Yavin 4 Incursion

The Yavin 4 Incursion, an event occurring in 14 ABY, involved the Disciples of Ragnos penetrating Yavin 4. Their goal was to drain Force energy from a Massassi temple and pilfer data from the archives of Luke Skywalker.


Tavion Axmis led a contingent of Disciples of Ragnos, including the Kothos twins, as they disembarked in the jungles of Yavin 4. Their purpose was to extract Force energy from a Massassi temple and transfer it into the Scepter of Ragnos.

The battle

Alora slicing into Skywalker's personal records

Simultaneously, the Yavin Runner II, carrying new Jedi students, arrived from Coruscant. Among the passengers were Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin. Axmis took advantage of the situation, targeting and destroying the Yavin Runner II, causing it to crash several kilometers west of the Jedi Academy. Luke Skywalker then sent a shuttle accompanied by a Jedi rescue team to retrieve the survivors. This provided an ideal distraction for Axmis's secondary objective. Meanwhile, Alora, Axmis's apprentice, infiltrated the Academy, sliced into Skywalker's private records, and absconded with sensitive information.

During the crash sequence, Korr and Penin became separated from the other survivors, and were instructed to head towards the temple. En route, they encountered and battled several howlers. Upon reaching the temple, they observed two stormtroopers. After Korr defeated the troopers, he was ambushed by a Sith cultist, whom he also overcame. Approaching the temple, he interrupted Axmis as she was in the process of draining Force energy, and she incapacitated him. By the time Kyle Katarn revived him, the Disciples of Ragnos had already departed, having successfully completed their mission.

