The Healing Crystal room was a specialized therapeutic space situated within the Halls of Healing at the Jedi Temple located on the planet Coruscant. This relatively small and subtly illuminated room housed the Healing Crystals of Fire, considered to be one of the most significant and valuable treasures held by the Jedi Order.
This therapeutic room was constructed at some point during the Jedi Temple's extensive history, specifically during the expansion that resulted in the creation of the Halls of Healing. This simple, darkened chamber contained one of the most highly regarded crystal sets employed by the Jedi healers. When the crystals were present inside this dimly lit space, it was filled with a gentle, warm light.
In 42 BBY, during a series of robberies, the Healing Crystals were pilfered by Padawan Bruck Chun at the direction of a Dark Jedi who had infiltrated and was hiding within the Temple complex. The head healer promptly informed the Jedi High Council about the theft, which led Grand Master Yoda to advocate for increased security measures within the Temple. Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl were assigned to investigate the robberies, and they immediately intensified their search. Through deductive reasoning, Jinn determined that the crystals were being used as a massive power source in a scheme orchestrated by the Dark Jedi Xanatos with the intention of destroying the Temple. Jinn quickly went to the Temple's core generator, recovered the crystals, and thwarted Xanatos's scheme. The crystals were then returned to their chamber, undamaged despite the misuse they had endured.
Some years later, nearing the end of the Clone Wars, [Darth Sidious](/article/palpatine-legends], the elusive Dark Lord of the Sith, operating under his public identity as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, commanded the 501st Legion to execute Operation: Knightfall. The clone troopers invaded the Temple and devastated the halls of the ancient structure, killing all those within. At this time, the Healing Crystals of Fire were lost to history, either being destroyed when the Temple collapsed in 27 ABY, or falling into the possession of the Sith.