Proctors represented a youthful organization utilized by the Empire Reborn spanning from the years 13 to 14 ABY. This group primarily consisted of young Force-sensitive male individuals, enlisted by Hethrir, the Imperial Procurator of Justice, operating from his personal Worldcraft headquarters.
The Proctors were outfitted in blue jumpsuits adorned with medals and carried lightsabers as weapons. Functioning as Hethrir's combat unit, their responsibilities encompassed overseeing the remaining captive children at Hethrir's Worldcraft and accompanying him on his travels. Exceptional performers among them were selected for recruitment into the prestigious Empire Youth.
A mandatory purification ceremony involving the being Waru at Crseih Station was required for all members. In the event a participant failed the ritual and was killed by Waru, the remaining Proctors present were obligated to maintain absolute secrecy regarding the individual's demise.
After Hethrir's demise during a skirmish against the New Republic at Crseih Station, the New Republic took the remaining Proctors into their custody.
It is possible that the Proctors drew inspiration from the Hitler Youth. Both groups were employed as fighting forces by their respective leaders, in this instance, Hethrir.