
Mekel was a human male who possessed force-sensitive abilities. He aspired to be a student at the Sith Academy situated on Korriban during the last years of the Jedi Civil War.


In the year 3956 BBY, Revan, a one-time Sith Lord who had since been retrained as a Jedi Padawan, encountered Mekel just outside the Academy's entrance. Mekel was in the process of mistreating several beings who desired to gain admittance. Mekel declared he would admit the individual who could endure the longest without sustenance, hydration, or rest. Appalled by this blatant display of callousness, Revan voiced his disapproval to the impetuous Mekel, who then departed with a frustrated sigh and a weak threat.

After Mekel's departure, Revan successfully dissuaded the remaining hopefuls from pursuing their ambition to join the Sith ranks. Revan achieved this either by revealing the harsh truth or through deception, falsely claiming that they were deemed unworthy.

Revan and Mekel's paths would cross again within the tomb of Tulak Hord located in the Valley of the Dark Lords. Jorak Uln, a former headmaster of the Academy, had been ousted by his apprentice, Uthar Wynn, and had retreated into the tomb as a deranged recluse, abducting any Sith students who stumbled upon his lair. Revan, aiming to enhance his prestige to better infiltrate the Academy, sought out Uln, only to find that he had imprisoned Mekel. Revan refused to participate in Jorak's twisted game and instead allowed himself to be tortured in Mekel's stead. Astonished by Revan's self-sacrifice, Mekel harnessed the Force to liberate Revan and assist him in eliminating Jorak. In the aftermath of the battle, Mekel expressed his profound gratitude to Revan for saving his life. He then correctly surmised that Revan was not a genuine Sith and pledged not to expose him. Revan then attempted to persuade Mekel to embrace the light side. After careful consideration, Mekel ultimately resolved to abandon the Sith ways. However, he likely did not become a Jedi, believing himself unworthy due to the harm he had inflicted on others.

Powers and abilities

While the complete range of Mekel's Force powers remains unknown, he demonstrated his proficiency with the dark side ability known as Force drain during the confrontation with Jorak alongside Revan.

Behind the scenes

If the player opts for the dark side path in this scenario, they have the option to permit Jorak to torture Mekel until his demise, or they can betray Mekel after jointly defeating Jorak.

Two neutral-alignment possibilities also exist: Should Revan fail to dispatch Jorak swiftly enough, Mekel may simply perish in the conflict, resulting in no alignment shift. Furthermore, if the player neglects to convince Mekel to renounce the dark side following Jorak's defeat, he will simply remain at the Academy. Upon the player's return from Naga Sadow's tomb, depending on the choice made, Mekel may join the rest of the Academy in attacking him and ultimately be killed.

Similarly, alignment shifts can occur with Mekel's "hopefuls": Dark side points can be earned if Revan convinces the Aqualish hopeful that his final task is to kill the guard at the gate. The Aqualish charges the guard, and is quickly killed. Depending on which party members are present, the player will get different responses. Jolee will wonder aloud if all Sith are that gullible when they join the order. Juhani will criticize such cruel, manipulative behavior. Conversely, Zaalbar and HK-47 will be amused, with Zaalbar remarking that he feels no pity whatsoever for the dead Aqualish, and HK praising such skillful "eliminating of the opposition."

