
Selene was a Human woman who persuaded her acquaintance, Dustil Onasi, to become a Sith Apprentice with her at the Sith Training Facility situated on Korriban. Uthar Wynn, the Academy Head, saw her as an impediment to Onasi's advancement, and consequently, she was murdered under Wynn's instructions.


Selene, a Force-sensitive Human female, existed during the time of the Jedi Civil Conflict. Sometime following the planetary Telos IV's destruction via bombing carried out by the Sith Regime, Selene convinced her friend Dustil Onasi, the offspring of Carth Onasi and a survivor of the bombing, to accompany her to the Sith Training Grounds located on Korriban. The two of them underwent training there as Sith Initiates.

The director of the academy, Uthar Wynn, noticed that Selene's aptitude with the Force was not as great as Onasi's. Thinking that Onasi's feelings for Selene were hindering his development, Wynn gave the order to have Selene eliminated from the Academy and executed. He then informed Onasi that she had perished during a mission within the Valley of the Dark Lords. He was confident that the apprentice would quickly forget Selene and kept documentation of her demise within his electronic notepad.

Revan, formerly known as the Sith Dark Lord, arrived on Korriban alongside Carth Onasi. There, they discovered that his son had lived through the bombing of their birthplace. At first, Dustil was unwilling to side with his father and did not believe the Sith were as malevolent as his father stated. After Carth and Revan presented Wynn's datapad as proof that the Sith had been responsible for Selene's death, Dustil conceded that he would depart from the Academy after warning the other students.

