Healing Crystals of Fire

The Healing Crystals of Fire represented one of the most significant relics held by the Jedi Order. These crystals were secured within a heavily guarded meditation chamber inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, protected by the Circle of Jedi Healers, and were utilized to facilitate the healing of grave injuries within the Halls of Healing. They were named in honor of the perpetual flames contained within, and were said to be capable of rescuing a person from the edge of death. Legend had it that these Healing Crystals came from the world of Aurea, presented as a gift from the Soulworks Collective Advisory Council to the Jedi High Council. However, during the Galactic Empire's reign, the Advisory Council publicly refuted these claims.

In an incident at the Jedi Temple involving a series of robberies, the Dark Jedi known as Xanatos made an attempt to pilfer these invaluable crystals. Xanatos transported the stolen crystals to the Temple's fusion furnace, plotting to obliterate the Temple, but Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn discerned Xanatos' scheme and managed to retrieve the crystals before it was too late. After being returned to their proper location within the Temple, the crystals were ultimately lost during the Great Jedi Purge.

