Baran Do temple

Luke and Ben Skywalker visiting the Baran Do temple The Baran Do temple, situated in Dor'shan, the capital city of the planet Dorin, served as a training and living space for Baran Do Sages, who honed their skills in the Force. Its location was in close proximity to the Dor'shan spaceport.


This Temple was constructed as a towering ziggurat with four levels, displaying a gradual shift towards darker shades as one ascended. The main structure was complemented by surrounding two-story annexes. The entire complex was enclosed by a polished, retractable barrier made of transparisteel. This fence had a dual purpose: during periods of inclement weather, it could be lowered to provide shelter for the local populace and to safeguard the fence itself from being dislodged by strong winds, thus preventing potential harm.

For those unfamiliar with the Temple, the entrance could be quite intimidating. The black stone that formed the walls on either side of the main entrance was meant to evoke the image of the two black holes found within the local system. Conversely, the white columns reaching towards the ceiling symbolized the steadfastness of the Kel Dor, the species indigenous to Dorin. The ceiling, painted blue, mimicked the appearance of a sparkling sky, while the permacrete flooring was rendered in brown tones reminiscent of Dorin's surface. Directly opposite the main doors was an elevated platform, completely bare. Hidden doors within this chamber led to a network of corridors that branched off into various training areas, classrooms, meditation chambers, and dining facilities.

A lounge was available, equipped with a sizable monitor mounted on the wall. It commonly served as a refuge for pedestrians seeking cover during storms, offering them a source of news and information.

The Temple's combat training hall was relatively small and sparsely furnished. Weapon racks held staves and padded protective armor, and the floor was covered with padded mats to minimize the risk of serious injuries to the sparring pairs who used the hall. It could accommodate two sets of sparring partners.

Dying ceremonies were conducted in a large, paved area situated behind the Temple. The area featured a raised hearth, bordered with bronze metal. Positioned on the hearth was a pyre, and in front of it stood a platform. Both the pyre and the platform were constructed from planks infused with oxygen-enriched fuel, a necessity given Dorin's helium-rich atmosphere, which rendered conventional wood unsuitable for burning. However, this pyre served as a concealed entrance to a series of underground chambers. These chambers consisted of numerous storage spaces and a conveyor system that connected to the Caverns of the Hidden One.


During his five-year journey following the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jacen Solo paid a visit to the Temple. There, he acquired various techniques from Koro Ziil, the Master of the Order. Later, in 43.5 ABY, Luke Skywalker, the exiled Jedi Grand Master, along with his son, Ben, traveled to Dorin to follow the path that Solo had taken, hoping to understand the reasons behind his fall to the dark side of the Force. During their time there, they estimated the Temple was home to six masters and at least twenty students. The Skywalkers received instruction from Tila Mong, the Master of the Order, and Charsae Saal, a senior combat instructor.

