Uthar Wynn

Uthar Wynn, a Sith Master of the male humanoid species, held the position of Headmaster at the Sith Academy situated on Korriban, a Sith necropolis, during the era of the Jedi Civil War. He began as an apprentice under the previous Headmaster, Jorak Uln, whom Wynn eventually ousted from the Academy, though he did not kill him. Subsequently, Wynn ascended to the role of Headmaster and chose the Twi'lek female Yuthura Ban to be his apprentice. During the final year of the Jedi Civil War, Revan, a Jedi Padawan—who was in actuality the reconditioned, amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith—journeyed to Korriban seeking the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan space station under the control of Darth Malak, Revan's former apprentice and the current Dark Lord. Ban, Wynn's apprentice, granted Revan permission to enter the Academy, and Wynn then appointed Ban as Revan's instructor.

For completing various tasks at the Academy, Wynn rewarded Revan with prestige, even though the Jedi successfully resisted the influence of the dark side. Once Revan had accumulated sufficient prestige, Wynn and Ban escorted the Jedi to the tomb of the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow. As the final stage of Revan's trial, Wynn instructed him to locate the Star Map, which Revan sought, and retrieve a lightsaber from within the tomb. After Revan located the Star Map and acquired the lightsaber, Wynn commanded him to kill Ban, but Revan instead chose to side with the Twi'lek. Wynn then attacked both Revan and his apprentice, but they defeated and killed him.


Early life

Wynn's Sith Master and former Headmaster of the Korriban Sith academy, Jorak Uln

Uthar Wynn, a male of the humanoid species, was a student at the Sith Academy on the Sith necropolis of Korriban, where he was taught by its Headmaster, Jorak Uln. Uln had previously served in the Sith Empire of Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun during the Great Sith War. In time, Wynn amassed enough power to force his Sith Master into the Valley of the Dark Lords, where Uln remained, studying within the tomb of the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord. Wynn then took over the Academy and chose Yuthura Ban, a Twi'lek female and former Jedi Padawan, to be his Sith apprentice. Wynn focused on the administration of the Academy, entrusting Ban with the responsibility of selecting the most promising hopefuls for training.

Jedi Civil War

During the Jedi Civil War—a conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth MalakDustil Onasi, the son of Republic commander Carth Onasi, was persuaded by a Human female named Selene to enroll in the Sith Academy on Korriban. Dustil proved to be a talented student during his time at the Academy. He and Selene developed a relationship, but Selene was not as powerful a student as Dustil. Wynn was troubled by this, believing that such an emotional attachment would impede Dustil's progress. The Sith Master secretly had Selene murdered, as he considered Dustil to be a promising student. Wynn then falsely informed Dustil that Selene had perished in the Valley of the Dark Lords. Nearing the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, Ban, Wynn's apprentice, began to plot to seize control of the Academy. Wynn soon became aware of Ban's ambitions and planned to eliminate her.

In 3956 BBY, the year that marked the end of the war, Revan, the amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith who had been retrained as a Jedi, arrived on Korriban in search of a Star Map that would lead to the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan space station controlled by Malak, Revan's former apprentice and the current Dark Lord. To gain access to the Star Map, Revan and his companions gained entry to the Academy and were brought before Wynn, along with students Lashowe, Mekel, and Shaardan. The Headmaster welcomed the students and briefly discussed the dark side. He told the students that the first among them to earn enough prestige would be deemed worthy of becoming a Sith, and then asked each student if they were ready to learn the dark side's ways. When Lashowe answered, Wynn told her that she was brash and fiery, as he had expected, and implored Lashowe to convert her passion into an advantage. Mekel replied that he was ready, and Wynn told the student that he sensed his anger and expressed his belief that Mekel's anger would provide him power. Shaardan said that he was always ready to learn, and Wynn warned Shaardan that he would not survive the coming trials if he did not "gather his wits."

During his conversation with Revan, Wynn told the Jedi that his companions were irrelevant, believing that Revan's allies were his slaves. Wynn informed the students that the first one of them who learned and recited the Code of the Sith to him would be rewarded with prestige. The Headmaster then assigned Ban as the student's teacher, while they attempted to prove themselves worthy of what Wynn considered a full Sith. After learning the Sith Code from Ban, Revan went to Wynn and finished the Code as the Sith Master spoke it, correctly giving the last word for each phrase of the code. Wynn also asked Revan a question pertaining to the code, which Revan answered correctly, impressing the Sith Master.

Revan broke into Wynn's room in the Academy and stole his personal datapad, which contained his order to kill Selene. He gave Wynn's datapad to Dustil, causing the apprentice to abandon the Sith ways and leave the Academy. Revan and Ban conspired with each other to kill Wynn at his final trial in the ancient Dark Lord Naga Sadow's tomb. However, Revan informed Wynn of Ban's treachery in order to gain more prestige. The Headmaster gave Revan a datapad—which contained instructions to poison Ban—to give to the Sith Adrenas, promising that Revan would have the opportunity to kill Ban in the final test if he gained enough prestige. Rather than give the datapad to Adrenas, Revan gave the device to Ban and informed the Twi'lek that Wynn plotted to kill her. She instructed Revan to break into Wynn's chambers and place a small device under his bed, which would poison Wynn during his sleep and weaken him for the final trial. The Jedi did as instructed.

Revan recovered a Sith holocron near the Sith Lord Tulak Hord's tomb with the assistance of the Sith student Lashowe. She promised to tell Wynn that he had helped her; she did not, however, and when Revan asked Wynn about this, the Sith Master pointed out that prestige could not be shared. Wynn ordered Revan and the students to locate and execute the Sith apprentice Thalia May and her fellow renegade students. Revan helped May and the renegades escape Korriban instead and deceived Wynn into believing that he had killed the students. After recovering the Sith Lord Ajunta Pall's sword from his tomb, Revan killed the Sith student Shaardan after the Sith attacked him in order to claim the sword for himself. Wynn received Pall's sword from Revan, who also told the Sith Master that he had eliminated Shaardan. Wynn awarded Revan prestige for both these feats. The Sith Master also ordered the destruction of a rogue assassin droid that was hidden in the ancient Sith Lord Marka Ragnos' tomb. Revan helped the droid escape Korriban and lied to Wynn about the droid's destruction. Revan encountered Wynn's former Sith Master, Jorak Uln, in Tulak Hord's tomb. After being tortured by Uln, Revan killed the former Headmaster and presented Wynn with Uln's research.


Wynn duels Yuthura Ban in Naga Sadow's tomb.

Revan eventually accumulated enough prestige, while adhering to the Jedi Code, to remain uncorrupted by the dark side. Wynn then declared Revan ready to become a full Sith. For Revan's final trial, Wynn and Ban escorted Revan to Naga Sadow's tomb. Wynn instructed Revan to locate the Star Map and retrieve a ceremonial Sith lightsaber. After Revan successfully completed his task, Wynn congratulated Revan. The Sith Master stated that to become a complete Sith, Revan needed to kill someone he had grown close to, and ordered Revan to kill Ban. However, Revan, who had become friends with Ban during his time at the Academy, sided with the Twi'lek. Enraged, Wynn attempted to attack Ban and Revan, but the poison had weakened him. Wynn's Sith apprentice and the Jedi defeated and killed the Headmaster.

Following Wynn's death, Ban betrayed Revan, but the Jedi defeated her. Revan then persuaded Ban to rejoin the Jedi Order, and Ban renounced the dark side, abandoning the Academy. When Revan returned to the Academy, the Sith instructors, troops, and apprentices attacked Revan and his companions due to Wynn's absence, but Revan and his companions prevailed.


After Malak's death at the hands of Revan, the remaining Sith on Korriban fought for leadership. Five years after the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, Meetra Surik, a Human female Jedi Knight, traveled to Korriban with Kreia, a Jedi Master, in search of Lonna Vash, a Jedi Master and former member of the Council. Kreia used telepathy to guide Surik through the Valley of the Dark Lords. As Surik approached Naga Sadow's tomb, Kreia revealed that after Revan defeated Uthar Wynn in the tomb and departed Korriban, the Academy descended into chaos. Without a leader, the Sith fought amongst themselves for control, resulting in skeletal remains scattered throughout the Valley and the Academy in ruins.

Personality and traits

Wynn in the Korriban Sith Academy

Uthar Wynn, a bald humanoid male, had tattoos on his head. His eyes were yellow due to his deep connection to the dark side. Wynn exhibited common Sith traits, such as a lack of tolerance for failure, and believed that those who could not overcome their enemies deserved their fate. He was willing to have some of his students killed to accelerate the progress of others, as seen in the case of Dustil Onasi and Selene. He admired betrayal and deception, but only when he was not the target. Wynn viewed the Force as a gift, not a burden. He believed that the Force should be used to dominate others and that the Sith represented the Force's true purpose. He also believed in seizing opportunities, even if success was not guaranteed. To Wynn, victory was fleeting and illusory unless it demonstrated one's superiority. He supported slavery; when Revan inquired about his companions, Wynn dismissed them as "slaves," as long as they did not interfere with training.

When Revan asked about his past, Wynn only mentioned his years of honing his power before betraying his Master, Jorak Uln. Wynn maintained a calm demeanor, but his rage surfaced when betrayed. Although it was rumored that mentioning Uln, Wynn's former Master, was unwise, Wynn no longer cared about Uln's fate. Wynn was gullible, believing Revan's lies about killing Thalia May and the renegade students, even though Revan had allowed them to escape. Wynn also failed to detect Revan's deception about the rogue assassin droid's destruction. Wynn considered Naga Sadow to be the greatest of Korriban's deceased Dark Lords.

Wynn, like Uln, wielded a double-bladed lightsaber with a red crystal, which he used in combat. He also possessed a Sith mask, a set of Jedi Master robes, a Cinnagar war suit, and a personal datapad. Instead of robes, Wynn wore a Sith officer's uniform.

Powers and abilities

Uthar Wynn brandishing his double-bladed lightsaber.

As a Sith Master, Wynn was skilled in the dark side, using powers to choke his enemies. He could also use the dark side to drain his enemies' life-force and replenish his own vitality. Wynn could use the Force to become invulnerable to most offensive Force powers for a short time. He was proficient with his double-bladed lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Uthar Wynn was created as a villain in the 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game, developed by BioWare.

In Knights of the Old Republic, players can make various choices regarding Uthar Wynn's fate. Revan could ally with Ban and kill Wynn, after which Ban would betray Revan. If defeated, Ban would beg for mercy, and Revan could spare her and allow her to become the Academy Headmaster. Alternatively, Revan could refuse to side with Wynn or Ban, leading to both attacking and being killed, but Revan and his party would then be attacked by everyone in the Academy and forced to fight their way out. Another option is for Revan to side with Wynn and attack Ban, allowing Wynn to live and return to lead the Academy. A fourth possibility is for Revan to attack and kill Wynn with Ban's help, after which Ban attacks Revan. If Revan defeats Ban, she pleads for mercy, but Revan apologizes and kills her. A fifth choice involves Revan refusing to side with either Wynn or Ban, claiming to be the only true Sith and killing both.

Revan can also kill Ban for Wynn and then reveal that he never intended to become a Sith, enraging Wynn, who attacks Revan, vowing to "tear the flesh from his bones." Wynn would also attack if Revan did not inform him of Ban's plot to kill him. If Korriban is the last world a dark-sided Revan visits, Revan can reveal his identity as Darth Revan after defeating Wynn. Wynn recognizes Revan, secretly pledges his allegiance, and vows to commit the Academy to Revan should he defeat Darth Malak.

