The Conflict on Korriban was an engagement between the once-fallen Jedi Apprentice Revan, now returned to the light, and the entirety of the Sith Academy located there.
Towards the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, Revan, accompanied by the crew of the Ebon Hawk, journeyed to Korriban with the goal of finding a Star Map. Upon landing in Dreshdae, their progress was halted by the presence of the Sith Academy. Revan's only option for entry involved communication with Yuthura Ban, who possessed the authority to grant him access by allowing him to join the Sith. Accounts vary regarding Revan's method of persuasion: one version suggests direct conversation with the Twi'lek, leading to his acceptance; another posits that Revan, in an act of self-defense, eliminated a Sith student, acquired their medallion, and presented it to Yuthura, thereby securing his entry into the Academy.
Upon entering the Academy, Revan was approached by Uthar Wynn, the Headmaster, who inquired about his readiness to embrace the secrets of the dark side. Uthar immediately detected the "Dark Kernel" within Revan, questioning its readiness to bloom. Shortly thereafter, Yuthura Ban contacted Revan, informing him that achieving sufficient prestige would grant him access to Naga Sadow's tomb, where Yuthura intended for Revan to assist her in assassinating Uthar, thereby enabling her to assume the role of Headmaster. Revan then started seeking opportunities to elevate his standing within the Sith Academy and the Valley of the Dark Lords. He potentially aided Lashowe in the recovery of a Sith holocron, but frequently had to deceive Uthar to gain prestige, as many of his actions demonstrated mercy and compassion. For instance, he facilitated the escape of a rogue Sith named Thalia May from the Shyrack caves by slaying a terentatek, falsely claiming to have killed her. He may have also destroyed or erased the assassination programming of a droid within Marka Ragnos' Tomb, enabling its departure from Korriban, and manipulated the Sith Academy Interrogator into freeing a Mandalorian prisoner. He brought redemption to two Sith students: Mekel, whom he rescued from the clutches of the deranged hermit Jorak Uln, and Dustil Onasi, the son of Carth Onasi. He even redeemed the spirit of Ajunta Pall, granting him eternal rest by allowing him to merge with the Force. Revan accumulated enough prestige to gain entry into the tomb of Naga Sadow for his final trial.

Upon Revan's entrance into the tomb, he was informed of the Star Map's presence within, tasking him with its retrieval. Inside, he discovered Naga Sadow's Poison Blade. He eliminated numerous wraids and two terentateks, located the remains of Shaela Nuur, and claimed her Solari crystal. He came across a pillar containing both a fire grenade and an ice grenade. Revan utilized the ice grenade to solidify an acid pool that obstructed his path to the Star Map. After locating the Star Map, he was confronted by Yuthura Ban and Uthar Wynn, who turned against each other. Revan aided Yuthura in killing Uthar, but Yuthura subsequently attacked Revan, who swiftly defeated her. Defeated and broken, she begged for mercy, and Revan then persuaded her to return to the light side, thereby redeeming Yuthura. She left Korriban for the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.
At the entrance of the Academy, Revan was challenged by three Sith. Recognizing that he was not a Sith, they attempted to kill him. Revan preemptively eliminated them and entered the Academy. Once inside, he reunited with his party and, with his considerable strength in the Force, Revan successfully killed every Sith within. Just outside Dreshdae, the solitary Sith soldier guarding the entrance to the Academy attacked Revan, but was quickly defeated. Upon Revan's return to the Korriban colony, unaware of the battle, Revan drove the Sith from Korriban. Following this, the Jedi forces plundered the Valley.
The Conflict on Korriban has a multitude of potential outcomes, contingent upon the player's skills and actions. The preceding narrative represents the optimal Light Side path, yielding the most Light Side points upon completion; however, Revan can amass sufficient prestige to enter Naga Sadow's tomb having completed fewer than half of the available quests on Korriban, and has numerous opportunities to favor the Dark Side over the Light.
The ultimate conclusion of Revan's exploits on Korriban hinges on his choices and his Persuade skill; should he choose to align with Uthar or eliminate both Uthar and Yuthura for their Sith affiliations, Yuthura could perish on Korriban. Conversely, if his Persuade skill is insufficient to convince Yuthura to embrace the Light Side, or should he simply choose not to, Revan may opt to allow Yuthura to remain Master of the Academy and depart peacefully, with the "skirmish" never occurring at all.
Drew Karpyshyn, the author, verified via email that this battle is the same one led by Revan mentioned in his novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction.