Dustil Onasi

Dustil Onasi, the offspring of Morgana Onasi and the decorated war hero Carth Onasi, possessed Force-related abilities. During the bombing of Telos IV, the Sith abducted him. Subsequently, he underwent training at the Sith Academy situated on Korriban, but he eventually rejected the Sith and made his way back home.


Early life

Dustil Onasi with his parents on Telos IV.

Born on Telos IV, Dustil was primarily brought up by his mother due to his father's frequent deployments as a soldier in the Republic Navy. During the Jedi Civil War, when Telos IV's surface was bombarded and destroyed, Dustil's mother met her death, and he was presumed to have perished as well. However, he actually survived, claiming to have been captured, and developed a profound resentment towards both the Galactic Republic and his father for their failure to protect Telos IV.

Sith training

Later, a friend named Selene convinced Dustil to enroll in the Sith Academy on Korriban. There, he embraced his animosity towards the Republic and his father, quickly rising to become one of the academy's most promising students. His connection to the Force was strong, and he demonstrated skill in combat, soon capturing the attention of the academy's headmaster, Uthar Wynn.

During his training, Dustil formed a relationship with Selene, who was also a student at the academy. However, Selene's potential did not match Dustil's. This troubled Master Uthar, who believed that such emotional bonds would impede his top student's advancement. The cunning Sith Master secretly arranged for the young woman's murder and then deceived Dustil about her fate, claiming she had died on a mission in the valley. These events only deepened his commitment to the Sith, as he felt they cared for him and considered them his family. He also came to believe that his father never cared for him and was solely responsible for his mother's death, leading him to sever all ties with his father. He eventually encountered Jordo, an old acquaintance of Carth, who was visiting Korriban while working for Czerka Corporation. Dustil did not recognize Jordo, but Jordo recognized Dustil.


During the Jedi Civil War, Carth learned from Jordo that Dustil was still alive on Korriban. Along with Revan, a former Sith Lord, he infiltrated the Sith Academy to locate the Star Map on Korriban, while Carth also sought to find Dustil. Carth eventually found Dustil but was saddened by the choices Dustil had made. He attempted to reason with him and persuade him to abandon the Sith, explaining that they were evil. Dustil refused, still blaming his father for his mother's death and believing the Sith to be his true, caring family.

However, Dustil agreed to give Carth a chance to prove the Sith's evil nature, promising not to reveal that he knew Revan and Carth were at the Academy under false pretenses, as long as they did nothing to jeopardize his standing with the Sith. When Revan and Carth discovered a journal in Master Uthar's private chambers detailing Selene's death, they decided to show it to Dustil as evidence of the Sith's true nature. Overwhelmed by this revelation, Dustil was convinced to renounce the Sith and their teachings.

Dustil vowed to eventually meet his father on Telos IV, where they could begin to mend their relationship. Instead of leaving the Academy immediately, he chose to remain on Korriban to help as many of his friends as possible and gather information that could aid the Republic. Carth wished him well, but doubted whether his son would ever be the same.

Personality and traits

According to his father, Dustil had always detested deception. Carth also noted that Dustil was stubborn and committed fully to everything he did, a trait they shared.

His anger and hatred stemmed from his father's and the Republic's failure to save Telos and his mother. When Carth, accompanied by Revan, found Dustil at the academy, Dustil nearly attacked his father for his absence during the bombing of Telos IV by the Sith.

Despite embracing the ways of the Sith, he was not yet prepared to completely cut ties with his past, although he was close to doing so. He retained his surname, but preferred to be addressed only by his first name, becoming angered by the use of his last name. He did not recognize Jordo when they met. When Carth found Dustil, Dustil immediately expressed his disdain for Carth. However, Dustil still remembered his mother and held her in high regard, claiming her as family.

Dustil was still capable of forming friendships within the Academy and even developed a romantic relationship with Selene. Upon learning that the Sith had killed Selene, he was shocked by their deception, as he had been a loyal student. This realization likely meant that he would never allow the Sith to deceive him again.

Powers and abilities

Dustil possessed a strong connection to the Force and demonstrated significant progress in its use, along with skill in wielding his lightsaber. This impressed Uthar Wynn. He was known to be capable of using Force drain, Force Horror, and basic Telekinesis as part of his combat abilities.

Behind the scenes

Dustil's appearance (along with the entire side quest) is triggered only if Carth has shared his family history with the player and if the player subsequently visits a spaceport with Carth, where they receive information about him.

While the above represents the canonical light side version, it is possible for the player to kill Dustil if they are following the dark side path or simply choose the wrong dialogue options while Carth is present. Similar to Juhani in the Dantooine Grove, aggressive remarks will provoke Dustil into attacking you.

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Dustil was originally intended to appear in the tomb on Korriban. Dustil would claim to be a Jedi who had abandoned the dark side, only to return to Korriban for reasons unknown even to himself. Inside the tomb, Dustil would claim to have encountered and killed Carth twenty-two times, while at other times, Carth had killed him. While speaking with the Jedi Exile (whom he mistakes for a vision), he would weep for his father and question why he had abandoned him. Dustil would then become enraged and attack the Exile. However, the voice acting for this scene was never completed, and it was cut from the final game. Instead, a body labeled "Dead Jedi" can be found in the chamber, along with a datapad belonging to a Jedi named Nebelish. The designers, however, did not change the model for the corpse, and it still clearly resembles Dustil.

