A Force-user utilizing Force stealth to conceal themselves.
Force stealth, which is also known as Force Concealment or Buried Presence, was a talent employed by exceptionally skilled individuals who were sensitive to the Force to obscure their alignment with the Force (whether Light or Dark), their capacity to wield the Force, or even their very existence from other Force-sensitives.
This skill presented itself in a variety of ways; Vergere had the ability to reduce her presence in the Force down to an almost imperceptible level, rendering her nearly undetectable and allowing her to withstand mental assaults, even from someone as powerful as Luke Skywalker. Darth Sidious stands out as the most adept and infamous practitioner of this ability, having successfully concealed his dark nature from the Jedi High Council for over three decades, even when he was in their direct presence. There's an argument to be made that Revan might have utilized this technique to mask his true allegiance to the light side on Korriban with the purpose of infiltrating the Sith Academy. Darth Traya demonstrated a potent iteration of this ability to elude both the remaining Jedi and her Sith apprentices, as well as to conceal her true nature from her own apprentice, Meetra Surik, who might have also mastered this skill. Other notable users include the Jensaarai, who consistently hid their presence in the Force from both the Sith under the command of Darth Vader and the New Jedi Order.
Xanatos employed a similar power to mask his presence when he infiltrated the Jedi Temple. He subsequently imparted this knowledge to the corrupted Jedi Initiate named Bruck Chun.
Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda both utilized a form of Force concealment to protect themselves from Darths Sidious and Vader during their periods of exile.
One of the more widespread variations of Force Concealment was the Quey'tek meditation. When properly executed and maintained, a Sith Lord or Dark Jedi could mask their own dark signatures, presenting themselves as completely benevolent even to the most powerful and vigilant Jedi.
Among the known practitioners of the Quey'tek meditation were Asajj Ventress, Darth Tyranus (although Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker eventually managed to penetrate his defenses), Darth Maul, and potentially Darth Zannah. Anakin's grandson, Jacen Solo, also utilized this technique to conceal the dark presence of Lumiya. Jacen also employed it to mask his own emotions from other Force-users whenever he experienced distress or was under pressure. Ben Skywalker later acquired this ability from Jacen, and similarly, his mother Mara Jade Skywalker learned it from him. Luke Skywalker employed this ability to surprise Jacen during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Luke's mastery over this Force ability was so refined that he could selectively allow certain individuals, including his own son, to sense his presence while remaining hidden from adversaries. By the time Jacen had fully transformed into Darth Caedus, he had become so proficient in using this power that he could remain constantly hidden with minimal effort, and he passed this skill on to his apprentice, Tahiri Veila.
The Hidden Ones from the Baran Do sages utilized this power to simulate their own deaths during their farewell ceremony. The Agents of Ossus were highly skilled in using this power to evade the Inquisitorius and other Imperial Force-hunters during the Dark Times.
Within the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, this ability is referred to as "Force Stealth". The original iteration of this ability allowed a Force-user to not only conceal their Force sensitivity but also to enhance their overall ability to remain hidden. The Revised version solely provides a means to mask one's connection to the Force, and any utilization of the Force causes this ability to break down, although Jedi Sentinels possess the capacity to learn to combine Force Stealth and Force Camouflage. The Saga Edition breaks down this ability into a number of separate powers and talents.