The Reborn constituted a lethal cadre of Dark Jedi serving the Empire Reborn faction. Realizing the ambition of artificially imbuing individuals with the Force, these Reborn warriors functioned as the implements of Lord Hethrir's grand design, which involved resurrecting the principles of Emperor Palpatine, the doctrines of the Sith, and the Galactic Empire itself.

Desann, formerly a student at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, was a Dark Jedi aligned with Admiral Galak Fyyar, a prominent warlord within the Imperial Remnant. Both played crucial roles in the Reborn's genesis – an army of fighters artificially enhanced with the Force. They operated under the direction of Lord Hethrir, a formidable Dark Jedi and the originator of the Imperial splinter group known as the Empire Reborn.
Hethrir tasked Desann with the training of numerous loyal Empire Youths who had undergone "purification" by a trans-dimensional entity named Waru. The Dark Jedi exploited the Force nexus situated in the Valley of the Jedi, a location Kyle Katarn was tricked into revealing to Desann, thereby quadrupling their abilities by harnessing the residual energy of ancient Jedi and Sith spirits. Armed with their individual lightsabers and clad in cloaked uniforms, they formed a military organization designed to bolster Hethrir's Empire Reborn, posing a grave threat to both the New Republic and Skywalker's fledgling Jedi Order.

As agents of Desann and the Empire Reborn, the Reborn were deployed on various missions across the galaxy, frequently accompanied by standard Imperial Army units. One such location was Cloud City on Bespin, which they briefly occupied until they were defeated by the local militia, aided by Kyle Katarn, who was struggling to regain his connection to the Force.
Desann, consumed by animosity towards Luke Skywalker, intended for the ultimate purpose of the Reborn to be the annihilation of Skywalker and his Jedi Academy. In collaboration with Fyyar, he plotted to unleash their Reborn army, alongside superior Shadowtroopers (equipped with cortosis armor and cloaking devices), and conventional Imperial forces, upon Skywalker's academy on Yavin 4. The invasion force was to be launched from the Imperial transport ship Doomgiver, under Fyyar's command.
However, Katarn, having reestablished his bond with the Force, successfully infiltrated the Doomgiver and transmitted its coordinates to Rogue Squadron, which initiated an assault, destroying the ship in orbit above Yavin 4 before the entire invasion force could reach the moon's surface. The forces that had already landed were routed by New Republic troops and Skywalker's Jedi. Kyle Katarn eliminated numerous Reborn and Shadowtroopers, ultimately killing Desann within the Jedi Academy.
The Reborn possessed considerable strength, though Katarn characterized their power as "warped" due to the artificial nature of their Force infusion. Their primary weapon was the red-bladed lightsaber, which they wielded with proficiency, having been rigorously trained in the Fast and Medium combat styles. They could also execute a potent Force push during combat, and they exhibited limited capabilities in Force speed and Force grip.

Following Desann's demise, the surviving Reborn coalesced under Tavion Axmis, Desann's apprentice, whose life Katarn had spared on Bespin. Tavion, with the backing of the Imperial Remnant, established a Sith cult known as the Disciples of Ragnos, and they became known as the New Reborn.
Similar to Desann, Axmis dispatched her Cultists and New Reborn on diverse missions to various locations throughout the galaxy, where they encountered several Jedi Knights from Skywalker's academy, including Kyle Katarn and his exceptionally talented apprentice, Jaden Korr. Korr, in particular, emerged as a formidable adversary for the Cultists and New Reborn, with many meeting their end at his lightsaber's edge.
The New Reborn ultimately met their ultimate end on the planet Korriban, where an army of Jedi from Skywalker's academy vanquished them in a climactic battle fought amidst the ancient Sith temples and tombs in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Under Desann's leadership, the Reborn functioned as a structured military organization. They employed different colors to denote rank and were organized and trained into specialized units tailored for specific tasks.
Reborn : The lowest tier. These Reborn possessed minimal Force abilities (limited to Force Speed); they wielded a standard red lightsaber, like all Reborn, and wore yellowish-orange cloaks. They were competent in Fast and Medium combat styles but lacked the skill to defeat a Jedi in single combat.
Reborn Acrobat : This rank, distinguished by blue attire, specialized in utilizing the Force for enhanced jumping and mobility. Reborn Acrobats were trained in the Medium style of lightsaber combat.
Reborn Force User : These members wore red over cream-colored vests. Their expertise lay in pure Force abilities, such as Force push and Force pull, rather than lightsaber skills or unarmed combat. The Medium style was their preferred method should they be forced into a lightsaber duel.
Reborn Fencer : Highly skilled duelists, trained specifically in the Fast and Medium styles, wielding red lightsabers. They also possessed moderate Force abilities, capable of telekinetically throwing their lightsabers with remarkable accuracy. Their robes were green. While an average Jedi could defeat a Reborn Fencer, it would not be without difficulty.
Boss : This rank wore dark bluish-purple and red robes. They represented a synthesis of all other Reborn divisions, forming the elite of the organization. They exhibited significant Force capabilities and could counter a Jedi's lightsaber skills with the Fast, Medium, and Strong combat styles. These were Desann's best warriors, alongside Galak's Shadowtroopers.
Under Tavion's command, the Reborn became less structured and more secretive, participating only in missions of critical importance. They also replaced their robes with armored battle suits. Junior members, weaker in the Force, displayed blue markings on their armor, while most others had red. Above them were the Reborn Masters, the absolute elite, who wore gray heavy battle suits and wielded lightsabers identical in style to those of Desann. More than a match for most Jedi, defeating them required exceptional Force talent or lightsaber skills. Two notable New Reborn were the Kothos twins, Vil and Dasariah Kothos. They abstained from using lightsabers, instead relying on superior Force abilities, acrobatics, and other skills. They wore red heavy battle suits and were formidable adversaries.