The Empire Youth comprised Force-sensitive acolytes and servants of Lord Hethrir's Empire Reborn organization. These individuals were selected from the most promising Proctors and were easily identified by their pale blue coats, which reached down to their knees. When Desann rose to become second-in-command within the Imperial Empire Reborn faction, he received the responsibility of training them. He eventually chose one of them, Tavion Axmis, to become his apprentice. The lowest ranking members of the Youth were referred to as Helpers.
Eventually, Desann guided the Empire Youths to the Valley of the Jedi, where he imbued both them and himself with the Valley's power. This transformation turned them into highly skilled warriors, resulting in a Dark Jedi army that he named the Reborn. With his newly created Reborn army, Desann, along with Admiral Galak Fyyar, the Empire Reborn's chief weapons scientist and military commander, launched an assault on Yavin with the goal of eradicating the Jedi Order completely.
Despite the arrival of Rogue Squadron, Desann's flagship, the Doomgiver, remained steadfast and began deploying troops. Unfortunately for the Empire Reborn's nefarious plans, Kyle Katarn was aboard the vessel and initiated significant sabotage, and was also responsible for summoning Rogue Squadron. After engaging Galak Fyyar in combat, who was using his specialized battle suit, Kyle managed to escape the Doomgiver after destroying its shield generator.
Rogue Squadron successfully destroyed the Doomgiver, resulting in the deaths of the majority of the Reborn soldiers aboard. Thus ended most of the former Empire Youths, but some managed to escape, even though Desann was killed on Yavin. These survivors regrouped under the leadership of Desann's apprentice, Tavion. They then gathered new Cultist followers, who were infused with the Force through the power of the Scepter of Ragnos, and established the Disciples of Ragnos cult. On Korriban, the Disciples of Ragnos attempted to resurrect the ancient Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, but during an epic battle, the Jedi intervened. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr defeated both Tavion and the spirit of Marka Ragnos, bringing a definitive end to those who were once known as the Empire Youths, including Tavion herself.