Tavion Axmis, a Human female Dark Jedi, operated freely during the early years of the New Republic. As an apprentice to the Dark Jedi known as Desann, Axmis accompanied him on a quest to locate the fabled Valley of the Jedi and fought alongside him within Hethrir's Empire Reborn. Following her defeat at the hands of Kyle Katarn, and after Desann's subsequent death, she rose to become the leader of the Disciples of Ragnos cult. She then chose Alora as her apprentice, and dedicated herself to resurrecting the ancient Sith Lord Marka Ragnos.
While Luke Skywalker was investigating the cult, she successfully corrupted Rosh Penin, one of Katarn's apprentices and a student at the Jedi Praxeum, turning him to the dark side of the Force. Katarn, along with his apprentice Jaden Korr, encountered and fought her, and Penin, at Vjun. Subsequently, Axmis traveled to the Sith tomb world called Korriban with the intention of resurrecting Ragnos. Korr was dispatched to stop her, and he prevailed over her after a fierce duel. In a desperate act, Axmis allowed the spirit of Ragnos to possess her, and he controlled her body in combat. She met her death after Korr defeated Ragnos, her body unable to endure the strain.

Tavion Axmis began her journey as a member of the Empire Youth within Lord Hethrir's Empire Reborn movement. Displaying indications of Force-sensitivity, she underwent a "purification" process by the extra-dimensional entity Waru. She then received instruction in the application of her Force abilities under the tutelage of Desann, Hethrir's trusted advisor and a failed Jedi trainee. It was during this period that Desann chose Axmis as his personal apprentice, and together they devised a plan to uncover the location of the lost Valley of the Jedi. During the Battle of Artus Prime, Desann and Axmis intercepted Jedi Academyn Ors, Kyle Katarn's partner and one of the only two individuals who knew the Valley's location. Axmis succeeded in capturing her and bringing her onto their shuttle. When Katarn arrived to rescue his partner, he was swiftly defeated by Desann. Following Desann's orders, Axmis, hidden from Katarn's sight within the shuttle, ignited her lightsaber and gave the impression of killing Ors. Desann spared Katarn, boarded his shuttle, and departed the planet with Axmis.
However, they remained within the system. As soon as Katarn departed in the Raven's Claw, he headed directly to the Valley of the Jedi to restore his lost Force-sensitivity, intending to use it to avenge Ors's supposed death. Desann and Axmis pursued him there. While Desann piloted their ship towards the planet's surface, Axmis contacted Admiral Galak Fyyar to inform him of the Valley's location. Shortly thereafter, Axmis and Desann brought the presumed-dead Jedi Academyn Ors to Admiral Fyyar's flagship, the Doomgiver. After creating a formidable new force known as the Reborn, Axmis left her master to oversee Imperial Remnant forces stationed on [Bespin](/article/bespin-legends], who were involved in smuggling cortosis for the shadowtroopers.

While on Bespin, Axmis encountered Kyle Katarn, whose pursuit of Desann had led him to Cloud City. She mocked him, revealing that they had only pretended to kill Ors to deceive him into leading them to the Valley, and congratulated him for initiating the "era of Desann." Following an intense duel on one of Cloud City's landing platforms, Axmis was defeated by Katarn's superior lightsaber skills. Consumed by anger over Ors's apparent death, Katarn used the Force to hold Axmis over the platform's edge. Axmis pleaded for her life, admitting that she was "not brave enough to die", and disclosed to Katarn that Ors was alive on board the Doomgiver, which was docked at a base within the Lenico Belt. Katarn spared her, ordering her to leave before Desann discovered her.
After complying with Katarn's command and escaping, Axmis lost her master, who was killed by Katarn in the underground of Yavin 4.
Following Desann's demise, Axmis acquired an enthusiastic and sadistic apprentice: Alora, a Lethan Twi'lek female. She then obtained an ancient artifact known as the Scepter of Ragnos from a merchant on Commenor, who did not survive the encounter. Using the Scepter, she drained areas of the galaxy that were strong with the Force, empowering her new followers and forming the Disciples of Ragnos, who aimed to resurrect the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith known as Marka Ragnos. She invited surviving Reborn to join her, which became her New Reborn.

Eventually, Axmis launched a daring operation on Yavin 4, deploying Alora to infiltrate the Jedi Academy in order to access Luke Skywalker's private records of Force nexus locations, while Axmis and the Kothos twins drained the Force energy at a Massassi Temple. To prevent interference, the scepter's energy was used to shoot down an incoming shuttle carrying a group of new Padawans. However, Axmis's actions did not go unnoticed. Jaden Korr, a newly arrived Jedi Padawan, made his way to the Temple after becoming separated from the main group of Jedi on the arriving starship. He witnessed Axmis's activities, forcing her to knock him unconscious with the scepter's energy. Despite Korr's intervention, Axmis and her forces successfully escaped Yavin 4 with the valuable data.
Soon, Luke Skywalker dispatched Jedi to areas of strong Force energy in an attempt to intercept the cult. One of these students, Rosh Penin, was captured by Axmis on his mission to Byss. She exploited his fear of death, turning Penin to the dark side.
Axmis and Penin journeyed to Vjun, the location of Darth Vader's Bast Castle, and attempted to drain the castle's Force energy when Jaden Korr arrived. Axmis remained hidden as the two former friends engaged in a duel. After Korr defeated Penin and Kyle Katarn arrived, Axmis revealed herself. She refused to relinquish her new apprentice, reminding Katarn of the shame he had inflicted upon her on Bespin. Axmis used the Force to snatch Korr's lightsaber from his grasp and hurled it to weaken the ceiling, which she then collapsed upon the Jedi using the power of the Scepter of Ragnos. The resulting chaos allowed her to escape with Penin.

After neutralizing the cult's activities on Taspir III, Korr killed Alora and rescued Penin, who was redeemed from the darkness. Korr and a team of Jedi then traveled to Korriban to prevent Axmis from resurrecting Marka Ragnos, leading to a climactic battle between the Jedi and the Disciples of Ragnos.
Korr reached the Tomb of Marka Ragnos and confronted Axmis, eventually defeating her. However, she refused to cower as she had before Katarn. She seized the Scepter of Ragnos and unleashed all of its remaining energy into the ancient Sith Lord's remains. Ragnos's spirit arose, imbuing Axmis's body with his strength, and fought Korr again using Ragnos's ancient Sith sword. Despite Axmis fighting with Ragnos's enhanced dark side abilities; Korr managed to destroy the Scepter, forcing Ragnos's spirit to retreat back into his tomb. His departure from Axmis's body resulted in her death, and all the energy stolen by the New Reborn was restored to its proper place in the galaxy. When Jaden exited from the ancient structure, he permanently sealed it shut by placing boulders in front of the exit, forever sealing Tavion's husk of a body inside the evil tomb.
Axmis was a formidable Dark Jedi, skilled in lightsaber combat, but prone to occasional overconfidence that masked an underlying cowardice, as demonstrated by her pleading for her life when defeated by Katarn. Following Desann's death, Axmis effectively led the Disciples of Ragnos, training her apprentice Alora to emulate her own ruthlessness. However, her overconfidence ultimately led to her demise. During her duel with Jaden Korr, she attempted to use Ragnos's spirit to kill the young Jedi, believing that his death and Penin's fall to the dark side would undermine Katarn's efforts, potentially turning Katarn to the dark side. Instead, her overconfidence betrayed her, and she perished when Ragnos's spirit departed from her body.
Axmis's lightsaber was named "Stinger."
Axmis was an extremely dangerous adversary. She possessed exceptional skill with the lightsaber and was a master of a variation of the Fast style of saber combat, which she would later teach to her apprentice Alora. Axmis typically employed flashy acrobatics in her sword technique, constantly flipping and somersaulting around her opponent, attacking from various angles in an attempt to overwhelm their defenses with her rapid strikes.
She was also very strong in the Force. She was capable of a powerful Force push, and possessed a high level of skill with the abilities of Force lightning and Force grip.
Axmis was voiced by Kath Soucie in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
Although her last name is never mentioned in the games, Axmis is the surname recorded in the Holocron continuity database.
While there is no definitive evidence, it is possible that Axmis may have been one of the Nightsisters—dark side witches originating from Dathomir, some of whom managed to escape the remote world despite its Imperial blockade. Axmis's style of clothing and her facial tattoo could be indicative of a potential Dathomiri heritage. Furthermore, Luke Skywalker heard rumors about her during a recruitment mission to Dathomir.
A bonus mission is included in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (the Pit) in which Kyle Katarn—equipped only with a lightsaber and his Bryar pistol—confronts Axmis. This scenario is non-canon, as she is ultimately killed by Jaden Korr on Korriban. The map itself was featured in the Multiplayer section of the game as a Duel map.
If the player chooses to embrace the dark side in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Axmis allows Jaden Korr to kill her (seemingly no longer afraid of death) instead of resurrecting Marka Ragnos. Following her death, Korr engages in a duel with his master, Kyle Katarn.