Tomb of Marka Ragnos

The Tomb of Marka Ragnos, a Sith burial site, was erected under the direction of Sith Lord Tulak Hord using slave labor. It was situated in the Valley of the Dark Lords located on Korriban. Many years later, following his death in 5000 BBY, Marka Ragnos, the then-reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, was interred within this very tomb.


The tomb of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, hewn into the lower valley's rock face, predates Ragnos's rule, having been commissioned by Tulak Hord. At the time of Ragnos's passing, a funeral procession ascended the grand staircase leading into the tomb's depths. After the burial, Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh, rival Lords, engaged in a duel in the tomb's outer courtyard, each vying for Ragnos's title. The tomb was then sealed, Ragnos's slaves entombed alongside him. With Sadow's victory, the Sith Empire embarked on a war against the Galactic Republic. This conflict led to the Empire's ruin, Sadow's retreat, and a segment of the Empire's relocation to Dromund Kaas. Supreme Chancellor [Pultimo], the Republic's leader, ordered the destruction of Korriban, resulting in the bombing of the Valley of the Dark Lords. For millennia, the tomb remained buried under sand and debris, as the spirits of the Sith festered beneath the surface of the ruined world.


Decades after the Sith Empire's downfall, Darth Revan resurfaced, leading an Empire and establishing a presence on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. Following his capture by the Jedi Order and subsequent alignment with the light side of the Force, Revan returned to Korriban disguised as a acolyte, infiltrating the rebuilt Sith Academy there. During his stay, he explored Ragnos's tomb, battling the tuk'ata guarding its entrance, as well as droid protectors. After retrieving an ancient relic to impress Uthar Wynn, the Headmaster of the Sith Academy, Revan abandoned the tomb to explore the neighboring tomb of Naga Sadow.

During the Dark Wars, a short time after Revan's disappearance, Meetra Surik, his former ally, journeyed to Korriban in search of the Lost Jedi. She observed that the tomb of Marka Ragnos had been severely damaged by sandstorms, its entrance blocked. Over the next millennia, the tomb remained hidden under sand and debris, as the Sith were banished from the galaxy and the Jedi Order enforced a strict quarantine on the planet.

Return of the Sith

When the True Sith Empire reclaimed Korriban at the start of the Great Galactic War, Darth Thanaton dispatched teams to excavate the tombs and ruins in the Valley, aiming to restore it to its former glory. Teams entered Marka Ragnos's tomb, clearing rubble in search of ancient artifacts and powerful tools. By the time of the Cold War, the Sith had unearthed the tomb's reliquary and burial chamber, although the ceremonial entrance remained buried in the rock face. Despite this progress, many acolytes and slaves working in the area succumbed to madness, attacking anyone who approached the tomb's forecourt.

During the Cold War, many Sith, especially young acolytes in training, visited the tomb as part of their instruction. Besides those driven mad within the tomb, Sith deserters occupied areas, targeting apprentices who had surpassed them at the academy. It was during this time that the future Emperor's Wrath ventured into Ragnos's tomb to slay the Beast of Marka Ragnos as part of his trials. Kallig, later known as Darth Nox, also went there to retrieve a Sith holocron that had eluded all Sith for thousands of years.

The lavish interior of Marka Ragnos's burial chamber.

The Disciples of Ragnos

Centuries later, a group known as the Disciples of Ragnos undertook the expensive task of restoring the tomb, uncovering the main entrance that had been hidden since before the Jedi Civil War. By restoring the interior rooms and relighting the torches, the Disciples posed a threat to the Jedi Order of that era for a period of time, culminating in a assault on the Valley by the Jedi. Tavion Axmis, a leader of the Disciples, sought to resurrect Ragnos. She used the Scepter of Ragnos to enter the tomb and summon the ancient Sith Lord's spirit, which promptly possessed her. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr tracked down Axmis, ultimately slaying her and banishing Ragnos's spirit permanently. Korr sealed the tomb's entrance, ensuring Ragnos's eternal rest, and the Disciples were swiftly destroyed, ending the crisis.


The tomb of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, a vast structure with numerous deep chambers and traps, was constructed from stone and situated in the lower reaches of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban. Located along the southern wall of the Valley, the tomb's primary entrance was accessible via a steep staircase leading to a small platform. The rock surrounding the ceremonial entrance was carved to resemble the deceased Sith from the waist up, with open palms on either side of the platform where large fires could be lit. Beyond the ceremonial entrance lay the grand burial chamber. A long corridor, flanked by statues of enthroned kings overlooking visitors, led to an opulent chamber dominated by a larger-than-life statue of Marka Ragnos seated on a massive throne.

The secondary entrance, known as the burial grounds, was located at ground level in the Valley and housed the tombs of Ragnos's slaves and servants. During the Cold War era, this area was infested with tuk'ata, including a mutated beast that piqued the interest of Sith Lord Renning. Nearby was the entrance to the reliquary, frequented by Sith acolytes and academy deserters. Deep within, Ragnos had constructed a massive pyramid to house his holocron for eternity. Positioned at the pyramid's apex, the holocron could only be accessed by a true Sith wielding the dark side of the Force.

Behind the scenes

Various publications have depicted the Valley and its tombs with differing layouts and appearances. This article describes the tomb's layout as depicted in Star Wars: The Old Republic, as it is the most recent visual representation available.

