Electric Judgment

Electric Judgment, alternatively referred to as Emerald Lightning, represented a light side Force technique involving the projection of electric discharges with varying degrees of strength from the hands and fingertips. The Jedi Order once deemed it a forbidden Force ability; nevertheless, certain Jedi, including Plo Koon, Luke Skywalker, and Jacen Solo, employed it.


Electric Judgment, also known as Emerald Lightning, was a Force ability that Jedi utilized to emit electric bursts of differing intensities from their hands and fingers. Its visual manifestation took the form of yellow-orange, green, white, or golden lightning, distinct from the blue hue typically associated with Force lightning, a dark side power, yet it bore a striking resemblance in both its appearance and application.


A notable distinction between the Jedi's deployment of Electric Judgment and the Sith's utilization of Force lightning lay in the Jedi's motivation, which stemmed from a conviction in righteous justice. However, there are instances where this light side ability was channeled through a Jedi's anger. Similar to Force lightning, it necessitated transmission through living tissue and could be employed with lethal intent, although it was frequently used to incapacitate or render opponents unconscious. The energies of Electric Judgment could be stored within a kinetite, which is a concentrated sphere of kinetic energy. Furthermore, they could serve as a defensive barrier against attacks or be unleashed as a cascade of chain lightning. A sufficiently robust protection bubble could effectively block Electric Judgment. As a form of Force lightning, this power could strike, and thus stun or kill Yuuzhan Vong despite their nature as being considered absent from the Force.


Within the ranks of the Jedi Order, this Force power was uncommon and sparked controversy due to its connection with sentiments of anger and aggression, coupled with its resemblance to Force lightning. It even appeared on Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu's roster of "Forbidden Force Techniques" and was officially classified as off-limits to Jedi Knights. Nevertheless, select Jedi Masters, such as Plo Koon, engaged in the study of this technique under strictly regulated circumstances, a practice that had been ongoing since at least 990 BBY. During Exar Kun's final physical stand and defeat, the Jedi Order united against him and, by combining the power of the entire order, created a shield of light while raining down large lightning bolts on him, even as Kun tried to ascend to a more powerful form. The clash of darkness and light ravaged the planet and halted Kun's ambitions. When the Separatists rose up, some Jedi such as those who were champions or warriors of the light, utilized this Force power. Yoda was practitioner, employing it during the Clone Wars, to burn away a dark reflection of himself with a touch, and against the Sith.

During a mission to apprehend the criminal known as Dreed Pommel, Plo Koon confronted him at a suite in the city of Ektra, Metellos. Pommel had taken a young girl hostage and killed her entire family. During this encounter, Koon unleashed a barrage of lightning at Pommel's head that also disarmed him and then a second burst of lightning that knocked him unconscious. He immediately reported this incident to the Jedi Council and stated that he had not felt any anger or fear as he let out the blast of Force lightning but was indeed calm and in control of his emotions, nor was he tempted to kill his opponent once he had subdued the criminal. Therefore, he was able to conclude he was acting according to the will of the Force. The Council asked him to contemplate whether he felt it was wrong of him to have utilized its power during the mission and whether he would use it again. After much meditation, Koon concluded that it would be wrong of him to ignore its power, as Claria Labreezle's survival showed, and that he should develop it into a useful technique. As requested by the Council, he recorded his experiences with the Force lightning that he dubbed "Electric Judgment" on the Great Holocron.

Darth Vader employed the kinetite technique, similar to this power, on Mimban, while in close proximity to the Kaiburr crystal as he attempted to subdue Luke Skywalker. In 11 ABY on Yavin 4, when Luke Skywalker’s students found the strength and understanding for a final showdown with the Sith Lord who had been oppressing them, the first class of the New Jedi Order used the light side to sear Exar Kun with lightning while simultaneously caging him with light and wind, defeating his spirit and saving their master. Anakin Solo channeled Electric Judgment when he was consumed by the light side of the Force just before his death, with streams of lightning arcing from his limbs into his enemies. While fighting on Ebaq 9, Jacen Solo struck multiple targets at once with the power, similar to the refinement of Force lightning known as Force Storm. He later used this power as a shield of electricity against enemy lightning during the reconquest of Coruscant.

Grand Master Luke Skywalker employed this power aboard Shimrra's Citadel during the battle against Shimrra Jamaane in 29 ABY to rescue his niece and nephew from the Slayers; his powerful version sent sparks of green lighting coruscating over the body of a Slayer, instantly killing him and causing his body to convulse. However, even this attack of the Grandmaster's could be resisted by someone skilled in Tutaminis, as shown when Abeloth was able to resist it with no harm more severe than being pushed back slightly when Skywalker used it against her in 44 ABY. In 45 ABY, Luke Skywalker, along with his sister, Leia Organa Solo, used this power while within a monolith to weave shells of defensive golden lightning.

Jaden Korr utilized this power against Alpha in 41 ABY. Later, in 41 ABY, upon seeing a hologram of Jaden Korr defending himself with this power, Darth Wyyrlok claimed that this power was conjured out of fear and implied Jaden was tempted by the dark side. It is not clear if this was an accurate assessment, as Wyyrlok mistakenly believed that what he saw was just a variant of dark side lightning.

Behind the scenes

Plo Koon uses a yellow-orange version in Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles.

This Force ability made its initial appearance in the novel titled Champions of the Force.

Within the non-canonical video game Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing, Jedi Grandmaster Yoda possesses the capability to discharge this power from his staff, directing it against adversaries such as Darth Maul.

