A clandestine sect was present among the Baran Do, who were Force-sensitive wise men of the Kel Dor race. This sect's aim was to align themselves with the Sith, a group devoted to the dark side, and they venerated the deceased Sith Master Darth Sion. Though believed to have dissolved long prior to 3643 BBY, the sect persisted in secrecy. By that year, the sect was active within an old Baran Do monastery, where its members presented tributes to Darth Sion. Around that time, someone linked to one of the two warring factions in the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the revived Sith Empire discovered signs of a plot to hide the fact that the supposedly disbanded sect was still functioning.
Following this, the individual dispatched an associate to gather intelligence on the sect. The associate located the monastery and acquired the offerings that the sect members had dedicated to Darth Sion.