Tila Mong

Tila Mong, a Kel Dor female who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, held a significant position as both a member and leader among the Baran Do Sages residing on Dorin. This was evident during Luke Skywalker's visit, which occurred in 43.5 ABY.


Around the time of 34 ABY, Tila Mong functioned as a Baran Do Sage, reporting to Master of the Order Koro Ziil. Her location was the Baran Do temple found in Dor'shan. Around this period, Jacen Solo, a Jedi Knight, journeyed to Dorin hoping to gain knowledge of the unique Force techniques practiced by the Baran Do sages. As Master Ziil believed Solo to be an honorable individual, he readily agreed to instruct him in the art of hassat-durr and its associated skills. Solo achieved mastery in just three days, expressing his gratitude to the Masters before his departure.

By 43.5 ABY, when Luke Skywalker and his son Ben arrived at the Temple, she had risen to the rank of Mistress of the Baran Do. Displaying empathy towards Skywalker's exile from the Jedi Order and their Temple located on Coruscant, she offered to impart the same techniques to the former Grand Master that her predecessor had taught Jedi Solo. With Ben's pledge to restrain his father should Luke succumb to the same influences that led Jacen Solo to embrace the dark side of the Force, Mong escorted the former Grand Master to her private quarters to commence his training. Eschewing formal learning procedures, Mong initiated the training with the ayna-seff technique, a dead-brain technique designed to scramble brain scans. Utilizing a small durasteel sphere and a flat metal plate equipped with an embedded electrical lead, she positioned the plate before Skywalker and placed the sphere within a depression on its surface. After handing the Jedi the electrical cord connected to the plate, Luke methodically cycled through various mind-states employed in Force application, seeking the one that would trigger the electromagnetic energy required to levitate the sphere. Settling on the state of mind associated with the Force-flash, Luke successfully lifted the sphere and, after an additional day, managed to halt its rotation. Luke mastered these techniques in two days, surpassing Jacen's three-day learning period.

During the training, Luke observed that Mong became more guarded in her thoughts when discussing Master Ziil's demise. When Charsae Saal publicly "died" during his passing ceremony at the Temple, Luke deduced that the sages were being deceptive, realizing that Saal had not actually died. Confronting Mong, he discovered the truth—not only was Saal alive, but Ziil was also still living. They had both joined a clandestine sect within the sages known as the Hidden Ones, who were concealed beneath the surface of Dorin. In an underground chamber, Mong, Saal, and two other sages granted the two Skywalkers permission to descend into the Caverns of the Hidden One.

Following the Skywalkers' confrontation with Ziil, they made an unexpected return to the surface and departed Dorin, leaving Mong in charge of the Sages remaining on the surface.

