Lashowe was a young Force Adept who chose to support the Sith Empire during the time of the Jedi Civil War. Driven by a desire for power, influence, and deeper insights into the dark side, her ambition was to become a Sith student in full standing at the renowned Korriban Academy. This aspiration seemed within reach when, soon after she harassed a new arrival at the Dreshdae settlement, she found herself among a select few contenders vying for the chance to take the "final test"—the hurdle separating hopefuls from genuine Sith students.
Much to her astonishment, the very stranger she had previously accosted was among the chosen few and, like Lashowe herself, was an apprentice of Yuthura Ban. However, unbeknownst to her, this stranger was actually the redeemed Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Revan. Determined to be the one who most impressed Master Uthar Wynn, Lashowe discovered the location of an ancient holocron within the Valley of the Dark Lords. Nevertheless, outmatched by the very man who once commanded the Sith she so desperately sought to join, Lashowe's aspirations were cut short, and she met her end at Revan's hand in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
Although Lashowe possessed sensitivity to the Force and was born after the conclusion of the Great Sith War, her later associations implied she did not receive training from the Jedi Order during the Restoration. Despite this, by the year 3956 BBY, her abilities as a Force Adept had gained recognition from the Sith Empire, and she resided on Korriban, eager to prove her worthiness for full acceptance into the Sith Academy.
While lingering near the stall of the Rodian arms dealer B'ree alongside a couple of companions, Lashowe noticed a newcomer arriving in Dreshdae. With the intention of intimidating and belittling the stranger, who was, in reality, the reformed Sith Lord Revan, Lashowe—still just a promising hopeful—exaggerated her importance, presenting herself as one of Korriban's many influential Sith. Claiming that the former Dark Lord's fate was in her hands, Lashowe demanded he entertain her if he wished to survive. Ultimately, the encounter concluded without any violence, and Lashowe and her associates returned to the Sith Academy.
Shortly thereafter, Lashowe was presented before the leading Sith Master of the Academy, Uthar Wynn, as one of the candidates to become a fully initiated Sith student. There, alongside the familiar faces of Mekel and Shaardan, stood a "late arrival": the individual she had confronted in Dreshdae. Revan had been nominated by Yuthura Ban, Wynn's apprentice and second-in-command. Confident in her skills and undeterred by either the newcomer or Wynn's questioning, Lashowe declared herself prepared to take her next significant step down the dark path.
Wynn explained to the candidates that they would be competing to accumulate "prestige", earning favor in his eyes by performing actions he considered worthy of a Sith. The one who impressed him the most would then undergo the "final test" within the tomb of Naga Sadow. Those left behind the victor, assuming they survived, would have to wait until the following year.
Although Lashowe, like the other candidates, was assigned Ban as her instructor, she soon discovered an ancient artifact of immense value: a holocron within the tomb of Tulak Hord. Completely determined to be the one to secure Master Wynn's favor, Lashowe focused all her efforts on acquiring it. Unfortunately, she quickly learned that the holocron was located inside the stomach of a Tuk'ata mother and, as such, was effectively guarded by a pack of those dangerous creatures. Undeterred, she began devising a plan to deal with them.
While Lashowe was working at her dormitory's built-in computer terminal, Revan approached her. Initially dismissive of the man, he proved persistent, and eventually, Lashowe told him about her plans for an "artifact". To her surprise, he offered to help her retrieve it, and after some convincing, Lashowe agreed to an alliance, finally revealing that the artifact was an ancient holocron. Plotting treachery, but trusting the intentions of her newfound partner, Lashowe did her best to assure Revan that Wynn would split prestige for the act between them. She then departed for the Valley of the Dark Lords to begin preparations and await his arrival.
Upon reaching the entrance of Tulak Hord's tomb, Lashowe knelt before the resting place of the ancient Sith Lord. Using the Force, she began to call out to the Tuk'ata in their "language," knowing that it would draw them out into a vulnerable position in the open. However, as time passed, Lashowe still saw no sign of the help she had been promised, and fearing what would happen if the Tuk'ata were to attack her alone, she reluctantly prepared to abandon her plan.
Therefore, she was immensely relieved when the help—Revan—finally arrived, albeit just moments before the Tuk'ata emerged from the tomb. Yet Lashowe and Revan together, fighting side by side, proved more than a match for the dark side creatures. Delighted by the victory and surprised by the ease with which they accomplished the task, Lashowe triumphantly plucked the Holocron from the dead Tuk'ata mother, fully intending to betray the man who had made it possible and claim all the credit for herself.
In the end, however, all of Lashowe's planning and preparation was in vain, as she forced Revan to end her life in self-defense.
A fiercely passionate young woman, Lashowe enjoyed feeling powerful, authoritative, and feared—as she demonstrated upon first meeting Revan—and appeared to be the de facto leader of an informal group that included at least two bloodthirsty friends. Although she was a cruel individual, who took pleasure in making "fresh" newcomers to Dreshdae feel insignificant, even killing them on occasion, she nonetheless appreciated a certain sense of humor—provided it wasn't at her expense—and would spare at least some of those who enabled her power fantasies. Though insults or direct challenges to her feigned authority both infuriated and surprised her, For all her efforts to project confidence, however, that Force persuasion techniques and even flattery could sway her decisions suggested that she was not of a particularly strong will. Her Sith Master, Yuthura Ban, also singled her out for criticism, stating that she was far too trusting for a Sith.
Despite being merely a prospective student at the Sith Academy, one among many hopefuls who had yet to be truly initiated into the Sith, Lashowe was a capable Force Adept and skilled enough to effectively wield a lightsaber in combat. Impressively, she was also capable of using the Force to communicate with the Tuk'ata beasts that inhabited the Valley of the Dark Lords in their own "language," though whether her ability extended to other animals is unknown.
Lashowe, created by David Falkner, Steve Gilmour, Casey Hudson, Drew Karpyshyn, [James Ohlen](/article/james_ohlen], Preston Watamaniuk, and Derek Watts, made her first, and to date only, appearance in the interactive entertainment product Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. She is involved in a scripted encounter early on the world of Korriban, within the Dreshdae settlement, and therefore always meets Revan. Furthermore, Lashowe initiates one of Revan's optional side quests at the Sith Academy, and depending on his choices, she may be killed during its completion. If she survives, she will automatically become hostile following Revan's victory over Uthar Wynn and his turning Yuthura Ban from the dark side. She can only remain "friendly" if either Uthar or Yuthura return to lead the Academy, events that, as an adherent of the light side, Revan did not allow to occur.
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the "Jedi holocron" of her side quest is implied to have been the Sith holocron of Tulak Hord, in whose tomb the Tuk'ata resided.
Although the scripted encounter at the Dreshdae colony will always conclude without violence—with Lashowe and her companions departing—there are a few different ways to reach that outcome. As Revan, the player can choose to confront Lashowe and refuse to participate in her games, threaten her, act frightened by her threats, or tell her a joke.
The joke is a version of the "World's Funniest Joke," which is based on a Goon Show sketch by Spike Milligan. It is as follows:
If Canderous is in your party, he'll remark that it would be more realistic if the commander shot them both. Zaalbar will laugh and Carth will be unamused.
If Revan's persuade skill is high enough, his delivery of the joke will successfully amuse Lashowe and her companions. If not, the joke falls flat, and he has to resort to one of the other options.
If Revan has discovered their true identity, they can try to intimidate Lashowe and her friends into backing down by revealing it to them. Instead, they'll assume Revan is joking and laugh loudly.
There are numerous ways in which Lashowe's optional side quest at the Sith Academy can play out. Revan can convince her to work with him through flattery—claiming he has always wanted to work with "a beautiful woman"—or through direct persuasion, arguing that together they would be unbeatable. He can also influence her mind through the Force to reinforce his suggestion. If Revan's persuasion skills are limited, however, he can offer to trade information and give Lashowe a genuine prestige-related lead. For example, he can tell her about the doubts of Kel Algwinn, allowing Lashowe to inform Master Wynn and earn prestige.
Once Lashowe and Revan agree to work together, they successfully defeat the Tuk'ata in the Valley of the Dark Lords, and Lashowe takes the holocron, telling Revan she will be returning to Master Wynn alone to inform him of "their" success. At this point, Revan has several choices. He can demand the holocron from Lashowe, leading to a confrontation that ends in her death. He can choose to believe her, or at least not press the issue, allowing her to return to Wynn and claim all the credit for herself, or he can insist that they take the holocron back together as they originally agreed. If he pushes this last issue, Lashowe will eventually attack him, and Revan will be forced to kill her in self-defense.
Should Revan allow Lashowe to leave, when he returns to the Academy and inquires about the holocron, he will learn that she has claimed full credit. Although Wynn knows of her betrayal, he respects it. Revan is then left to confront Lashowe back at her dormitory. Lashowe mocks him for being so gullible, and Revan can choose to either walk away or challenge her to a duel. If Revan kills her in combat, Master Wynn will award him with prestige for the act, informing him that he appreciates such drama.