
Xaverri, a Human female renowned for her skills in magic and illusion, traveled the galaxy as a performer. Her journey took place several years prior to the pivotal Battle of Yavin. A solitary wanderer, Xaverri's past traumas prevented her from settling down. Harboring a deep resentment for the Empire, she frequently acted against its interests. On the moon of Nar Shaddaa, a romance blossomed between her and the smuggler Han Solo following one of her shows. Their relationship, however, was temporary. Post-breakup, Xaverri twice assisted Solo: first, during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, where she played a role in defending the Smuggler's Moon against an Imperial starfleet, and later at Crseih Station, where her insights helped Solo resist the mind control of the alien Waru.


Early life and career

In the cultural norms of her [birth](/article/reproduction-legends], this Human woman's family name, "Xaverri," came after a series of ancestral connections. She used no other name. Born sometime before 29 BBY, Xaverri had become a well-known stage magician by the time she was around thirty, and she was known as "one of the best illusionists in the galaxy." She used much of her earnings to pay the Galactic Empire for protection money for her homeworld and friends, but even that did not always work. The Empire killed her husband and children, which made her bitter and gave her a strong desire to get back at the group that had taken her family away from her. She spent a lot of time on her tours trying to find ways to hurt the Empire. She kept her past a secret and chose to live alone after her loved ones died. Her loneliness and lack of company were mostly her own choice, but they were also made worse by her natural distrust and suspicion of others.

Dealings with Solo

Han Solo, Xaverri's boyfriend

While Xaverri was doing a week-long show on Nar Shaddaa, Han Solo and Chewbacca went to see her show and were amazed by what she did. After the show, Solo and his Wookiee friend went backstage to meet the magician. She was happy to meet them, and Chewbacca liked that she knew about Shyriiwook. Solo was already drawn to Xaverri, so he asked her out for a snack after the show, and she said yes. They started dating, and on their fourth date, Xaverri told Han about her past. He then told her about his own past and problems with the Empire. She also told Solo that this was the first tour where she hadn't spent her free time planning against the Empire. Han offered to help her show as an assistant and pilot, and she agreed to hire him because her current assistant, Glarret, was getting old and wasn't a very good pilot. Soon after Solo became her assistant, Xaverri and Solo became more intimate.

Her show was so popular that it was extended on Nar Shaddaa. After that, she left with Solo and Chewie to go to other places. Xaverri spent six months traveling with Solo, doing stage shows and tricking Imperial officials. During the shows, Xaverri kept using her illusions to entertain people. She also added parts where Chewbacca showed off his Wookiee strength and Solo wore a costume as her assistant. Her shows were still successful and amazed people all over the galaxy. During their sabotage missions, the pair tricked many bureaucrats and officials. In one case, Xaverri helped trick the Assistant Secretary to the Sector Moff of the D'Aelgoth sector out of all his money and made him look like he was guilty of treason. However, two of their scams didn't work out as well. In one failed plan, she and Han had to run through the countryside and hide up to their necks in a swamp to avoid being caught until Chewbacca could pick them up in her ship.

Even though she liked being with Han Solo, Xaverri left him on the luxury moon of Velga, taking her ship, the Phantasm, and going off on her own. She thought that being around him and Chewbacca had made her too soft, weak, and attached to him. She knew that she had to leave him to stay reckless and hard-edged, so she left a message for Solo and the Wookiee on a datapad, wishing them well. She planned to take a short break before starting a new tour and continuing her fight against the Empire.

Battle of Nar Shaddaa

The Battle of Nar Shaddaa, in which Xaverri played an instrumental role

Later, Han Solo asked Xaverri to help him in the upcoming Battle of Nar Shaddaa. The Empire planned to destroy the moon and its millions of people. Han and other smugglers had gathered a fleet of smuggling freighters and private ships, along with Drea Renthal's mercenary fleet, but they needed a way to distract the Imperial Navy. Xaverri quickly agreed to create an illusion, even though she knew it would be hard. She used the holoprojectors from the casinos on Nar Shaddaa and the traffic control buoys in orbit around Nar Shaddaa to make it look like a mercenary fleet was coming while jamming the sensors of the Imperial ships.

In the days before the battle, Xaverri worked closely with fringe slicer Salla Zend, who was also one of Solo's ex-girlfriends, to get the equipment ready for the trick. Xaverri told Han that the Imperials would only be fooled for a few minutes, but Solo was happy with that. The battle went mostly as the smugglers had planned, with the Imperial capital ships being led into an ambush. At that point, Xaverri turned on her illusions, fooling the Imperials and making them turn to face the fake threat. That was enough time for Renthal's fleet to hit them from behind with heavy firepower, which destroyed two bulk cruisers and one Dreadnaught. After taking such heavy losses, the Imperial fleet retreated and the smugglers won. After the battle, Xaverri left to keep working as a stage magician and fighting against the Empire. She said goodbye to Solo again and wished him well. She never stopped attacking the Empire over the years, and she never lost her desire for revenge, no matter how many plans she carried out. Because she had promised to always be alone, she never looked for a partner or a family again.

Crseih Station

The Millennium Falcon landing on Crseih Station, prompted by Xaverri

Years later, Xaverri spread rumors about strange things happening on Crseih Station, pretending that they were reports of lost Jedi, to get Han Solo, who was now married to Leia Organa Solo, and Jedi Luke Skywalker to come and look into it. Crseih Research Station orbited near a crystallizing white dwarf star and a black hole, and the Empire had used it for research in the past. One night, after they got there, she snuck into their room with the help of the droid C-3PO. Han Solo and Skywalker were both surprised to see Xaverri. She told Solo that the New Republic and its "honorable ways" had made it harder for her to do things. But she did think that what was happening on Crseih was a threat to the New Republic, so she led Han, Luke, and C-3PO to the hall of Waru, a strange alien from another dimension that healed and ate people who came near it because it wanted to find a way back to its own dimension. Xaverri went up to Waru, who she had talked to and had good conversations with before, and she even gave it a gift. The alien had so much power over her that she fell to her knees and looked worn out after the meeting.

Even though Solo didn't want to, they stayed to watch Waru work, and then they left. Solo had to pull Skywalker, who was fascinated by Waru, out of Waru's hall. Solo said that he thought Waru was a trick, but Xaverri got angry and said that it couldn't be a trick because she would have seen it. She had lived in Waru's compound for a hundred days to gain its trust, so she thought that it was a danger to the New Republic, as well as the many fans and even worshipers that it had gathered. Still, she went back to Waru's compound, as she had done many times, to watch the being in action.

Later, Solo came back after he found out that Xaverri was still near Waru. He met her just in time to see Waru kill an Ithorian who was trying to get healed by it, but she was annoyed that he hadn't done what she wanted and waited until she called for him. But the experience did make Solo realize how dangerous Waru was. Xaverri then told him that Waru had been brought to Crseih by experiments done by the Imperial Procurator of Justice. She also said that the Procurator and Waru had made an alliance that would give them a lot of power. Solo was still upset by his experience with Waru and was shaken, but Xaverri told him that they would stop Waru together. Han fell asleep while sitting down, but Xaverri carried him to his bed and stayed by his side all night, being careful not to offend him because she knew he had a family. She helped calm him down after he had nightmares about Waru, reminding him that his nightmares about losing his family were just dreams, but hers were real.

The incident later caused some tension between Luke Skywalker and Solo. Skywalker had fallen under Waru's influence, and his control of the Force was slipping because of resonance from the crystal star, so he was suspicious of Xaverri. As Solo pulled Skywalker away from Waru again, they ran into Xaverri again. Even though Solo offered to take her back to the New Republic with them, she refused because she wanted to keep working outside the law. But before they were out of sight of Waru's compound, Han saw the Procurator of Justice, Hethrir, bringing Solo's son Anakin to Waru. Solo, Xaverri, and Skywalker quickly moved to save the toddler from Hethrir, with the help of Leia Organa Solo, Rillao, the Procurator's former mate, and Chewbacca, who had just arrived. Even as they took Anakin Solo away, Skywalker agreed to let Waru take him instead. Han and Leia Solo jumped into Waru's expanse to save Skywalker, who had already been swallowed up, pulling him out and saving him from Waru. Meanwhile, Xaverri helped capture Hethrir's minions and allies, taking them to deal with in her own way. Once again, she said goodbye to Solo and his wife, leaving the station in her ship shortly before the crystal star collapsed into the black hole's event horizon, releasing deadly radiation that sterilized Crseih.

The enigmatic Waru

Personality and traits

Xaverri had black hair, dark brown eyes, and was a little shorter than 1.8 meters tall. Xaverri had a strong stage presence and was thought to be beautiful and exotic when she performed. But she was a bitter woman who was always sad about the loss of her family and wanted to get back at the Empire. She even chose to be alone and stay away from others so she could get revenge. She mostly kept to herself, but Han Solo was able to break through her emotional walls and see her true self. Underneath, Xaverri was a kind, smart person with a sense of humor, but that part of her was hidden by her hate for the Empire.

Her years of living a hard life and tricking people made her suspicious and careful, but she was also very knowledgeable and good at many things. Xaverri also had many ways to get information. She thought of all of these strengths and skills as weapons to use in her own war. She would do anything to hurt the Empire, and she was reckless in her pursuit of revenge.



Xaverri once had a husband who she loved very much. But the Empire killed her husband and her children. Xaverri was heartbroken and dedicated her life to avenging their deaths.

Han Solo

After they met on Nar Shaddaa, Solo and Xaverri quickly became close and intimate, and their relationship lasted for six months. They worked well together and their strengths complemented each other. They also enjoyed being with each other. Xaverri thought Solo was brave and charming, and he thought she was exotic and special. Xaverri and Solo loved each other, but her desire for revenge made her put her feelings for him aside and leave him. But they would meet each other twice after that. Solo would later think that he might have had a future with her if she hadn't left him.


Xaverri was a skilled magician who was good at putting on amazing and dramatic shows. In her shows, she usually wore sparkly clothes that were cut in places to show skin, and she performed a variety of illusions to entertain the audience. Soon after being introduced, she would start her acts, doing harder and harder tricks. Some of her tricks included lasering a volunteer from the audience in half, and then lasering herself in two pieces as well. She also seemed to teleport herself and some Rodian batwings from one glassine cage to another one on the other side of the stage in an instant. Xaverri also released a flock of Kayven whistlers into the audience, but the animals, like the rest of her tricks, were just an illusion. While on Nar Shaddaa, her grand finale was to make it look like the audience was floating in space and about to crash into a rogue dwarf star. Even Han Solo, who was an experienced con man, pickpocket, and card shark, couldn't figure out how her illusions worked.

Xaverri was a talented illusionist who was so skilled that she could trick Imperial sensors into thinking that a battlefleet was coming. She was also trained as a gymnast and contortionist, and she used weapons like vibroblades and daggers in some of her acts. She was also a skilled con artist, and Han Solo thought that she was better at scams than Garris Shrike. In addition, Xaverri knew how to fly, which allowed her to pilot her own ship, the Phantasm.

Behind the scenes

Xaverri was first introduced by Vonda N. McIntyre in the 1994 novel The Crystal Star. Her character and past relationship with Han Solo were later described in more detail by A. C. Crispin in the book The Hutt Gambit in 1997. In 2012, she was mentioned in The Essential Reader's Companion. The section of the book that talked about the plot of The Hutt Gambit incorrectly said that Xaverri first appeared in the novel The New Rebellion.

