A Worldcraft represented a sizable type of habitation sphere. These Worldcraft were essentially artificial planetoids, bearing resemblance to terrestrial planets or moons, and possessing the capacity to traverse both hyperspace and conventional realspace.
This mobile planetoid featured realistic terrain, complete with a wooded surface containing multiple small bodies of water like rivers and swamps, a section of desert of unknown size, and a blue "sky". The Worldcraft maintained its atmospheric environment through the employment of a force field, while submerged gravfield plates ensured a standard gravity level within the worldcraft. At the core of the Worldcraft resided a massive reactor, which supplied power to the hyperdrive engines and the tractor beam. This tractor beam was utilized to keep a miniature "sun" in a fixed position. Due to its compact dimensions and rapid axial rotation, days on the Worldcraft were significantly shorter than standard days observed on most other planets.
The former Imperial Procurator of Justice Lord Hethrir, who was the owner of a Worldcraft, maintained a small complex on his station. This complex included a "school" for the children he had abducted, living spaces, a dining hall, training facilities, and a command center for the planetoid. The Worldcraft appeared to be largely autonomous, not requiring a living crew for its operation.
A Worldcraft could be modified to serve various roles, including transformation into a battle station or a repair facility for starfleets.
The sole known manufacturer of this class of starship was the Galactic Empire. Only a limited number of these vessels existed, each personally commissioned by Emperor Palpatine as gifts for his most dependable and skilled servants. Lord Hethrir, the Procurator of Justice, received his Worldcraft from Emperor Palpatine after perpetrating genocide against his own species, the Firrerreo. Hethrir christened his gift the Rebirth and utilized it as a mobile headquarters for his "Empire Reborn movement". Following his demise, the New Republic assumed control of the station.

During the peak of the Galactic Empire's power, operative Ennix Devian, along with Imperial Moff Ardus Kaine, were also slated to receive a Worldcraft each. However, Palpatine's death occurred before the Worldcraft could be completed. Devian proceeded to steal both stations following the Battle of Endor (taking particular joy in the knowledge that his rival Kaine was also intended to be a recipient) and dispatched them to opposite ends of the galaxy. One was sent to the Moddell Sector, accompanied by a fleet of Star Destroyers, while the other was directed to the Spawn Nebula. The station headed to Endor was modified to resemble a Death Star battlestation, as part of Devian's deception. The similarities between the Worldcraft and the Death Stars proved sufficient to deceive Alliance of Free Planets forces. The station kept the Alliance engaged in the Battle of Death Star III, while Devian's Dissension forces conducted raids on Alliance shipyards in nearby star systems.
Devian's remaining Worldcraft was secretly maintained in the Spawn Nebula and used to repair and upgrade a fleet of capital ships. This growing fleet included warships retrofitted with outdated Confederate technology, specifically potent ion cannons derived from Subjugator-class heavy cruisers. The repair station, along with a significant portion of the fleet, was subsequently destroyed during an attack by New Republic forces, who utilized unstable Illerium brought aboard the Worldcraft by saboteurs.