The Baran Do represented a tradition deeply connected to the Force among the Kel Dor species. They were figures of considerable importance.
Millennia before the Kel Dor became part of the Galactic Republic, they had already established their own Force-based tradition, known as the Baran Do. Its practitioners were called Sages. From their beginnings, the Baran Do served as advisors and seers to the Kel Dor leadership. Initially, the Sages utilized the Force to enhance their natural senses. This allowed them to foresee dangerous weather patterns, thus saving countless Kel Dor lives by providing early warnings of impending natural disasters. But, as the Baran Do dedicated more time to meditating on the nature of the Force, they discovered their ability to glimpse into the future. This made them even more valuable to Kel Dor society, as they could prevent wars and avert catastrophes well in advance. This led to many Sages holding government positions and acting in a more official capacity.
Everything shifted with the arrival of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. Previously, Kel Dor families would send their Force-sensitive children to learn from and train with the Baran Do Sages. However, upon joining the Republic, these children encountered the Jedi. As was their custom, the Jedi took them to be trained as Jedi. The Jedi's training methods and deeper understanding of the Force overshadowed those of the Baran Do. Consequently, the Sages faded into obscurity as their influence waned, eventually being largely forgotten by the wider galaxy. Even on Dorin, the Kel Dor homeworld, the Sages vanished from public view, and those few Kel Dor who knew of them regarded them as merely eccentric wizards.

Around 3640 BBY, during the era of the Cold War, a plot to hide a long-dead cult within the Baran Do was brought to light. The cult was revealed to be a sect that worshipped the long-deceased Sith Lord Darth Sion. These cultists offered tributes to the dead Sion within a Baran Do monastery, and these offerings intended for the Sith Lord were recovered by an individual.
The Sages' obscurity ultimately became their salvation. Because they had seemingly disappeared from the galaxy long ago, they were unaffected by the Great Jedi Purge, which sought to eliminate Force-sensitive beings throughout the galaxy.
Despite their relatively small numbers and forgotten status, the Baran Do Sages continued to exist by recruiting Force-sensitive Kel Dor or through traditional families sending their children to learn from them. After the establishment of the New Jedi Order, the Baran Do reached out to Luke Skywalker's new group, expressing their hope for future collaboration. Jacen Solo visited their temple in search of Force techniques unique to the Order and left with the knowledge of the ayna-seff. Shortly after the fall of Darth Caedus, Luke and Ben Skywalker visited the Baran Do in an effort to retrace his steps prior to his turn to the dark side. While there, they learned that the Baran Do's fear of another purge had motivated them to construct a secret underground bunker. This bunker would house Masters of their Order who had essentially faked their own deaths. These Masters were to remain underground, never returning to the world of the living, in case the Baran Do above were destroyed. From their safehouse, they would then be able to teach new Force-sensitive Kel Dor. The Skywalkers discovered this underground "world of the dead" and, after a brief stay, managed to persuade many of the Baran Do there to rebel against their leader and return to the surface.
The core of Baran Do philosophy and methodology was centered around achieving inner peace and tranquility, and deepening one's connection to the Force by listening to it. The Sages advised against hasty actions and dedicated significant time to meditation, contemplating the mysteries of the Force. Many misinterpreted the Sages' emphasis on meditation and contemplation as apathy or a reluctance to act. However, in reality, they were simply awaiting the precise, perfect moment to act, as guided by the Force.
The Baran Do did not view themselves as a "militant" order, unlike, in their view, the Jedi. They did not create and wield lightsabers, nor were they required to train in combat. However, they had the option of learning certain martial arts, although the only weapon they commonly trained with was a simple wooden staff. Those who did train, however, were also skilled Force users in combat. They were powerful telekinetics, capable of summoning strong whirlwinds. They were also proficient in a white lightning technique, possibly a variation of Electric Judgment.
Although many potential recruits were taken away to become Jedi, some returned and became members of the Order regardless. Plo Koon, a member of the Jedi Council who was descended from a long line of both Jedi and Baran Do, became a member of the order at some point.
Positions within the organization included the senior combat instructor and the Master of the Order.
For an unknown reason, the Sages depicted in Hero's Guide are shown wearing breath masks and goggles, despite still being on Dorin.
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the player has the option to wear a Baran Do robe, which provides bonuses to their persuasive and Force abilities.