
Waru was a being from beyond known dimensions, originating from a parallel universe to the galaxy itself. His species was unlike any recorded in New Republic data banks. Many saw Waru as a healer, due to his ability to heal injuries by using his own body. Waru's physical form was mostly blob-like, with golden plates acting as protective shields around a layer of exposed, permeable tissue. A viscous, syrup-like fluid, similar to ichor, flowed freely from Waru's interior through the gaps between the plates. The inside of Waru was far larger than his exterior suggested, offering enough room for three adult Humans to swim comfortably. Furthermore, Humans could breathe inside Waru.

Sometime prior to 14 ABY, Waru was displaced from his native dimension through the combined actions of the crystallizing star Crseih and the research and self-sacrifice of Darth Vader's one-time apprentice, the Imperial Procurator of Justice Hethrir. Hethrir sought to achieve complete mastery of the Force. Waru, seeking a return to his home, made an agreement with Hethrir: he would grant Hethrir his wish regarding the Force if Hethrir could provide him with a being powerful enough to open a path home. Hethrir began his quest to fulfill Waru's request, while Waru took up residence on Crseih Station, where he soon attracted a following known as the Cult of Waru. During this period, he dwelled in an arena containing the Altar of Waru, where he gathered those seeking healing. Eventually, Hethrir's quest bore fruit when he located and kidnapped the Solo children. He intended to sacrifice Anakin Solo to fulfill his part of the bargain. This act compelled Anakin's mother, Leia Organa Solo, along with astromech droid R2-D2 and Wookiee Chewbacca, to pursue the kidnappers, encountering Hethrir's wife Rillao along their journey.

Concurrently, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and the protocol droid C-3PO arrived at Crseih Station in response to a report from the mercenary agent Xaverri, an old flame of Solo's and one of Waru's confidantes. While Solo remained skeptical, convinced that Waru intended to harm those seeking his healing, Skywalker became fascinated by the golden being's actions. Skywalker sought a way to cure himself of the effects of the nearby crystal star, which were disrupting his connection to the Force and making him feel as if he was dying. Soon after, Hethrir arrived at the station to present young Anakin, but was intercepted by Hethrir's son Tigris. Waru, feeling exhausted and alone, demanded a sacrifice. Skywalker then stepped forward and offered himself to merge with Waru, shocking both Leia and Han Solo. They both pursued him into Waru's body. After rescuing Skywalker and exiting Waru, the trans-dimensional golden being became enraged and turned on his former ally Hethrir, consuming him before collapsing inward and vanishing. It was uncertain, both to those present and those who later reported on the events, what became of Waru after his contraction. Some sources claim he survived and was teleported back home, while others suggest he perished there.


Travel through dimensions

Waru existed in an alternate dimension—a parallel universe—to that of the galaxy. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker speculated that Waru's original home operated under the laws of what he termed the "anti-Force," the direct opposite of the Force, despite knowing little about that dimension. Similarly, Waru's past was largely unknown to New Republic observers and historians.

Prior to 14 ABY, Waru was transported from his unknown homeworld (and dimension) by the dying star Crseih, through a rare crystallization process. This event created a Force disturbance large enough to teleport Waru, a being, between parallel universes. The sacrifices and research of Procurator of Justice Hethrir, a Firrerreo trained by Darth Vader as an apprentice, also contributed to Waru's journey. After the journey, Waru ended up on Crseih Station, located near the crystal star.

Contact with Hethrir

Hethrir, Waru's ally

Upon arriving at Crseih, Waru encountered Lord Hethrir. They reached an agreement: Waru would reveal and impart all the knowledge contained within the Force, granting Hethrir complete mastery of it. In return, Waru only desired a means of returning to his own dimension, which he hoped to achieve by consuming a being with significant Force-sensitivity. Hethrir believed the trans-dimensional being could reveal the entirety of the Force, and he dedicated himself to that goal.

To acquire energy within the alien universe he found himself in, Waru needed to counteract the Force present with the anti-Force from his own universe. To support Waru's need to consume beings for their energy, Hethrir would "harvest" children from their homes and raise them for two distinct purposes: those capable of using the Force would form the Empire Reborn, intended to restore the Galactic Empire to its former power, while those without Force abilities would be sacrificed to Waru or sold as slaves to fund Hethrir's operations. To prepare youths for Force training, he would take them to Waru for a purification ceremony, offering the new recruit to Waru. If the purification ritual failed, the young warrior would perish, providing Waru with life force to sustain himself. Those lacking Force abilities would be fed to Waru until Hethrir could find a Force-sensitive individual suitable for sacrifice. Waru accepted this arrangement and remained on Crseih Station while Hethrir continued his search.

Cult of Waru

While residing on Crseih Station, Waru successfully healed an unknown creature of an unknown ailment, and news of his healing abilities spread rapidly. Soon, a cult formed around Waru and his powers, complete with its own internal hierarchy. Humans and aliens alike flocked to the Altar of Waru in Waru's temple, where they would wait for hours, even days, with their sick and injured, hoping Waru would select them. The auditorium where Waru gathered his followers was often dangerously overcrowded. Waru would choose a group, signaling them to approach the stage where he would perform the healing ceremony. The selected group would approach the altar and make their request, after which Waru would attempt to heal the creature.

To maintain the illusion of his power and control his audience, Waru would often sustain those he treated. However, Waru's power was limited and would eventually drain his own life force. To replenish his vitality, he had to kill and consume the life force of a being seeking the opposite of what he offered. Waru would disguise this as an accident or blame the individual he attempted to heal, claiming they were too weak or beyond help. The victims' families always accepted this explanation and mourned publicly, with Waru often joining in their grief.


A group of messengers was responsible for spreading news of Waru. Among them was a Ghostling, who often approached those who seemed lost or unoccupied. Others roamed the streets of Crseih research station, posing as street merchants, information brokers, or simply passers-by.

Shortly before Luke Skywalker and Han Solo's arrival, a Human female named Xaverri met with the enigmatic healer. Although she had attended almost all of his services, she hadn't personally met with Waru until 14 ABY. Over several days, Xaverri befriended Waru, and he allowed her to join him alone after services. However, she did not believe his display of power and instead sought to uncover his true purpose on the station.

A lost Jedi Knight?

Around 14 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was seeking new students for his academy. Having learned of a possible Jedi presence on Crseih Station, he traveled there with his friend and brother-in-law Han Solo and the purple-clad 3PO-series protocol droid C-3PO. Xaverri initiated this information by sending cryptic messages to Solo, subtly enlisting Skywalker's help in uncovering Waru's mysteries. Previously, Solo and Xaverri had collaborated against the Empire, tricking Imperial governors and officers out of their credits, and worked together in the defense of Nar Shaddaa. Due to their past romantic involvement, Xaverri hesitated to approach Solo directly without concealing her identity until his arrival.

The Millennium Falcon lands on Crseih Station.

The Jedi, general, and droid traveled as a group, disguised as tourists to avoid detection. Upon their arrival, still unsure of whom they were seeking, Han Solo was approached by a female Ghostling follower of Waru. The Ghostling invited Solo to the next meeting at the Altar of Waru; however, the New Republic general dismissed the cult as phony. Later, after establishing contact with Xaverri, they confirmed that Waru's cult was their destination. As they arrived, Skywalker noticed a common trait among the supplicants: at least one member of each group suffered from some form of sickness or ailment.

Waru continued his services, attended by Skywalker, Solo, C-3PO, and Xaverri, healing those who approached. Addressing Xaverri, whom Waru correctly identified as being accompanied, Waru inquired about the nature of their visit, as neither Skywalker nor Solo appeared sick or injured. Xaverri revealed that the two newcomers sought to learn Waru's ways and become his followers. After the introductions, Waru asked about C-3PO, whose kind he had never encountered, and Xaverri introduced the protocol droid as "Purple-Three". Pleased, Waru allowed them to remain as he conversed with Xaverri about complex texts. Their discussion continued until Waru abruptly ended it with a ritual that caused Xaverri to faint.

Following this personal meeting, Waru began accepting members from the throng of devotees to heal them. One such being was a Zeffliffl whom Waru healed. Solo remained cynical, expecting Waru's service to be a hoax, especially when no payment was requested. Soon after the first healing, Solo left with Xaverri and C-3PO, initially leaving Skywalker behind but then returning to retrieve the transfixed Jedi. Waru continued his healing rituals, eventually pausing to rest.

The Solo children kidnapped

Meanwhile, on the planet of Munto Codru, Hethrir initiated the kidnapping of the Solo children—the twins, Jacen and Jaina, and their younger brother Anakin—planning to sacrifice them to Waru in exchange for complete mastery of the Force. The plan was successful, and the former Procurator of Justice held them aboard his worldcraft, named the Rebirth, until they arrived at Crseih Station. Upon learning of the kidnapping, the children's mother, Chief of State and former Princess of Alderaan Leia Organa Solo, embarked on a mission to track and rescue her children and confront their abductor. She was joined by Chewbacca, Han Solo's Wookiee co-pilot and friend, who had been injured during the kidnapping, and the astromech droid R2-D2. Along the way, the trio encountered a group of stranded starships, which, after investigation, revealed the kidnapper's identity and several Firrerreo slaves. They were also joined by a new partner, a Firrerreo named Rillao who had been held aboard the slaving ships, in their quest to locate Hethrir. Eventually, the group tracked down Rebirth, where numerous kidnapped children were held. Two of the Solo children, Jacen and Jaina, were rescued along with the other children aboard, but Hethrir, Anakin, and many of his followers had already fled.

Continued investigation

C-3PO looks upon Waru with a sense of astonishment.

The day after Skywalker and Solo witnessed the first healing ceremony, another session began as usual at Waru's altar. Xaverri joined Waru at the start, and he selected people to heal. However, his own life force was dwindling, and he needed to consume another being to survive. Spotting a subfamily of Ithorians caring for a particularly weakened youth, Waru seized the opportunity to use his healing effect and summoned the family to the altar. The ceremony began normally, and Waru encased the young Ithorian in a chrysalis formed by his ichor. The ceremony took an unexpected turn when Waru suddenly cried out, indicating a problem with the healing process. At the cry, the entire audience, except for Solo, fell to the ground and covered their eyes.

Instead of healing, Waru reversed the process, contracting his scales rather than expanding them, crushing the fragile youth. After a sigh from Waru, the chrysalis exploded, leaving the Ithorian dead on the altar. Waru scolded the Ithorian subfamily for not presenting the youth sooner and blamed the youth for being too weak, then requested to be left alone to rest. None of the other audience members, except Han Solo, seemed to notice the recent death and continued to honor Waru. Solo was stunned by what he perceived as Waru's deliberate killing of the youth. The former smuggler was certain that he saw Waru kill the youth on purpose.

Tempting Skywalker

Luke Skywalker affected by the crystal star and Waru

Though Leia Organa Solo had rescued the two Solo twins, along with numerous other abducted children, from the worldship, Hethrir still held young Anakin, believing him to be the crucial figure Waru needed to bestow upon the former Procurator all the Force's knowledge. Hethrir, Anakin Solo, his best Proctors, his son Tigris, and several children Hethrir intended to sell into slavery journeyed to Crseih Station to rendezvous with Waru. Organa Solo and the children remained aboard as the worldship pressed on toward Crseih Station.

Upon landing, Hethrir proceeded to a meeting between himself and various contributors to the Empire Reborn. Meanwhile, Waru continued his duties at his altar. Shortly after the service concluded, Han Solo arrived at the building, just in time to witness Waru in conversation with Luke Skywalker—no longer disguised or traveling secretly—who felt he was dying from the crystallizing star's effects. Waru, taking pity on the Jedi, offered to attempt to heal him; however, this offer was merely a ploy to seize Skywalker's life force to replenish his own and attempt to return to his home dimension. Against Waru's wishes, Solo interrupted the conversation before Skywalker could agree, pulling Skywalker toward the exit. Neither of them knew that both Hethrir's and Organa Solo's groups were heading to Waru's arena.

Hethrir led his group, preparing to present the young Solo child to Waru, who remained resting on his stand. Noticing Anakin among them, Solo deviated from his path to the exit and instead moved to intercept Tigris, who was holding the boy. Organa Solo's group, now led by Rillao, also entered shortly after, joining the panicked Solo. Together, they advanced on Hethrir's position, ultimately leading to a confrontation.

Showdown on Crseih

Hethrir, followed by his loyal guests, brought the child to Waru before the trailing groups could reach them. The extra-dimensional being was greatly pleased that the former Procurator of Justice had presented him with such a gift; Waru considered Anakin Solo, Darth Vader's grandson, a powerful individual. Waru praised Hethrir and allowed the ceremony to commence. As soon as the child was placed on Waru's top, the extra-dimensional being began absorbing Anakin; Tigris, however, stopped him by running from the stage and returning Anakin to his parents, who had arrived shortly after the service began. Waru roared in desperation, angered by the loss of the sacrifice. Amidst the confusion caused by Tigris's actions, Luke Skywalker approached Waru. Waru initially rejected the Jedi's approach, as he was weary and unable to heal Skywalker's ailments; Hethrir changed Waru's mind by revealing that Skywalker was more powerful, being Vader's son. To the surprise of Skywalker's allies, Skywalker agreed and offered himself to Waru; the golden being accepted the offering and consumed the Jedi Master into his body.

The battle within

Leia Organa Solo, distraught by her brother's apparent suicidal sacrifice, ran toward Waru and dove inside his spherical being, which appeared larger on the inside than on the outside. Once inside Waru, the former princess swam through the golden interior toward Skywalker. Waru attempted to thwart her efforts by sending several sharp blades, similar to those on his exterior; she overcame his attempts and continued to close in on Skywalker. Solo also joined the fray, jumping inside Waru as well, while a skirmish between the enslaved children and their masters erupted around Waru's exterior. As the three swam inside his body, Waru's exterior continued to transform and pulsate.

Skywalker continued to drift closer to the whirlpool contained within Waru's golden body. The two Solos attempted to swim toward Skywalker, eventually reaching each other and then Skywalker. Together, Solo and his wife attempted to pull Skywalker away from the alluring singularity inside Waru, who protested and attempted to soothe the two Skywalker siblings into giving themselves to him. The twins eventually succumbed to his demands and fell into the whirlpool leading to the darkness within Waru, forcing Solo to follow. However, Organa Solo soon slowed and stopped, remembering her children and hearing their calls from outside Waru. Snapping out of the trance-like state induced by Waru's words, the former princess fought against her captor and attempted to free Skywalker as well. Initially, Waru's hold over Skywalker's will was too strong; when Organa Solo looked into Skywalker's eyes, she did not recognize the man he had become. After further pleading, Skywalker too broke free from Waru's command and began working his way out of the being's insides.

Return home

Dismayed at the loss of his way home, Waru cried out once again, lamenting that Hethrir had denied him the path back to his dimension by bringing several people powerful enough to accomplish the travel yet squandering all opportunities. Blaming Hethrir personally, Waru quickly expanded one last time, engulfing a surprised Hethrir. At the moment Waru captured Hethrir within himself, a void in the Force was created nearby, noticed by those sensitive to the Force in the area. Simultaneously, the space-time continuum tore, allowing Waru to escape back to his own dimension. Tigris, desperate to keep his father even after Rillao's revelations that he was a traitor to the boy, attempted to follow the former Procurator of Justice into Waru. Initially restrained by his mother and Xaverri, the boy broke their holds and flung himself at Waru's body, which collected him before quickly rebounding him from Waru's surface, which began to contract. Eventually, Waru contracted so much that he collapsed on himself, imploding, and disappeared. Conflicting reports exist regarding his ultimate fate: one account states that he died there, along with Hethrir, while another, later report, claims Waru returned to his home dimension using Hethrir's own Force affinity.

Personality and traits

Waru remained a largely enigmatic being to all who encountered him, primarily due to the mysteries surrounding his home and species. His actions and motives were often difficult to comprehend due to his mysterious nature. Most, if not all, of these actions revolved around a desire to return to his own dimension. While outside his own universe, Waru existed in a perpetual state of loneliness, influencing his actions. When presented with an opportunity to return home by former Procurator of Justice and Dark Jedi Hethrir, Waru readily complied, even aware of Hethrir's motives.

To those who worshiped him as a deity, Waru was known as a benevolent healer and an all-knowing being. During the healing services Waru performed to maintain his position aboard Crseih Station, those healed would praise the golden creature; surprisingly to Han Solo, Waru never requested anything in return. In private with confidants such as Xaverri, Waru expressed that while he enjoyed healing those who came to him, it was detrimental to his own existence. In instances where Waru had to kill one of his patients to restore his own vitality, he derived satisfaction from doing so. To safeguard his image, Waru would often shift the blame onto the deceased or those who brought him; his followers accepted this admonishment, understanding it as merely an accident or a lack of faith.

The Cult of Waru, and the being himself, welcomed all forms of sentience into their halls. Deviating from standard religious practices, even droids, often overlooked as a form of sentience, were permitted to attend and participate. Waru spoke in an unusual dialect, employing words such as "thee," "thou," and "thy." He selectively used this dialect, for example, when conversing with his personal confidants. When addressing a crowd or newcomers to his cult, Waru instead spoke standard Galactic Basic Standard.

Physical appearance

Waru's appearance was considered highly peculiar within the galaxy; indeed, while attempting to match Waru's species to known species, C-3PO stated that Waru did not match any known grouping and was, in fact, unique. Externally, Waru resembled a large, blob-like object covered in golden scales, which he used to permit entry into his being. External forces could also forcibly move them aside. Ichor flowed from the spaces between each covering plate, described as similar to the ooze leaking from the core of the main asteroid within the Smuggler's Run asteroid cluster. Waru used this ichor to encapsulate his patients, within which healing would occur. Waru lacked external forms of expression, possessing no face, but spoke in a deep, booming voice. It was believed that the being communicated telepathically, given his lack of a mouth or other speaking device, as well as the highly specialized method of communicating to individuals without others nearby hearing.

The plates on Waru's exterior protected a layer of raw flesh. The interior of Waru was significantly larger than the exterior suggested, providing ample space for three adult Humans spaced far apart. The ichor that leaked outside was the primary component within Waru. Its nature was intriguing; its consistency was between a solid and a liquid, and Humans could breathe it, albeit with effort, as if it were regular air containing oxygen. Sharpened scales, matching those outside in size and appearance, floated within this ichor; Waru could control these to injure or kill intruders. These scales could be broken with sufficient force, shattering and melting into the ichor. Similar to Waru's exterior, no organs responsible for life were apparent. Deep within the extra-dimensional being's innards resided a whirlpool leading to a dark center, likened by at least one person to a black hole. This whirlpool was rumored to lead to Waru's own world and universe.

Powers and abilities

Described as a being beyond the realm of the Force, and even as a kind of "anti-Force," Waru possessed the ability to heal those he chose to. However, this power came at a significant cost to Waru, whose life force would diminish as he healed others. Consequently, the being would eventually need to kill one of his patients to replenish his own strength. This only temporarily sustained Waru, and towards the end of his stay on Crseih, he had to kill more frequently to maintain his strength.

Waru also claimed to have the power to grant mastery over the Force to those who used it; Hethrir, driven by his desire for power, made a pact with the golden being. Hethrir would provide Waru with Force-sensitive children, whom Waru would consume in an attempt to generate enough power to open a portal to his own world. If Waru succeeded in opening this portal, the former Procurator would receive the entire knowledge of the Force; whether Waru could accomplish this or was merely bluffing to return to his own dimension remained unknown to all but him. Until the kidnapping of the Solo children, all attempts failed. It was only after Waru consumed Hethrir that Waru could create a rip in the space-time continuum; however, it was unknown to those present whether Waru died during its creation and his implosion or if he managed to escape the galaxy's dimension and return home.

Behind the scenes

Vonda N. McIntyre created the character of Waru for her novel, The Crystal Star, where he allied with members of the Empire Reborn. He was referenced in Kristine Kathryn Rusch's book, The New Rebellion, and the children's novel Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur, written by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta; these books used Waru primarily in a referential manner. Waru has also appeared in several sourcebooks, documenting the events surrounding the showdown on Crseih Station. In all three novels featuring Waru, as well as The Essential Guide to Characters, The Essential Chronology, The New Essential Chronology, he is referred to as simply "Waru" with the masculine pronoun. However, in the Star Wars Encyclopedia and Star Wars: Behind the Magic, Waru is instead referred to as "the Waru" with the neutral pronoun.

The Crystal Star is often recognized among Star Wars fans as "the worst Star Wars novel ever"; consequently, Waru has become a satirical cult icon due to The Crystal Star's infamy and has gained a following among fans, similar to K'Kruhk's "Freakin' Sweet" Hat or the status of Kyle Katarn. In this vein, TheForce.net forumite "GrandAdmiralJello" created a satirical fan club centered around Waru. Abel G. Peña noted this, commenting only, "These guys are insane."

Peña has also written a couple of blogs about Waru and The Crystal Star. In the first, Peña reviewed The Crystal Star, noting various aspects, including Waru himself, whom he described as "a golden trans-dimensional being with anti-Force capabilities" (clarifying with the addendum "take a moment to try understanding what that means or exactly entails") and as "an excellent concept that was badly realized." In his later blog, focusing solely on Waru, Peña further describes Waru, initially focusing on Waru's impact on a simple forum debate. At the end of his blog entry, Peña posts several poems penned in a TheForce.net thread based on the extra-dimensional being.

