Battle of Korriban (Disciples of Ragnos crisis)

The Battle of Korriban, a massive engagement, unfolded in 14 ABY amid the Disciples of Ragnos crisis. The Disciples had converged on Korriban with the aim of resurrecting Marka Ragnos, a deceased Sith Lord. In response, the New Republic dispatched Jedi to thwart the cultists, triggering a significant confrontation primarily involving users of the Force.


Before the clash, Luke Skywalker assembled all available Jedi within the Grand Audience Chamber of the Massassi Temple. He revealed his discovery of the Disciples of Ragnos' scheme to harness residual Force energy from various locations and objects, utilizing the Scepter of Ragnos. Subsequently, the Disciples journeyed to Korriban to execute the final phase of their plan: the revival of Marka Ragnos.

As the Jedi mobilized to intercept the cult on Korriban, Kyle Katarn received an urgent distress signal originating from Taspir III. The transmission came from Rosh Penin, his former apprentice. Kyle, accompanied by his other apprentice Jaden Korr, resolved to rescue Rosh from the Imperial-controlled planet.

Korr and Katarn proceeded to infiltrate a substantial Imperial installation, identified as the source of Penin's transmissions. The pair eventually separated, enabling Korr to locate his friend before Katarn. Witnessing Penin unharmed, Korr grew suspicious of a potential trap and nearly struck him down with his lightsaber. However, Katarn's warnings prompted Korr to spare his friend and control his anger.

The Twi'lek Alora, who was present and seemingly intended to use Penin as bait to draw Korr to the dark side, unexpectedly attacked Penin, amputating his left arm. Alora and Korr then engaged in an intense lightsaber duel, culminating in Alora's demise at Korr's hand.

Following the duel, Korr departed for Korriban, while Katarn returned Penin to the Praxeum to tend to his injuries. Recognizing the Disciples of Ragnos' proximity to completing their sinister plot, the Jedi initiated preparations for an assault on Korriban.

The battle

Jaden Korr lands on Korriban.

Korr, aboard the Far Wanderer, arrived shortly after the main Jedi force and linked up with a friend and another student. The trio ventured into a dilapidated Sith temple, encountering Sith Cultists and New Reborn engaged in combat with Jedi. They joined the fray, and with the assistance of his comrades, Korr eliminated numerous cultists and advanced deeper into the temple.

Korr subsequently found himself in a spacious chamber, where he pushed four statues into their designated positions, thereby revealing a descending staircase.

He fought several cultists along the way as he hurried toward the Valley of the Dark Lords. As they progressed, they encountered additional Jedi who aided Korr in reaching the open Valley.

After successfully unlocking a sealed door, Korr surveyed the Valley from an elevated position. From there he could see light and dark Force users engaged in intense combat across the tombs. By this point, the cultists had a numerical advantage over their adversaries, and many Jedi had succumbed to the cultists' relentless attacks. However, the Imperials and cultists had underestimated Korr's resolve. At this stage, he proved unstoppable as he cut a swath through the valley, eliminating the majority of the Imperial and Cultist forces in his path.

Duel in Ragnos' tomb

Korr arrived at the entrance of Ragnos' tomb to find Tavion Axmis in the process of resurrecting the Sith Lord. The two engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel, with Korr ultimately gaining the advantage and forcing Axmis to resort to more desperate measures.

Refusing to cower as she had before Katarn on Cloud City, Axmis used the scepter to resurrect Ragnos. Ragnos' spirit took possession of the Dark Jedi, and he commanded her to draw an ancient Sith sword from the scepter to confront Korr. The young Jedi stood firm and eventually managed to disarm the Ragnos-possessed Axmis of the scepter and prevent the possessed Jedi from regaining it. He then destroyed it, forcing Ragnos' spirit back into Chaos. Upon the Sith Lord's departure from Axmis' body, she collapsed dead on the tomb floor, her body unable to withstand the corruption.


New Republic Defense Fleet attacking the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer in orbit.

Korr sealed the entrance to Ragnos' tomb. Upon exiting, he encountered Skywalker and Katarn, who had just arrived. The two Jedi Masters then commended Korr on his successful mission.

Shortly after, three New Republic MC80 Liberty type Star Cruisers arrived at the planet. They destroyed the Imperial Remnant Star Destroyer that was supporting the Disciples of Ragnos on the planet's surface, bringing the battle to an end and obliterating the cult.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, the game featuring the battle, quickly eliminating the Cultists and Reborn results in the remaining Jedi following and assisting the player in subsequent encounters.

In the non-canonical dark side path, the Battle of Korriban evolves into a three-sided conflict involving the Disciples of Ragnos, the New Jedi Order, and Jaden Korr. Korr fights both Jedi and their enemies, often interrupting their duels, as his goal is to claim the Scepter of Ragnos for himself rather than resurrecting Marka Ragnos. Upon reaching Ragnos' tomb, Jaden first defeats and kills Tavion before attempting to kill his own master, Kyle Katarn. Jaden barely defeats his former master in a lightsaber duel and collapses the ceiling on him, though Katarn manages to survive. Jaden leaves with the Scepter and takes control of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer in orbit.

A glitch can occur during the player's fight with Tavion when choosing the dark side ending: entering the room with Tavion while equipped with a rocket launcher and then engaging her with a lightsaber causes the rocket launcher to become the player's lightsaber hilt.

