsaber; on this occasion, Barrison Draay, his friend, arrived just in time to prevent Haazen's death.
A decade later, Dossa became a tattooed Sith servant serving Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and participated in the Great Sith War. Following the Battle of Toprawa, she encountered Haazen once more. Sensing his jealousy towards Barrison, she devised a scheme that was presented to Haazen as a trap for the Jedi, but was actually intended for him. She manipulated Haazen into leading Barrison to the Ansharii Caverns, falsely claiming it was the location of a hidden Sith base. She then triggered an explosion that resulted in Barrison Draay's death and Haazen's ultimate descent into the dark side.
After the blast, Haazen awoke and screamed in agony, horrified by his disfigurement. Dossa informed him that Doctor Uburluh had rescued him from the wreckage and "fixed up good." However, consumed by a desire for revenge for what she had done to him, Haazen killed her in a fit of rage.
Thousands of years later, Darth Plagueis recalled learning about her when he considered taking another Nautolan, Naat Lare, as his apprentice.